Kim Reynolds

Image of Kim Reynolds
I am a firm believer that you can make a mistake but that shouldn't define you. Everybody deserves a second chance.
- Kim Reynolds
Collection: Chance
Image of Kim Reynolds
Work-based learning is a game changer. It's like test driving a career, and I have seen it in action with our registered apprenticeship programs for high school students.
- Kim Reynolds
Collection: Learning
Image of Kim Reynolds
As a mom, grandma and governor of Iowa, I believe we have an opportunity and a responsibility to combat the teen vaping epidemic.
- Kim Reynolds
Collection: Teen
Image of Kim Reynolds
It takes courage to come forward, and I don't want any victim of sexual harassment to think twice about doing so.
- Kim Reynolds
Collection: Courage
Image of Kim Reynolds
There are few things as powerful as the joy of someone who got a second chance and found their purpose.
- Kim Reynolds
Collection: Chance
Image of Kim Reynolds
The power of prayer and faith in God is something that has guided so many of us in good times and bad.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
I'm not about change for the sake of change, but we should always be evaluating any initiative we're working on to see if we can do it better.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
So often public service comes with sacrifice. A sacrifice that our men and women in uniform make each day.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
Iowa truly is a place where if you work hard, dream big, anything is possible.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
People can't work and have the quality of life they deserve if they aren't healthy.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
Children certainly can't learn if they're dealing with trauma or mental illness.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
Our military, police, and first responders risk their lives to protect ours, and so today - and every day - we should thank those who serve and honor those we've lost.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
For all of our history, it has been an article of faith that we in America bestow unto our children and grandchildren a nation that is stronger than the one we were given.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
In a small town, everyone works together and does life together, and because of that everyone takes care of each other. That's Iowa. Whether it's Des Moines or Sioux Center, Decorah or Davenport, Iowans exhibit those small-town values. They work hard, but not so much for themselves. They're ambitious, but not at the expense of others.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
How do you say 'thank you' to a community who gave you a second chance? A lot of people don't get a second chance.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
My message is that it's never too late. If it's something you want to do or if it's important to you, go for it.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
If there is one thing that COVID-19 has shown us, it's the little things that we likely took for granted that made our lives seem normal.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
In an increasingly volatile and uncertain world, the men and women of the Iowa National Guard play a vital role in overseas contingency operations, domestic response missions and aggressive training exercises to remain a ready and reliable force.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
Reach out to the military-connected youth in your classrooms, your neighborhoods and your families and offer your gratitude for the service they undoubtedly provide in supporting, uplifting and encouraging the men and women of the United States armed forces.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
Increased demands on the members of the Iowa National Guard often means increased time away from home and increased responsibility for those left behind.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
I believe that victims of sexual harassment must be allowed to tell their story on their time, in their own way.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
To those state and local government employees who care deeply about this issue, let me be crystal clear: Under my watch, your IPERS is safe. It will not change; it will be protected; and you will have the retirement you were promised. Period.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
Because of fiscal responsibility, we will keep taxes low and maintain important priorities like IPERS.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
We will maintain and honor the commitments made to people in the IPERS system.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
I spent 19 years as a local government official; I spent two years in the Iowa Senate; my daughter is a public school teacher. We're all counting on IPERS. The public servants are counting on the system they were promised when entering public service.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
The executive female talent gap is real, and that's why it's critical to champion women throughout their careers.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
Having more women in leadership helps our economy grow strong and our communities become even more vibrant.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
In Iowa, we're fortunate to have a public-private initiative called the EPIC Corporate Challenge. EPIC stands for 'Economic Potential for Iowa Companies and Communities.'
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
If President Obama is re-elected, he will continue to spend more money than we take in and to expand a debt that's already on the verge of being unsalvageable. That's a future that should frighten every American, no matter what their generation.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
Both parties recognize the fundamental danger the country's debt poses to our nation's future, but President Obama's policies have not reflected that reality. By the end of his first term, his administration will have nearly doubled our public debt.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
The fact is we can't prevent people from getting the COVID-19 virus.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
We have all been impacted by COVID-19. Some of us have lost a loved one and others know those who are sick.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
I understand the world of addiction. I get it. I know how fleeting recovery can be.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
We know the job market is changing by the minute.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
It's vital our students think differently and explore their options when it comes to post-secondary education, so they can be adaptable in the disruptive economy of the future.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
Each day, we're sharpening Iowa's competitive edge in education and expanding our workplace partnerships with job-ready, STEM savvy, lifelong learners.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
Never in my wildest dreams did I believe a young girl growing up in St. Charles, Ia., would one day receive a call from Terry Branstad asking her to be his lieutenant governor.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
As lieutenant governor, I've traveled the world representing Iowa, working to expand our markets, while bringing investment and jobs to our state. I've worked on policy that attracts, retains and expands high-tech firms and fosters growth across Iowa.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
I'm never satisfied with status quo, and a desire to make a difference is what drives me.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
Part of being a successful leader is listening and looking for opportunities to bring people together.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
We ought to be able to talk about ideas, we ought to be able to debate ideas because that's how you get to consensus and that's how you move this country forward and that's how you move this state forward. We do a better job of it in Iowa. We do.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
There is no civil discourse left and it is really sad.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
Would I like to see more women in the courts? Yep.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
Well, I'm pro-life, and I've been pretty clear about that. So I think we should do everything we can to protect the unborn.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
I'm a pretty good listener.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
Every day is an opportunity for me to learn - that's how I've approached life.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
I just hope by how I live my life every day that people can see there is another side to addiction. You can live with it and have a successful life.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
Technology is impacting everything we do on a daily basis.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
I'm the No. 1 cheerleader for the state of Iowa.
- Kim Reynolds
Image of Kim Reynolds
I'm not one to be satisfied.
- Kim Reynolds