Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 148

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 148 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Carl Jung
The Christian religion seems to have fulfilled its great biological purpose, in so far as we are able to judge. It has led human thought to independence, and has lost its significance, therefore, to a yet undetermined extent.... It seems to me that we might still make use in some way of its form of thought, and especially of its great wisdom of life, which for two thousand years has proven to be particularly efficacious.
- Carl Jung
Collection: Christian
Image of Penn Jillette
'Christian' used to be a throwaway word. People didn't used to use it much. People didn't start self-labeling or getting labeled Christian until the last part of the 20th century. Before that, you might identify as a Baptist, or a Southern Baptist or a Methodist. But there wasn't one identifier that put you in a fold with all the other believers.
- Penn Jillette
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Jefferson
To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense he wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others; ascribing to himself every human excellence; & believing he never claimed any other.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Christian
Image of E. Stanley Jones
When the depths are upheld by the Holy Spirit, then the reaction is Christian.
- E. Stanley Jones
Collection: Christian
Image of Rafael Cruz
All this anti-Christian rhetoric that you see coming from the government, all this anti-Christian push, is not really an attack on Christianity. It's an effort to make you realize that God is your government. Your government is God.
- Rafael Cruz
Collection: Christian
Image of Michael Jackson
We are Germans. We are Armenians. French, Italian, Russian, American, Asian, African... many other nationalities. We are Christians, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu. We are black, we are white. We are a community of some many differences, so complex and yet so simple. We do not need to have war!
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Christian
Image of Helen Keller
I am not a perfect being. . . . I have more faults than I know what to do with. I have a naughty temper. I am stubborn, impatient of hindrances and of stupidity. I have not in the truest sense a Christian spirit. I am naturally a fighter. I am lazy. I put off till tomorrow what I might better do today. I do not feel that I have been compensated for the two senses I lack. I have worked hard for all the senses I have got, and always I beg for more.
- Helen Keller
Collection: Christian
Image of William James
It makes a tremendous emotional and practical difference to one whether one accepts the universe in the drab discolored way of stoic resignation to necessity, or with the passionate happiness of Christian saints.
- William James
Collection: Christian
Image of Garrison Keillor
Some people think it is difficult to be a Christian and to laugh, but I think it's the other way around. God writes a lot of comedy, its just that he has so many bad actors.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Jefferson
The Christian priesthood, finding the doctrines of Christ leveled to every understanding, and too plain to need explanation, saw, in the mysticism of Plato, materials with which they might build up an artificial system which might, from it's indistinctness, admit everlasting controversy, give employment for their order, and introduce it to profit, power and pre-eminence.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Christian
Image of T. D. Jakes
I think if we don't fix the economy and if we don't fix foreign policy, we won't have the luxury of dealing with domestic issues that may be important to Christians but we have to understand that in my view, we've taken our eyes off the ball a bit.
- T. D. Jakes
Collection: Christian
Image of T. D. Jakes
I think being a good Christian father, your responsibility varies with the age and the stage that your children are at.
- T. D. Jakes
Collection: Christian
Image of John Irving
I am doomed to remember a boy with a wrecked voice. Not because of his voice, or because he was the smallest person I ever knew, or even because he was the instrument of my mother's death, but because he is the reason I believe in God. I am a Christian because of Owen Meany.
- John Irving
Collection: Christian
Image of Jan Karon
I try to put my heart out there to everybody. They don't have to be Christian. For example, I have lots of Jewish readers. I love my Jewish readers.
- Jan Karon
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Jefferson
To talk of immaterial existences is to talk of nothings. To say that the human soul, angels, god, are immaterial, is to say they are nothings, or that there is no god, no angels, no soul. I cannot reason otherwise: but I believe I am supported in my creed of materialism by Locke, Tracy, and Stewart. At what age of the Christian church this heresy of immaterialism, this masked atheism, crept in, I do not know. But heresy it certainly is.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Jefferson
I am a real Christian, that is to say, a cisciple of the doctrines of Jesus. I have little doubt that our whole country will soon be rallied to the unity of our Creator.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Jefferson
When, in short, we shall have unlearned everything which has been taught since his [Jesus'] day, and got back to the pure and simple doctrines he inculcated, we shall then be truly and worthily his disciples: and my opinion is that if nothing had ever been added to what flowed purely from his lips, the whole world would at this day have been Christian.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Jefferson
I am a Christian in the only sense in which He wished anyone to be: sincerely attached to His doctrines in preference to all others.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Christian
Image of John F. Kerry
I don't believe we need a good conservative judge, and I don't believe we need a good liberal judge. I subscribe to the Justice Potter Stewart standard. He was a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. And he said the mark of a good judge, good justice, is that when you're reading their decision, their opinion, you can't tell if it's written by a man or woman, a liberal or a conservative, a Muslim, a Jew or a Christian. You just know you're reading a good judicial decision.
- John F. Kerry
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Jefferson
The Christian god is a being of terrific character - cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Christian
Image of Samuel Johnson
As to the Christian religion, besides the strong evidence which we have for it, there is a balance in its favor from the number of great men who have been convinced of its truth after a serious consideration of the question. Grotius was an acute man, a lawyer, a man accustomed to examine evidence, and he was convinced. Grotius was not a recluse, but a man of the world, who certainly had no bias on the side of religion. Sir Isaac Newton set out an infidel, and came to be a very firm believer.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Jefferson
Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed by inserting "Jesus Christ," so that it would read "A departure from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our religion;" the insertion was rejected by the great majority, in proof that they meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mohammedan, the Hindoo and Infidel of every denomination.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Jefferson
Of all the systems of morality, ancient or modern which have come under my observation, none appears to me so pure as that of Jesus....I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Christian
Image of T. D. Jakes
Worship plays a major role in the Christian daily life. Throughout Scripture we see worship from David dancing before the Lord to Jesus rejoicing in the Spirit.
- T. D. Jakes
Collection: Christian
Image of Samuel P. Huntington
There will be associations and partnerships between some Muslim countries and some Christian countries. Those already exist. And they may shift as different regimes come and go and interests change.
- Samuel P. Huntington
Collection: Christian
Image of Carl Jung
When we assume God to be a guiding principle well, sure enough, a god is usually characteristic of a certain system of thought or morality. For instance, take the Christian God, the summum bonum: God is love, love being the highest moral principle; and God is spirit, the spirit being the supreme idea of meaning. All our Christian moral concepts derive from such assumptions, and the supreme essence of all of them is what we call God.
- Carl Jung
Collection: Christian
Image of Godfrey
The one thing you don't want to be is a sucky clean comic. I hate sucky clean comics! It's like Christian rock, bro. I'd rather listen to gospel and Christian rock. That's cheating!
- Godfrey
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Jefferson
Every Christian sect gives a great handle to Atheism by their general dogma that, without a revelation, there would not be sufficient proof of the being of god.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Christian
Image of Elton John
I think religion has always tried to turn hatred towards gay people. Religion promotes the hatred and spite against gays. But there are so many Christian people I know who are gay and love their religion...
- Elton John
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Huxley
I have never had the least sympathy with the a priori reasons against orthodoxy, and I have by nature and disposition the greatest possible antipathy to all the atheistic and infidel school. Nevertheless I know that I am, in spite of myself, exactly what the Christian would call, and, so far as I can see, is justified in calling, atheist and infidel.
- Thomas Huxley
Collection: Christian
Image of Samuel Johnson
Avarice is always poor.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Christian
Image of Carl Jung
What happens in the life of Christ happens always and everywhere. In the Christian archetype all lives of this kind are prefigured.
- Carl Jung
Collection: Christian
Image of E. Stanley Jones
Being born in a Christian home does not make you a Christian.
- E. Stanley Jones
Collection: Christian
Image of E. Stanley Jones
When the Christian doesn't find joy on account of his happenings, he can always find joy in spite of them.
- E. Stanley Jones
Collection: Christian
Image of Samuel Johnson
Sir, I think all Christians, whether Papists or Protestants, agree in the essential articles, and that their differences are trivial, and rather political than religious.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Christian
Image of John Irving
Anyone can be sentimental about the nativity; any fool can feel like a Christian at Christmas. But Easter is the main event; if you don’t believe in the resurrection, you’re not a believer." “If you don’t believe in Easter,” Owen Meany said. “Don’t kid yourself—Don’t call yourself a Christian.
- John Irving
Collection: Christian
Image of Aldous Huxley
Only one more indispensable massacre of Capitalists or Communists or Fascists or Christians or Heretics, and there we are in the Golden Future.
- Aldous Huxley
Collection: Christian
Image of David Jeremiah
As Christians, we're under oath all the time. We're not always required to say everything we think or know, but we're always to speak as He did-truthfully.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Christian
Image of David Jeremiah
It is possible to be at the top of Christian service, respected and admired, and not have that indispensable ingredient by which God has chosen to work in His world today - the absolute sacrificial agape love of the Eternal God.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Christian
Image of David Jeremiah
I could take everything I have built up over 35 years in my ministry and destroy it all if I went out tomorrow and committed one act of rebellion.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Christian
Image of David Jeremiah
Some believe we have little or no role in our own Christian maturity. God does everything, they think, and we simply have to "let go and let God." After all, if it's the "fruit of the Spirit," we should passively let him work within us as we abide in Christ.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Jefferson
All the world would be Christian if they were taught the pure Gospel of Christ!.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Christian
Image of Pico Iyer
[The Dalai Lama ] says Western traditions can teach Tibetans a lot about social action, and he thinks some Christians are very good at that.
- Pico Iyer
Collection: Christian
Image of David Jeremiah
Worship seals all prayers at the front and at the back. Always pray with praise beginning and praise ending.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Christian
Image of David Jeremiah
The more the Gospel progresses and the closer we come to the end of the age, the more aggressive the enemy becomes. Sadly, many Christians are unaware that a battle is raging all around them, and they have not reported for duty.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Christian
Image of David Jeremiah
When Christ returns, and only then, will the angel's message to the shepherds be totally fulfilled: Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Christian
Image of E. Stanley Jones
Everything that happens to me can help me along in my Christian life.
- E. Stanley Jones
Collection: Christian
Image of Jesse Jackson
The white Christian church never raised to the heights of Christ. It stayed within the limit of culture.
- Jesse Jackson
Collection: Christian
Image of Sebastian Junger
Soldiers join the military to serve their country, but when bullets are flying, it's hard to fight for an abstract notion like patriotism. They're fighting for the people standing next to them, and it doesn't matter who's a Republican or a Democrat, or who's black or white or Christian or Muslim or gay or straight. If Congress and all Americans could manage to ignore those differences, we would have a perfect country, but somehow we cannot rise to that level of nobility.
- Sebastian Junger
Collection: Christian