Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 145

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 145 provides more christian quotes.

Image of William Gurnall
The Christian, like a chalice without a base, cannot stand on his own nor hold what he has received any longer that God holds him in His strong hands.
- William Gurnall
Collection: Christian
Image of William Gurnall
Few are made better by prosperity, whom afflictions make worse.
- William Gurnall
Collection: Christian
Image of William Gurnall
Truly, hope is the saint's covering, wherein he wraps himself, when he lays his body down to sleep in the grave: "My flesh," saith David, "shall rest in hope."
- William Gurnall
Collection: Christian
Image of John Howard
If the tradition which claims that war may be justified does not also admit that it could be unjustified, the affirmation is not morally serious. A Christian who prepares the case for a justified war without being equally prepared for hte negative case has not soberly weighted the prima facie presumption that any violence is wrong until the case for an exception has been made.
- John Howard
Collection: Christian
Image of Saint Augustine
... at the beginning of the human race the woman was made of a rib taken from the side of the man while he slept; for it seemed fit that even then Christ and His Church should be foreshadowed in this event. For that sleep of the man was the death of Christ, whose side, as He hung lifeless upon the Cross, was pierced with a spear, and there flowed from it blood and water, and these we know to be the sacraments by which the Church is built up.
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Christian
Image of Jane Austen
You ought certainly to forgive them as a Christian, but never to admit them in your sight, or allow their names to be mentioned in your hearing.
- Jane Austen
Collection: Christian
Image of Saint Augustine
A Christian man is on his guard with respect to those who philosophize according to the elements of this world, not according to God, by Whom the world itself was made; for he is warned by the precept of the apostle and faithfully hears what has been said, 'Beware that no one deceive you through philosophy and vain deceit, according to the elements of the world'
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Christian
Image of Saint Augustine
Often a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other parts of the world, about the motions and orbits of the stars and even their sizes and distances... and this knowledge he holds with certainty from reason and experience. It is thus offensive and disgraceful for an unbeliever to hear a Christian talk nonsense about such things, claiming that what he is saying is based in Scripture. We should do all that we can to avoid such an embarrassing situation, which people see as ignorance in the Christian and laugh to scorn.
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Christian
Image of Bill Hicks
I find it ironic that people who are against things that cause sexual thoughts are generally fundamentalist Christians who also believe you should be fruitful and multiply.
- Bill Hicks
Collection: Christian
Image of Bill Hicks
I wish I could meet a Christian who would proselytize to me, but they keep running away from me. I wanna talk to you all.
- Bill Hicks
Collection: Christian
Image of Sean Hannity
I'm a Christian. I was born and raised a Catholic. But I think there are people that are frauds that are ministers.
- Sean Hannity
Collection: Christian
Image of Fannie Lou Hamer
One of the things I remember as a child: There was a man named Joe Pulliam. He was a great Christian man; but one time, he was living with a white family and this white family robbed him of what he earned. They didn't pay him anything. This white man gave him $150 to go to the hill, (you see, I lived in the Black Belt of Mississippi)... to get another Negro family. Joe Pulliam knew what this white man had been doing to him so he kept the $150 and didn't go.
- Fannie Lou Hamer
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
There never has been a culture since this world began in which a New Testament Christian could feel at home.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
I have often been reminded of the wild duck that came down on migration into a barnyard and liked it so well that he stayed there. In the fall his erstwhile companions passed overhead and his first impulse was to rise and join them, but he had fed too well and could rise no higher than the eaves of the barn. The day came when his old fellow travelers could pass overhead without his even hearing their call. I have seen men and women who once mounted up with wings like eagles but are now content to live in the barnyard of this world.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
More Bibles are bought and fewer read than any other book.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
Because the Lord loves us He chastens and rebukes us. Modern sentimentality has reduced God to a tolerant indulgent grandfatherly being who winks at our transgressions.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
The alternative to discipline is disaster
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
Satan does some of his worst work on exhausted Christians when nerves are frayed and the mind is faint.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
We justify ourselves when we should judge ourselves. If we learned humility, it might spare us the humiliation.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
A revival is the church falling in love with Jesus Christ all over again.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
Before we can strengthen believers or win the lost, we must be converted from the self-life to the Christ-life. . . "Not I, but Christ."
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
The early Christians condemned false doctrine in a way that sounds almost unchristian today.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Steve Harvey
I'm still very much a Christian and have a great relationship with God. I love Him, but one of my flaws is that I cuss.
- Steve Harvey
Collection: Christian
Image of Saint Augustine
A Christian should be an Alleluia from head to foot
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Christian
Image of Sam Harris
The fact that my continuous and public rejection of Christianity does not worry me in the least should suggest to you just how inadequate I think your reasons for being a Christian are.
- Sam Harris
Collection: Christian
Image of Lord Acton
The principle of the Inquisition was murderous. . . . The popes were not only murderers in the great style, but they also made murder a legal basis of the Christian Church and a condition of salvation.
- Lord Acton
Collection: Christian
Image of William Gurnall
The Christian is to proclaim and prosecute an irreconcilable war against his bosom sins; those sins which have lain nearest his heart, must now be trampled under his feet.
- William Gurnall
Collection: Christian
Image of William Gurnall
As you love your peace, Christian, be plain-hearted with God and man, and keep the king's highway.
- William Gurnall
Collection: Christian
Image of William Gurnall
The Christian must stand fixed to his principles, and not change his habit; but freely show what countryman he is by his holy constancy in the truth.
- William Gurnall
Collection: Christian
Image of William Gurnall
The Christian's life should put his minister's sermon in print.
- William Gurnall
Collection: Christian
Image of Joshua Harris
Every relationship for a Christian is an opportunity to love another person like God has loved us.
- Joshua Harris
Collection: Christian
Image of Robert Griffin III
I think there are [gay players] right now, and if they're looking for a window to just come out, I mean, now is the window. My view on it is, yes, I am a Christian, but to each his own. You do what you want to do.
- Robert Griffin III
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
The man who sets out to live the life worthwhile-to follow his vision and speak his heart-need not look for position, honors, prosperity.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
Blessed is that Christian who can accept at the start by simple faith that which others reach only through years of questioning and reach it only then because they give up trying to analyze it and decide to accept it.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
When Christ possesses the will He keeps it fixed. The trouble comes when we take matters out of His hand and try to handle them ourselves.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
To the average professed Christian today, living so far below normal, New Testament Christianity would be a shock.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
I can conceive of no greater, more romantic and interesting adventure than to undertake to live like Jesus in this complicated day.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
Too many Christians are stuffing themselves with gospel blessings while millions have never had a taste.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
I suspect that much of our praying to be used is selfish, and underneath it is the sneaking desire to make our mark and be recognized.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
When we sin, we are often upset, not because we have grieved the Spirit but because our pride has been injured.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
We can often do more by doing less. God is not particularly interested in quantity production. That is an American standard, not a Bible standard.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
Life is like a grain of wheat: to plant it is to recognize its value; to keep it is to destroy its value. The 'planted' Christian counts life dear not unto himself but unto God.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
We are not bearing our crosses every time we have a headache; an aspirin tablet will take care of that. What is meant is the trouble we would not have if we were not Christians.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
It's hard to be optimistic when you have a misty optic.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
When we are weakest and most despondent, Jesus is most considerate. When there is a break in our progress or we have a spell of depression, he sees the whole of our lives and in the light of that He is longsuffering with discordant details.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
A deep and sober concern to please God is the rarest of rarities.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
Men seek fame and high places only to learn that they were happier in obscurity
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Vance Havner
Popularity has killed more prophets than persecution.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Christian
Image of Adolf Hitler
When understanding of the universe has become widespread, when the majority of men know that the stars are not sources of light but worlds, perhaps inhabited worlds like ours, then the Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: Christian