Top Buddhism Quotes Collection - Page 7

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Image of Frederick Lenz
The human mind generates an auric field that covers up naturalness, innate divinity of life. That auric field is a field of doubt.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
It will take about a month for that awareness to be fully absorbed and modify someone's attention field. During that period of time, a person who studies with me will meditate on their own, and apply those things that they have learned to their daily lives.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Everything that you see here, in other words, is a reflection of a higher reality.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
You become someone else when you meditate. It isn't just a little technique. If you really pursue it, you change radically - you evolve.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
There are seven primary centers, junctions, within the subtle physical body. These are called the seven chakras.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
You're a refraction of the one light. You're a waveform of light. You're a fractal, a pattern that continuously changes.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The thousand petal lotus of light, the crown center, really does not become operative until one is on the verge of enlightenment itself. Then you really don't have to meditate on it. The thousand petals gradually light up.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Focus on the center of the chest, relax. Imagine a rose there. Feel it unfolding. Let yourself go and ignore your thoughts.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
When you focus on the third chakra it has to pull the kundalini from the root center, through the second, up to the third chakra.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The navel center will bring the power of all three of the lower chakras into your being, but with safety.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Focus your attention around the naval area, feel that spot. Visualize it. Do whatever it takes. When thoughts come in and out of your mind, pay no attention. You just stay right on that spot!
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
One doesn't actually meditate on the navel. The chakra is located about two or three inches below the navel, at that point there is an energy access sphere in the middle of the body.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
If you are going to experience the ecstasy of enlightenment, it is not just going to be a phrase. You've got to work during meditation. So back to the navel center!
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Visualize the soft white light continuing to expand as it gently swirls around, until it has filled the earth, the sky, the universe, and all of infinity.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
You can take the kundalini from the crown center and bring it down. You can bring it up or you can stabilize them both. When you stop breathing in meditation, the kundalini is stabilized.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
What we are doing is taking an occult energy; it's amplifying in the chakras and the hands. Then we are neutralizing it and spreading it through the being.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Use the previous techniques in rotation. It will prevent your meditation experience from becoming stale.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The different techniques will place you in touch with different fields of auric empowerment, creating a balanced development of your practice.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
I don't think anyone knows why they meditate. As a matter of fact I'm not even sure that we do meditate. All we know is that we don't know.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
A person trying to meditate is doing something that's impossible since meditation is not an action.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
You're not the doer. What's to do? You can't undo what's not done. It's all one anyway, why think about it? But you need to discriminate, so you'd better think about it.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Meditation is the use of symbols, not abstractions. A symbol is something alive. It is a hyphen between one reality and another.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Our current perception is very cloudy and all screwed up. As our perception increases through meditation, we're seeing life more correctly.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The period of meditation is a time when we go back to the source. We go back to what we were before we were born.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
If there were no world, no time, no space, no condition, if none of us existed, that would be meditation.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Meditation is not emptiness. That is a way of trying to talk about something that is impossible to put into words. It is a world of fullness, if anything.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
When you go into the planes of light, all of the incorrect ways of seeing and understanding life that you pick up are washed away.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
You remember, you are drawn back to the pathway to enlightenment, to meditation, and when you begin to meditate your past life knowledge returns to you.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
In meditation we get a sense of the countless selves within ourselves, the different forms they take. Those that don't seem positive or helpful we push aside. Those that seem progressive we enjoy.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
We live in a sensual world, and at the same time we live beyond it - billions of dimensions that are nonphysical, we experience them when we stop thought.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
As you meditate, you will discover, pleasantly, that you too can see beyond this life, that you can see your eternality.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
When it comes time to die, you will not be afraid. By meditating, you will have already seen beyond life and death and you will see there is nothing to fear.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
In meditation, when your thoughts are stopped, you become empty. When you are empty, your mind folds back on itself and you see through the illusions of the material world.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Try to be still inside. Learn to quiet and stop thought, and you will be able to develop your mind. Your psychic intuition will start to come about.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
When you develop your psychic vision after some meditation, you will be able to see the subtle physical of others, or perhaps yourself. At first you will see it as an aura; eventually you can see the whole subtle physical.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The aggregates that we pick up in the human plane will be washed away, and we will become pure spirit, pure light, pure love, and pure ecstasy.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The light is not quantifiable. You experience it in meditation when thought stops. When you go beyond the limitations of the ego, the light is waiting for you.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Learn the motions of infinity within your mind. Your mind becomes a perfect mirror to the motions of infinity.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
What you focus on you become. If you spend an hour or two a day meditating and focusing on light, then you will eventually become light.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
There is no end to the petals of the inner rose. Continue to unfold set after set of petals until you have completed your meditation session.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
There is a large difference between spacing out in the lower occult astral planes, weird, junky, fuzzy energy, and meditation. Meditation is sharp, clear, precise, perfect, luminous, shiny, happy, etheric, cosmic, and dissolute.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The eternal part of our being is perfect, free, always changing, always new, and completely conscious of all things.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The causal body is the determining factor in the changes that occur within your structure or growth rate.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Beyond the subtle body we have something called the causal body; that's more what we are. We are a series of interconnecting awarenesses. It's like a molecular bond, DNA, a double-helix, and we can change that.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The causal structure determines the rate and method of evolution, your awareness of the universe.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
As we go within the self, we discover that all the voices of our past lives are still there. As we peel ourselves, which is a process very much like peeling an onion, we discover that there are many selves within the self.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
If you dig deeply, you will find that you are not a singular self but that there are many selves, many voices within you. The more conscious you are of those selves and the more you let them find expression through you, the more complete you will be.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
As incarnations go by, the atom gets more complex. That is, your being, the part of you that reincarnates from lifetime to lifetime, the aggregate, grows thicker and denser.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Whatever you have learned in your previous incarnations is retained within your causal body, your multi-lifetime body of energy that lives from one incarnation to another.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism