Top Buddhism Quotes Collection - Page 9

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Image of Frederick Lenz
There are many, many different worlds. Just as there are different continents on earth, there are different dimensional planes.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Beyond this world are countless dimensions. They stretch on forever. You can travel to them and have experiences in them.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Begin to see that life is very, very complex. It is made up of thousands of dimensions of wonder.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Life is endless reality. There is reality after reality, spinning on endlessly into the cosmos, billions and billions of manifest universes. Underlying all of this is the unmanifest, the absolute reality.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
In different lifetimes, you incarnate in different dimensional planes, let alone in different universes in the physical universe.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
This is only a small part of the totality. From this island earth we see only a fragment of creation and its knowledge.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Beyond this world there are myriad worlds, thousands of inter-dimensional planes with different types of beings going through other cycles of existence. Beyond all beings is something that is eternal.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
There are billions of people on the earth and there are billions of earths, billions of universes. It is endless.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
There are dimensions of power, there are dimensions of knowledge, and there are dimensions of confusion. The universe is a very, very big place. To think the universe is only composed of the physical universe is to be rather shortsighted.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Most people are completely oblivious to eternity. They look at the sky at night and they think that's eternity; it is just the senses having contact in the sense world. There are other dimensions.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
There are endless planes of attention, endless realities and endless mind states. They're like collections of atoms and protons and neutrons, nuclei. They just go on forever. They're plasma, they're fluid ... they're alive.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
In Tantric Buddhism our feeling is that there is no problem with the sensual world unless you have a tremendous attraction or aversion to it.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The issue is not what you're doing with your body; it's what you're doing with your mind.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The tantric path involves taking the mind and directing it beyond the senses.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Obviously there is a lot more ecstasy in the spirit than in the flesh but the flesh has its moments!
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
What is Tantric Zen? Well, I don't think I can give you a straight answer, since I don't happen to be a very straight Zen master.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
What I term Zen, old Zen, the original face of Zen, new Zen, pure Zen, or Tantric Zen is - Zen in its essence.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
In Tantric Zen there is no rule. There is only your immediate experience.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Tantric Zen is the exploration of everything, since everything is a part of enlightenment.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
There's a place where everything comes together and where it's all the same. That state of mind, in which all things are the same, is the state of mind of Tantric Zen.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
It is necessary to have a very liberal and simultaneously very conservative mentality to practice Tantric Zen.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Tantric Zen is the original Zen, Zen without rules, Zen without form. Zen can certainly take rules and form. So Tantric Zen might have some rules and form, but it would remain formless even though it had rules and form.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Tantric Zen is a state of mind
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Tantric Zen is the awareness of the infinitude of all things. To gain that awareness, to be it, is enlightenment.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The mantra is a very preliminary exercise for the student to begin to grasp a sense of focus. When they are used by persons who have reached very high levels of attention, they can open up doorways to other worlds.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Mantras have an important place in meditation. But the idea has become somewhat prevalent in the West, and in the East to some extent, that the simple repetition of a mantra will eventually cause enlightenment
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
I think one can advance faster outside a monastery if you use the experiences of daily life to advance yourself.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
I feel that there's a certain danger in always being in a lovely rural setting. You can lose touch.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
There are millions of little opportunities out there to advance yourself. But you need the personal power to see how to do it.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
You can live in the world and have friends, family and possessions. But don't take them all too seriously. Death removes everything. Feel death is every moment, as life is every moment.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Life is not dependent upon our classifications and our categories, our science. But we are. We find it interesting and helpful.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
When you chant "Aum" or any mantra, do so softly and gently. Extend the sound. Focus your awareness on the sound of the mantra and become absorbed in it.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Lakshmi is a celestial being who lives in a higher plane of existence. Her mantra is "Sring." When you chant it, it brings beauty and light into your consciousness.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Kring is the mantra of power. "Kring" should only be repeated when you are in deep meditation.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Initially the student, in some traditions, is given a mantra, a particular word of power to focus on. While thoughts are cascading through your mind during meditation, you should be absorbed in the repetition of a mantra.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
It is not a good idea to continually repeat a mantra during meditation. Repeating a mantra throughout your mediation causes you to fixate on a specific level of consciousness.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
It is more important to repeat a mantra several times with total absorption than to parrot it for hours on end.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
After meditation, it is a good idea to bow and offer your meditation to god, to that stillness and perfection that is existence. Feel that you are giving your meditation away.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
At the end of meditation period we always bow and we touch our head to the floor and say "Buddha's name be praised."
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
At the end of each meditation session, bow your head toward the ground. Give away your meditation to the universe. Whether you feel you have done well or poorly, simply give your efforts to the universe.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The force that drives the green fuse, as Dylan Thomas said, cannot be understood. So self-discovery is to accept your daily meditation, to observe yourself meditating and not be concerned with the results.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The only bad meditation is when you don't meditate.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
To meditate with full effort, produces infinity, freedom.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
You should always feel, no matter how many times you've meditated before, that this is your first meditation. You have no idea what will happen or what won't happen.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
There are many ways to meditate. When you meditate, you are learning how to feel again.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
There's no risk in doing a lousy meditation or not meditating at all. There's no risk in being convenient and comfortable. There's a lot of risk in the world of enlightenment.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Sometimes people start to meditate and they get a headache. It's because they're trying too hard. You're pulling in too much energy.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
There are worlds beyond anything you can imagine; there are joys beyond anything you have experienced. There are ecstasies that are undreamed of, I assure you.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The human field of perception is not the only band of perception. Nor is it necessarily the best; there is no such thing in infinity. Infinity does not label.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism