Top Buddhism Quotes Collection - Page 5

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Image of Frederick Lenz
All I can say is that these cult stories are totally untrue, are without any foundation, and trade on a deep bias against Westerners who dare to embrace an Eastern belief-system.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Obviously, following my convictions has come at a personal price, but they are important enough that I have been willing to endure the abuse.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
I feel a number of people who will never be students whom I'm corresponding with inwardly.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
There are people I feel in other parts of the world who will never meet me or hear my name. They are probably better off. I help them inwardly. I feel their souls seeking light, and I help all who come.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
When I leave the body someday, I can help people just as effectively if they focus upon me.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
I'm always waiting for you, hoping that you'll be really interested, that you'll try completely. In every life I wait for you. I've always been waiting and I always will.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
It's not my light to begin with, in a sense; it's the light of God, the light of eternity. So take all you want!
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Buddhism is the process of getting to that part of us that is always eternally happy.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The study of Buddhism is essentially the study of modification, how we modify the state of mind we're in, how we modify the realm we're in.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Buddhism suggests that you have that choice; you are in the driver's seat. Hertz or somebody has put you there. You have an absolute choice about what you experience in your mind.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
When you abuse willpower you waste it. There really is not an infinite supply of it at your disposal. There is an infinite supply of it in the universe.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The person of power uses their power to open up their mind to higher levels all the time, which creates tremendous happiness.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The tonal is also endless and limitless. We like to think of it as being finite so we feel better.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
When one side or the other predominates, there's an imbalance and there's unhappiness.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
In the world order, if the nagual dominates and not the tonal, then we'll live in times of fear and superstition.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Reason is necessary. It is necessary to deal with the world.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
A person who is insane has no sense of their place; they've lost that ability, which our friend don Juan describes as the tonal.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
You need your reason to pass through the world and also to experience the nagual, because if you become all nagual, we'll lock you away in an institution.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The reason why there's such a rigid repression of the mentally ill is the psyche of humanity senses something. It senses that it doesn't want to deal with the unknown.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Nirvana and enlightenment exist just on the other side of your sensory perceptions and your thoughts.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Nirvana is not really a physical place, although sometimes I talk about it as if it were. It is not really an experience, although sometimes I mention it as if it was.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Beyond all of this is something else, perfection; not just as an ideation, but as a living reality. Even though it may just be an idea for you, hold that idea in your mind.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
In Nirvana, it is you, my friend, who goes away. You take an eraser and erase yourself. It's like the Road Runner cartoons where in the middle of the cartoon, the hand of the artist appears on the screen and erases the Road Runner.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
There are two worlds, the world of desire and the world of enlightenment. The world of enlightenment doesn't go anywhere. It is endless, luminous perfection. The world of desire leads to more desire.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The experience of going to the other side to nirvana clarifies and simplifies your view of all things. You see the world with greater clarity, because it is not obscured by illusions.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The comedies, the tragedies we see played out on this earth before us, don't last. But we are eternal spirits. These events will come and go, but the planes of light and nirvana will always be there.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Something in you wants to go beyond, wants to be free from this endless round of perception. Enlightenment is that.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Outside of nirvana, the planes begin, the subtlest planes of light that vibrate fastest, all the way on down through the astral realms through the physical and so on.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The experience of light in a very pure form always creates happiness. The experience of desire and aversion tends to create unhappiness.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Beyond the world of thought and sensorial impressions, there are planes and dimensions of perfect light, knowledge, and radiant perfection.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Universes collide and conjoin inside us and beyond all is nirvana, the final, absolute resting place of the soul.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Who has that perfect faith and trust? Only such a person with that faith and trust can be enlightened.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
There are two sides to a person's being - the superconscious and the conscious. These have reverberations in the popular works of Carlos Castaneda, in the don Juan terminology of the tonal and the nagual.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The tonal is the sense of place. It is order and reason in a world of chaos.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The world is always chaos, but we pretend that it's not because it makes us feel better. In doing so we're able to go through it in a specific manner and form: That's the tonal.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Each one of you has created a sense of self. That's what the tonal does. Each one of you is taught a system of maintenance that has been developed by humankind from your birth till your death.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The nagual is the unknown. It cannot be talked about, it can only be witnessed.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The nagual is the superconscious. It's nirvana. It's the unknown that cannot be explained or reasoned.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The nagual gives you the unknown; it gives you reality; it leads you to the totality of yourself.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
When we go to the desert, it's pure nagual. There you witness stupendous and incredible acts of power that your reason cannot possibly deal with.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
The deeper side of the study occurs on levels of attention your mind is not aware of, but that your superconscious mind is - what don Juan calls the nagual.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Occasionally in my travels I meet people who have pushed too far into the nagual. These individuals are not too balanced but they have made great journeys in the unknown.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
There are people who just can't handle life because they've thrown away too much of their reason.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Everyone is on the verge of insanity ... insanity meaning on the verge of the unknown.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Your reason is your friend. It defends the island of your awareness. But you don't want your reason to rule everything.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Past life knowledge is not the wedding album of existence. Past life remembrance in Buddhism is the ability to bring a greater awareness we had in another life into this life.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Without wisdom, power tends to destroy the one who wields it.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
Say, for example, you develop the ability to make parking meters disappear. It's probably easier to put a quarter in it. That would be the wisdom on the subject.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Frederick Lenz
If you try to pull too much power through too soon, you will injure yourself.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Buddhism