Top beautiful Quotes Collection - Page 168

Discover a curated collection of beautiful quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 168 provides more beautiful quotes.

Image of David Lynch
Making a film is a beautiful mystery. You go deep into the wood, and you don't want to come out of that wood.
- David Lynch
Collection: Beautiful
Image of David Lynch
One change of attitude would change everything. If everyone realized that it could be a beautiful world and said, 'let's not do these things anymore - let's have fun.'
- David Lynch
Collection: Beautiful
Image of James M. Barrie
She liked his tears so much that she put out her beautiful finger and let them run over it. Her voice was so low that at first he could not make out what she said. Then he made it out. She was saying that she thought she could get well again if children believed in fairies.
- James M. Barrie
Collection: Beautiful
Image of James M. Barrie
For when you looked into my mother's eyes you knew, as if He had told you, why God sent her into the world - it was to open then minds of all who looked to beautiful thoughts. And that is the beginning and end of literature.
- James M. Barrie
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Herman Melville
All round and round does the world lie as in a sharp-shooter's ambush, to pick off the beautiful illusions of youth, by the pitiless cracking rifles of the realities of age.
- Herman Melville
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Sophia Loren
It [winning Oscar] is the most important event in the career of an actor, an extraordinary moment, beautiful. Some people live their whole life just to win an Oscar.
- Sophia Loren
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Richelle Mead
Seth laughed when he saw me. “Hey,” I said, poking him with my foot, “be nice.” “I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen you look anything less than…” He paused, playing with word choice. “Well-planned.” “Why, you silver-tongued romantic devil. That is the look I usually go for. Other women go for sexy or chic or beautiful. But me? Well-planned all the way.” “You know what I mean. Besides, unplanned isn’t a bad look for you. Not bad at all.” His voice sounded deliciously low and dangerous, and something ignited between us as we held each other’s eyes.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Richelle Mead
Life and death were so unpredictable. So close to each other. We existed moment to moment, never knowing who would be the next to leave the world. I was still in it, barely, and as I looked up from the ashes, everything around me seemed so sweet and so beautiful. The trees. The stars. The moon. I was alive -- and I was glad I was.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Richelle Mead
Yet, it had been Dimitri’s gentleness and thoughtfulness mixed with that deadliness that made him so wonderful. The same hands that wielded stakes with such precision would carefully brush the hair out of my face. The eyes that could astutely spot any danger in the area would regard me wonderingly and worshipfully, like I was the most beautiful and amazing woman in the world.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
How beautiful the silent hour, when morning and evening thus sit together, hand in hand, beneath the starless sky of midnight!
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Herman Melville
Strange as it may seem, there is nothing in which a young and beautiful female appears to more advantage than in the art of smoking.
- Herman Melville
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Andre Malraux
Seldom is a Gothic head more beautiful than when broken.
- Andre Malraux
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Dave Barry
The French are not rude. They just happen to hate you. But that is no reason to bypass this beautiful country, whose master chefs have a well-deserved worldwide reputation for trying to trick people into eating snails. Nobody is sure how this got started. Probably a couple of French master chefs were standing around one day, and they found a snail, and one of them said: 'I bet that if we called this something like `escargot,' tourists would eat it.' Then they had hearty laugh, because 'escargot' is the French word for 'fat crawling bag of phlegm.'
- Dave Barry
Collection: Beautiful
Image of David Lynch
My childhood was elegant homes, tree lined streets, the milkman, building backyard forts, droning airplanes, blue skies, picket fences, green grass, cherry trees. Middle America as it’s supposed to be. But on the cherry tree there’s this pitch oozing out – some black, some yellow – and millions of red ants crawling all over it. I discovered that if one looks a little closer at this beautiful world, there are always red ants underneath.
- David Lynch
Collection: Beautiful
Image of David Lynch
Secrets and mysteries provide a beautiful corridor where you can float out. The corridor expands and many, many wonderful things can happen... I love the process of going into mystery.
- David Lynch
Collection: Beautiful
Image of David Lynch
When you're down, when you've been kicked down in the street and then kicked a few more times until you're bleeding and your teeth are out, then you only have up to go. You get reborn again, and expectations aren't so great because they've taken you away. It's beautiful to be down there. It's so beautiful!
- David Lynch
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Brennan Manning
There is a beautiful transparency to honest disciples who never wear a false face and do not pretend to be anything but who they are.
- Brennan Manning
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Karan Bajaj
The concept of karma is a beautiful concept in Sanskrit. The whole idea of karma is that every being has an innate tendency - the karma of ice is to be cold, the karma of fire is to burn, the karma of the trees is to grow and bear fruit. In the same way, a human has a certain thrust. What I've realized is that my thrust is to be in the world, like in the world of business.
- Karan Bajaj
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Groucho Marx
Groucho: You know I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world? Woman: Really? Groucho: No, but I don't mind lying if it gets me somewhere.
- Groucho Marx
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Groucho Marx
I'd have liked to have gone to bed with Jean Harlow. She was a beautiful broad. The fellow who married her was impotent and he killed himself. I would have done the same thing.
- Groucho Marx
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Henning Mankell
Each person searches for the most beautiful jump which will be the final before leaving this world.
- Henning Mankell
Collection: Beautiful
Image of George MacDonald
What distressed me most - more even than my own folly - was the perplexing question - How can beauty and ugliness dwell so near? Even with her altered complexion and face of dislike; disenchanted of the belief that clung around her; known for a living, walking sepulcher, faithless, deluding, traitorous; I felt, notwithstanding all this, that she was beautiful. Upon this I pondered with undiminished perplexity.
- George MacDonald
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Robin McKinley
Beauty: "You called me beautiful last night." Beast: "You do not believe me then?" Beauty: "Well - no. Any number of mirrors have told me otherwise." Beast: "You will find no mirrors here, for I cannot bear them: nor any quiet water in ponds. And since I am the only one who sees you, why are you not then beautiful?
- Robin McKinley
Collection: Beautiful
Image of H. P. Lovecraft
In my actual imaginative contact with life, I am vastly more responsive to beauty than to horror - indeed, I never experience real cosmic horror except in infrequent nightmares. However, when I come to record my various imaginative experiences, I generally find that only the horror items have any uniqueness or originality. Others have seen the same beautiful things that I have seen, & have sung them more nobly.
- H. P. Lovecraft
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Carson McCullers
She stood in front of the mirror a long time, and finally decided she either looked like a sap or else she looked very beautiful. One or the other.
- Carson McCullers
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Carson McCullers
A most mediocre person can be the object of a love which is wild, extravagant, and beautiful as the poison lillies of the swamp.
- Carson McCullers
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Bryant H. McGill
Beautiful food and health are priceless.
- Bryant H. McGill
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Bryant H. McGill
Change can be beautiful when we are brave enough to evolve with it, and change can be brutal when we fearfully resist.
- Bryant H. McGill
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Richelle Mead
You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen walking this earth. You have no clue of how beautiful you are or how brightly you shine.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Yann Martel
Sometimes I got my majors mixed up. A number of my fellow religious-studies students - muddled agnostics who didn't know which way was up, who were in the thrall of reason, that fool's gold for the bright - reminded me of the three-toed sloth; and the three-toed sloth, such a beautiful example of the miracle of life, reminded me of God.
- Yann Martel
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Abraham Maslow
The peaker learns surely and certainly that life can be worthwhile, that it can be beautiful and valuable. There are ends in life, i.e., experiences which are so precious in themselves as to prove that not everything is a means to some end other than itself.
- Abraham Maslow
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Marie Lu
The first time I saw you, when you stepped into that Skiz ring against Kaede, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. I could've watched you forever. The first time I kiss you..." That memory overpowers me now, taking me by surprise. I remember every last detail of it, almost enough to push away the lingering images of the Elector pulling June to him. "Well, that might as well have been my first kiss ever.
- Marie Lu
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Demi Lovato
I tried to conform to what everyone thinks is beautiful. But my genetics gave me a curvy figure, and I've come to understand that in the Latina culture, that is beautiful.
- Demi Lovato
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Richelle Mead
He shouldn't have said that," repeated Adrian, eerily serious. He leaned his face toward mine. "I don't care if he's not the emotional type or the complimentary type or what. No one can look at you in this dress, in all that fire and gold, and start talking about anachronisms. If I were him, I would have said, 'You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen walking this earth.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Mignon McLaughlin
Many beautiful women have been made happy by their own beauty, but no intelligent woman has ever been made happy by her own intelligence.
- Mignon McLaughlin
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Rene Magritte
I detest my past, and anyone else's. I detest resignation, patience, professional heroism and obligatory beautiful feelings. I also detest the decorative arts, folklore, advertising, voices making announcements, aerodynamism, boy scouts, the smell of moth balls, events of the moment, and drunken people.
- Rene Magritte
Collection: Beautiful
Image of James Russell Lowell
If God made poets for anything, it was to keep alive the traditions of the pure, the holy, and the beautiful.
- James Russell Lowell
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Sarah McLachlan
It was overwhelmingly beautiful to see my music performed.
- Sarah McLachlan
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Mickey Mantle
People say Yogi (Berra) is a strange guy, and I've heard Yogi say some funny things. But he has a beautiful wife, he's rich, and he's famous. I don't see anything strange about that.
- Mickey Mantle
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Rachel McAdams
I would go to the beach in my turtle neck, all bundle up. I would read my book and kind of scowl, but I hadn't seen the most beautiful beaches in the world. We had a beach (in Canada) where you couldn't even go swimming. But once I travelled and saw more beautiful areas, my relationship to the planet expanded I started connect to it more and be more aware.
- Rachel McAdams
Collection: Beautiful
Image of H. L. Mencken
When I think of anything properly describable as a beautiful idea, it is always in the form of music. I have written and printed probably 10,000,000 words in English but all the same I shall die an inarticulate man, for my best ideas beset me in a language I know only vaguely and speak only as a child.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Beautiful
Image of H. L. Mencken
[C]lass consciousness is not one of our national diseases; we suffer, indeed, from its opposite-the delusion that class barriers are not real. That delusion reveals itself in many forms, some of them as beautiful as a glass eye. One is the Liberal doctrine that a prairie demagogue promoted to the United States Senate will instantly show all the sagacity of a Metternich ... another is the doctrine that a moronrun through a university and decorated with a Ph.D. will cease thereby to be a moron.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I dislike an eye that twinkles like a star. Those only are beautiful which, like the planets, have a steady lambent light, are luminous, but not sparkling.
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Collection: Beautiful
Image of James Russell Lowell
With every step of the recent traveler our inheritance of the wonderful is diminished. Those beautiful pictured notes of the possible are redeemed at a ruinous discount in the hard coin of the actual.
- James Russell Lowell
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Sarah McLachlan
Nature is a perfect example of the harmony between the beautiful and the brutal. You turn over a pretty rock and there are worms writhing underneath.
- Sarah McLachlan
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Marie Lu
June has never looked more beautiful than she does now, unadorned and honest, vulnerable yet invincible.
- Marie Lu
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Marie Lu
I'd once been fascinated by his legend - all the stories I'd heard before I met him. Now I can feel that same sense of fascination returning. I picture his face, so beautiful even after pain and torture and grief, his blue eyes bright and sincere. I'm ashamed to admit that I enjoyed my brief time with him in his prison cell. His voice can make me forget about all the details running through my mind, bringing with it emotions of desire, or fear instead, sometimes even anger, but always triggering something. Something that wasn't there before.
- Marie Lu
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Marie Lu
You threw everything away."I bring a hand up to touch her face,to wipe the rain from her eyelashes."Your entire life-your beliefs...Why would you do that for me?" June has never looked more beautiful than she does now,unadorned and honest,vulnerable yet invincible.When lightning streaks over the sky,her dark eyes shine like gold."Because you were right,"she whispers."About all of it.
- Marie Lu
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Demi Lovato
I'm an American for marriage equality. I believe that love comes in all different shapes, sizes, and colors. So whether you're LGBT or straight, your love is valid, beautiful, and an incredible gift.
- Demi Lovato
Collection: Beautiful