Top Atrocities Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Atrocities quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Ho Chi Minh
Colonial atrocities have prepared the soil; it is for socialists to sow the seeds of revolution.
- Ho Chi Minh
Collection: Atrocities
Image of Azar Nafisi
Once we know of atrocities we cannot remain silent, and knowledge inevitably leads to an urge to protect the innocent.
- Azar Nafisi
Collection: Atrocities
Image of Judith Lewis Herman
The ordinary response to atrocities is to banish them from consciousness. Certain violations of the social compact are too terrible to utter aloud: this is the meaning of the word unspeakable.
- Judith Lewis Herman
Collection: Atrocities
Image of Jim Fergus
Yet only the atrocities of the conquered are referred to as criminal acts; those of the conqueror are justified as necessary, heroic, and even worse, as the fulfillment of God's will.
- Jim Fergus
Collection: Atrocities
Image of Donald J. Boudreaux
Let's be clear about one indisputable fact: capitalism vigorously pursued has never produced the atrocities - starvation, tyranny, and genocide - that are produced by statism vigorously pursued. Nothing remotely close.
- Donald J. Boudreaux
Collection: Atrocities
Image of Masai Ujiri
What is happening in Nigeria is an absolute atrocity.
- Masai Ujiri
Collection: Atrocities
Image of Joseph Heller
mankind is resilient: the atrocities that horrified us a week ago become acceptable tomorrow.
- Joseph Heller
Collection: Atrocities
Image of John Updike
Atrocity is truly emperor; All things that thrive are slaves of cruel Creation.
- John Updike
Collection: Atrocities
Image of Susan Sontag
The shock of photographed atrocities wears off with repeated viewings, just as the surprise and bemusement felt the first time one sees a pornographic movie wear off after one sees a few more.
- Susan Sontag
Collection: Atrocities
Image of Ron Rash
The woman doesn't look up. It's as if she's deaf. Maybe she is. Maybe she's like the Cambodian women I've read about, the ones who witnessed so many atrocities that they have willed themselves blind. Maybe that's what you have to do sometimes to survive. You kill off part of yourself, your hearing or eyesight, your capacity for hope.
- Ron Rash
Collection: Atrocities
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
Not even the foulest atrocities of Adolf Hitler ever shocked me so badly as these photographs did.
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: Atrocities
Image of Jodi Picoult
I believed the reason there was a God was to prevent such atrocities from happening to the same person twice. But nothing prepared me for this: I have done what I've sworn I could never do; I have become my own nightmare... I have lost control.
- Jodi Picoult
Collection: Atrocities
Image of Noam Chomsky
My own concern is primarily the terror and violence carried out by my own state... It is very easy to denounce the atrocities of someone else. That has about as much ethical value as denouncing atrocities that took place in the 18th century.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Atrocities
Image of Noam Chomsky
Farming out atrocities to paramilitaries is standard operating procedure.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Atrocities
Image of Sydney J. Harris
There is no such thing as an "atrocity" in warfare that is greater than the atrocity of warfare itself.
- Sydney J. Harris
Collection: Atrocities