Top artist Quotes Collection - Page 10

Discover a curated collection of artist quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 10 provides more artist quotes.

Image of Ilya Ehrenburg
Every master knows that the material teaches the artist.
- Ilya Ehrenburg
Collection: Artist
Image of Michael Chekhov
All true artists, bear within themselves a deeply rooted and often unconscious desire for transformation.
- Michael Chekhov
Collection: Artist
Image of Joyce Cary
What I say to an artist is, 'When you can't paint - paint.
- Joyce Cary
Collection: Artist
Image of Johnny Carson
Did you know Richard Nixon is the only president whose formal portrait was painted by a police sketch artist?
- Johnny Carson
Collection: Artist
Image of Arthur Ganson
The scientist and the artist are both passionate about their exploration. What leads to my work is that I'm equally an artist and an engineer.
- Arthur Ganson
Collection: Artist
Image of Walter Sickert
The artist is he who can take something ordinary and wring out of it attar of roses.
- Walter Sickert
Collection: Artist
Image of Walter Sickert
Perhaps the importance that we must attach to the achievement of an artist or a group of artists may properly be measured by the answer to the following question: Have they so wrought that it will be impossible henceforth, for those who follow, ever again to act as if they had not existed?
- Walter Sickert
Collection: Artist
Image of Walter Darby Bannard
What is sublime? / the artist said. / I haven't time / to be well read. / To be sub lime / I'll place, instead, / green citrus fruit / upon my head.
- Walter Darby Bannard
Collection: Artist
Image of Amanda Crew
Whenever possible, I try to get a professional to do my makeup, because the idea of putting together a flawless look intimidates me. I like to be open to a makeup artist's ideas on the look they want to create, but I always ask to keep my foundation pretty lightweight and luminescent.
- Amanda Crew
Collection: Artist
Image of John Byrne
One of the things that kept most comics from being monthly was that very few artists could produce 24 pages per month. Jack Kirby was very much the exception to the rule, but his towering presence at Marvel started to dictate the whole shape of the industry - and that's where problems set in!
- John Byrne
Collection: Artist
Image of Alice Neel
Like Chekhov, I am a collector of souls... if I hadn't been an artist, I could have been a psychiatrist.
- Alice Neel
Collection: Artist
Image of Nelly
Sometimes as an artist when things come easy to you, you look for other avenues that are more challenging to you and you try to walk those lanes.
- Nelly
Collection: Artist
Image of John French Sloan
Artists are the only people in the world who really live. The others have to hope for heaven.
- John French Sloan
Collection: Artist
Image of John French Sloan
The artist seeks to record his awareness of order in life.
- John French Sloan
Collection: Artist
Image of John French Sloan
The subject may be of first importance to the artist when he starts a picture, but it should be of least importance in the finished product. The subject is of no aesthetic significance.
- John French Sloan
Collection: Artist
Image of Madonna Ciccone
When I'm dead and no longer the threat. My comfort is that all the great artists since the beginning of time have always been completely misunderstood and never fully appreciated until they were dead.
- Madonna Ciccone
Collection: Artist
Image of Norman Bethune
The function of the artist is to disturb. His duty is to arouse the sleeper, to shake the complacent pillars of the world.In a world terrified of change, he preaches revolution-the principle of life. He is an agitator, a disturber of the peace-quick, impatient, positive, restless and disquieting. He is the creative spirit of life working in the the soul of man.
- Norman Bethune
Collection: Artist
Image of Jimmy Cliff
We need that expression. Whether we want to call it protest or not, we need to express and echo the echoes of the people. Artists need to do that.
- Jimmy Cliff
Collection: Artist
Image of Walter J. Phillips
Let it not be assumed that the artist is so smug as to dislike true criticism. No sincere artist was ever completely satisfied with his labour.
- Walter J. Phillips
Collection: Artist
Image of Walter J. Phillips
The sincere artist is usually his own best critic, but continuous and prolonged work on one painting will sometimes dull his judgment... The critic is in demand, but he must be competent.
- Walter J. Phillips
Collection: Artist
Image of Lupita Nyong'o
Part of being an artist is that you are always concerned you don't have what it takes. It keeps us honest.
- Lupita Nyong'o
Collection: Artist
Image of Charles Fleischer
When you are an artist, you want your audience to think its effortless and easy.
- Charles Fleischer
Collection: Artist
Image of Butch Vig
Compression is a necessary evil. The artists I know want to sound competitive. You don't want your track to sound quieter or wimpier by comparison. We've raised the bar and you can't really step back.
- Butch Vig
Collection: Artist
Image of Hisham Matar
It is sometimes hard to escape the belief that history exists against the artist.
- Hisham Matar
Collection: Artist
Image of Austin Kleon
What a good artist understands is that nothing comes from nowhere. All creative work builds on what came before. Nothing is completely original.
- Austin Kleon
Collection: Artist
Image of Ron Sexsmith
Gordon Lightfoot looms pretty large in my life as a writer and an artist in general. I never travel anywhere without at least two of his records with me.
- Ron Sexsmith
Collection: Artist
Image of Kevin Systrom
I’m always in awe of people who are artists in their fields – people who understand that simply by taking ideas and translating them into reality, they’ve created value in the world.
- Kevin Systrom
Collection: Artist
Image of Medardo Rosso
What the artist must aim at above all else is this: to produce, by any process whatever, a work which by the life and humanity emanating from it communicates to the beholder . . . .
- Medardo Rosso
Collection: Artist
Image of Tyler Shields
When you steal from an artist you are stealing their blood, sweat and tears.
- Tyler Shields
Collection: Artist
Image of Maxwell Perkins
Of the whole public not a handful can understand the artist's point of view or the writer's conscience.
- Maxwell Perkins
Collection: Artist
Image of Emmanuel Lubezki
If I'm collaborating with an artist I like to give them my point of view and if they don't want to take any of my recommendations it's fine, but it's hard otherwise.
- Emmanuel Lubezki
Collection: Artist
Image of Don Watson
Gift to the creative artist: positive images in, positive images out. On the other hand, garbage in, garbage out.
- Don Watson
Collection: Artist
Image of Rosanna Arquette
I love music and musicians. And seeing great artists dropped from labels was really frustrating and sad to me
- Rosanna Arquette
Collection: Artist
Image of Kevin Drew
As an artist, expectations are basically your enemy. If you're truly making something to make it, then you're not thinking about anything else except what you're making.
- Kevin Drew
Collection: Artist
Image of Egon Friedell
The artist's view of the world and mankind is that which seeks as far as possible to lose itself in its object, illuminating it not from the outside by some light foreign to it, but from within, deriving light from its own core.
- Egon Friedell
Collection: Artist
Image of Egon Friedell
Artists of all sorts remain youthful for so long, and in many cases attain a grand old age. The explanation is that they live in an almost permanent condition of stimulation and excitement.
- Egon Friedell
Collection: Artist
Image of Grayson Perry
Beauty and seriousness are perhaps the most shocking tactics left to artists these days.
- Grayson Perry
Collection: Artist
Image of Grayson Perry
Artists should imprint their handwriting on the work, because if they give a piece to a fabrication studio, the craftsmen there may actually be too perfect; you don't see the quirks that the artist would have developed.
- Grayson Perry
Collection: Artist
Image of Grayson Perry
Desmond Morris says that men make better artists because they are greater risk-takers; on the other hand, he thinks that women are better organisers and diplomats and more suited to become politicians.
- Grayson Perry
Collection: Artist
Image of James Purnell
It seems absolutely wrong that people should be able to profit in this cynical way from an event that is designed to highlight the need for action on poverty in Africa, and for which so many artists and others are donating their valuable time for nothing [on people selling Live8 concert tickets on eBay]
- James Purnell
Collection: Artist
Image of Laurie Anderson
If you're a young artist, wondering what to call yourself, consider 'multimedia artist.' It's so vague. Then, no one can say, 'Hey, how come you're a jazz person, and you're making a pop opera?
- Laurie Anderson
Collection: Artist
Image of Irene Cara
I don't like being under someone elses thumb. I'm very supportive of other female artists, especially those trying to make their own statement... trying to do what they want instead of being someone else's Barbie doll.
- Irene Cara
Collection: Artist
Image of Irene Cara
I've had my bubblegum years and I did them well. Now it's time to come back as the woman, artist, and musician that I am without apologizing.
- Irene Cara
Collection: Artist
Image of Irene Cara
This has been a long and tiring battle for 10 years. And I'm glad it's finally resolved. My principles and reputation as a creative artist were involved here-it wasn't just about the royalties. I can now look foward to getting on with my career.
- Irene Cara
Collection: Artist
Image of Dennis Oppenheim
An artist works through exposed wounds.
- Dennis Oppenheim
Collection: Artist
Image of Gene Youngblood
Where beauty ends is where the artist begins
- Gene Youngblood
Collection: Artist
Image of Frederick Varley
Artist awake or be forever fallen.
- Frederick Varley
Collection: Artist
Image of Billy Cannon
All artists are protected by copyright... and we should be the first to respect copyright.
- Billy Cannon
Collection: Artist