Top artist Quotes Collection - Page 8

Discover a curated collection of artist quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 8 provides more artist quotes.

Image of Joey Skaggs
I've always been a fine artist.
- Joey Skaggs
Collection: Artist
Image of Christian Morgenstern
A true artist never portrays to please, but to show.
- Christian Morgenstern
Collection: Artist
Image of Melissa Auf der Maur
For me going solo meant freedom to collaborate and do whatever I feel I'm good at doing. For me it was really not ever expanding as an artist, developing everything from my songwriting to my singing to my mission statement to my vision. I've been so inspired by all the creative freedom that it brings that I have no complaints.
- Melissa Auf der Maur
Collection: Artist
Image of Harold Eugene Edgerton
Don't make me out to be an artist. I am an engineer. I am after the facts, only the facts.
- Harold Eugene Edgerton
Collection: Artist
Image of Wyndham Lewis
An artist should be as impartial as God.
- Wyndham Lewis
Collection: Artist
Image of Stephen Bayley
Watteau is no less an artist for having painted a fascia board while Sainsbury's is no less effective a business for producing advertisements which entertain and educate instead of condescending and exploiting.
- Stephen Bayley
Collection: Artist
Image of Julian Schnabel
I think, basically, I'm an abstract artist. I just think that that's not even an issue. I think everything's abstract.
- Julian Schnabel
Collection: Artist
Image of Pharoahe Monch
There are situations where I'm uncomfortable saying, "I'm a hip-hop artist." In some circles, the response is like, "Oh, OK, so... you have whores and your ties are shiny?"
- Pharoahe Monch
Collection: Artist
Image of Pharoahe Monch
You've rarely got an artist that's not being chauffeured into the business by some huge-ass names.
- Pharoahe Monch
Collection: Artist
Image of Niki Taylor
I've always enjoyed watching makeup artists - but I'd like to go to the extreme and do monster makeup in movies.
- Niki Taylor
Collection: Artist
Image of Catherine Drinker Bowen
Artists often think they are going to die before their time. They seem to possess a heightened sense of the passing of the hours.
- Catherine Drinker Bowen
Collection: Artist
Image of Harold Rosenberg
An artist is a person who has invented an artist.
- Harold Rosenberg
Collection: Artist
Image of Harold Rosenberg
A painting that is an act is inseparable from the biography of the artist.
- Harold Rosenberg
Collection: Artist
Image of Harold Rosenberg
Today, each artist must undertake to invent himself, a lifelong act of creation that constitutes the essential content of the artist's work.
- Harold Rosenberg
Collection: Artist
Image of T Bone Burnett
Risk is what separates the artist from the artisan.
- T Bone Burnett
Collection: Artist
Image of T Bone Burnett
The hallmark of an artist is generosity.
- T Bone Burnett
Collection: Artist
Image of Joseph Plaskett
No artist, if he has original talent, can paint like another.
- Joseph Plaskett
Collection: Artist
Image of Leonardo Boff
To a large degree, we are still bound to the modern scientific spirit, that characterizes reality merely by its material and mechanic aspects, without including life, consciousness and the intimate communion with that which poets, musicians and artists bring us in their magnificent works.
- Leonardo Boff
Collection: Artist
Image of Cory Arcangel
I would love to say there was some contemporary artist who's work really got me thinking, but lately I have just been trying to sort out 20 years of garbage TV culture that is filling my brain.
- Cory Arcangel
Collection: Artist
Image of Gretchen Wilson
I don't know if I'll ever get used to hearing my name being mentioned alongside all these other legendary artists that have come before me.
- Gretchen Wilson
Collection: Artist
Image of Piet Mondrian
Every true artist has been inspired more by the beauty of lines and color and the relationships between them than by the concrete subject of the picture.
- Piet Mondrian
Collection: Artist
Image of T. E. Hulme
The artist tries to see what there is to be interested in... He has not created something, he has seen something.
- T. E. Hulme
Collection: Artist
Image of James de la Vega
I like the idea of the artist going out in the world, creating a dialogue
- James de la Vega
Collection: Artist
Image of Bill Budge
Any artist always has misgivings about calling himself an artist.
- Bill Budge
Collection: Artist
Image of Albert Pinkham Ryder
The artist should fear to become the slave of detail. He should strive to express his thought and not the surface of it. What avails a storm cloud accurate in form and color if the storm is not therein?
- Albert Pinkham Ryder
Collection: Artist
Image of Albert Pinkham Ryder
The artist should strive to express his thought and not the surface of it.
- Albert Pinkham Ryder
Collection: Artist
Image of Dessa Darling
The question isn't whether or not to censor artists who espouse misogynistic views. The question is whether or not we support them as listeners and consumers.
- Dessa Darling
Collection: Artist
Image of Anne Truitt
The most demanding part of living a lifetime as an artist is the strict discipline of forcing oneself to work steadfastly along the nerve of one's own intimate sensitivity.
- Anne Truitt
Collection: Artist
Image of Anne Truitt
Artists have no choice but to express their lives.
- Anne Truitt
Collection: Artist
Image of Anne Truitt
I never decided at all to be an artist; being an artist seems to have happened to me.
- Anne Truitt
Collection: Artist
Image of Jean Sibelius
It is so difficult to mix with artists! You must choose business men to talk to, because artists only talk of money.
- Jean Sibelius
Collection: Artist
Image of Jim Dine
I'm not a pop artist. For me pop never was.... Pop is concerned with exteriors. I'm concerned with interiors. When I use objects, I see them as a vocabulary of feelings. I can spend a lot of time with objects, and they leave me as satisfied as a good meal. I don't think pop artists feel that way.
- Jim Dine
Collection: Artist
Image of Jim Beaver
Deadwood was a magical experience. It was an absolute culmination of everything Ive ever wanted to do as an actor as an artist, and I was enormously proud to have been involved with it.
- Jim Beaver
Collection: Artist
Image of Michael Ventura
An artist without obsession isn't worth a damn!
- Michael Ventura
Collection: Artist
Image of Michael Ventura
The element of obsession is terribly important for an artist.
- Michael Ventura
Collection: Artist
Image of H. R. Giger
To wear something like that your whole life is the largest compliment someone can pay to you as an artist.
- H. R. Giger
Collection: Artist
Image of Robert Bateman
After being an Impressionist, Cubist, and an Abstract Expressionist, I was influenced by realistic artists, including Andrew Wyeth in the late '50s, and I haven't changed my style since.
- Robert Bateman
Collection: Artist
Image of Jay Park
Artists draw for themselves, If someone draws for them, theyre not an artist. An artist is someone who makes their own music and albums. Artist think music is a drawing, and they draw theirs.
- Jay Park
Collection: Artist
Image of Saul Bass
You see an artist, a creative person, can accept criticism or can live with the criticism much more easily than with being ignored. Criticism makes you feel alive. If somebody is bothered enough to speak vituperatively about it, you feel you have touched a nerve and you are at least 'in touch.' You are not happy that he doesn't like it, but you feel you are in contact with life.
- Saul Bass
Collection: Artist
Image of Billy Childish
It is an artist's duty to be on the wrong end of the see-saw.
- Billy Childish
Collection: Artist
Image of Billy Childish
Artists who don't paint aren't artists.
- Billy Childish
Collection: Artist
Image of Isamu Noguchi
For me it is the direct contact of artist to material which is original, and it is the earth and his contact to it which will free him of the artificiality of the present and his dependence on industrial products.
- Isamu Noguchi
Collection: Artist
Image of Steve Ross
The highest thing people can say about an artist is, 'You know, I felt he or she was singing right to me.' If you've got the goods, and you're honest, that's where the thrill comes in, because of the urgency of the people really feeling what they feel. It's right there.
- Steve Ross
Collection: Artist
Image of Toni Onley
People generally are more interested in my work when they get to know me. Serious collectors like to get not just a painting but a piece of the artist.
- Toni Onley
Collection: Artist
Image of William McFee
The artist in his teens who is happy is a charlatan. Life comes bursting in all around lis too suddenly, too crudely, too cruelly, for happiness.
- William McFee
Collection: Artist
Image of Suzy Bogguss
Ive always seen myself as sort of this funky, eclectic artist.
- Suzy Bogguss
Collection: Artist
Image of Bridget Riley
It seems the deeper, truer personality of the artist only emerges in the making of decisions... in refusing and accepting, changing and revising.
- Bridget Riley
Collection: Artist
Image of Bridget Riley
An artist's early work is inevitably made up of a mixture of tendencies and interests, some of which are compatible and some of which are in conflict
- Bridget Riley
Collection: Artist
Image of Freeman Patterson
Every artist is, first of all, a craftperson thoroughly knowledgeable about the materials, tools, and techniques of his or her particular medium and skilled in using many of them.
- Freeman Patterson
Collection: Artist