Top appreciation Quotes Collection - Page 11

Discover a curated collection of appreciation quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 11 provides more appreciation quotes.

Image of Prince Charles
This was one of those special occasions when I could actually feel the inner appreciation of the beauty of the moment passing like an electric current through the brush in my hand.
- Prince Charles
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Dale Carnegie
If some people are so hungry for a feeling of importance that they actually go insane to get it, imagine what miracle you and I can achieve by giving people honest appreciation this side of insanity.
- Dale Carnegie
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Robert Breault
There is no effect more disproportionate to its cause than the happiness bestowed by a small compliment.
- Robert Breault
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Brian Tracy
Five Great Habits for Better Relationships: acceptance (smile each time), appreciation (say thank you to everyone), admiration (compliment people on their appearance or clothing, etc.), approval (praise immediately, specifically and repeatedly), and attention (be a good listener).
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I am not indifferent to the appreciation of kind people. [The voters were] extremely kind in naming me the world's top public intellectual, a title to which I can never see myself as entitled.
- Fethullah Gulen
Collection: Appreciation
Image of LaVell Edwards
Reminiscing, with obvious emotion, on his long career: It's like the size of the crowd here today. It always surprises me. But I do appreciate it.
- LaVell Edwards
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Grover Cleveland
The best results in the operation of a government wherein every citizen has a share largely depend upon a proper limitation of the purely partisan zeal and effort and a correct appreciation of the time when the heat of the partisan should be merged in the patriotism of the citizen. ... At this hour the animosities of political strife, the bitterness of partisan defeat, and the exultation of partisan triumph should be supplanted by an ungrudging acquiescence in the popular will and a sober, conscientious concern for the general weal. ... Public extravagance begets extravagance among the people.
- Grover Cleveland
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Brian Tracy
Be thankful for all your blessings. An appreciative person makes a pleasant and optimistic person.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Zooey Deschanel
I don't think I'm very much like anyone else, really. I'm sure there are aspects of other actors that I share, but I don't see anybody else and go, "Damn, they stole my thing." I'm me, and I like that there are people who have an appreciation for that.
- Zooey Deschanel
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Sylvia Boorstein
We have moments of such clarity, of such appreciation of the incredible web of interconnected events that carry us from breath to breath, day to day, as long as we live-and the next moment we fret about how much we weigh. Or who we didn't send a Valentine. Or who forgot to compliment the dinner. Or whatever.
- Sylvia Boorstein
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Sylvia Boorstein
The responses of friendliness, compassion, and appreciation that I felt ...--all situational permutations of basic goodwill--depended on my mind's being relaxed and alert enough to notice both what was happening around me and what was happening as my internal response. [p.50]
- Sylvia Boorstein
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Eugene Delacroix
Glory to that Homer of painting, to that father of warmth and enthusiasm... he really paints men.
- Eugene Delacroix
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Cyril Connolly
Failure on the other hand is infectious. The world is full of charming failures (for all charming people have something to conceal, usually their total dependence on the appreciation of others) and unless the writer is quite ruthless with these amiable footlers, they will drag him down with them.
- Cyril Connolly
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Kurt Cobain
Life isn't nearly as sacred as the appreciation of passion.
- Kurt Cobain
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Charles Horton Cooley
The chief misery of the decline of the faculties, and a main cause of the irritability that often goes with it, is evidently the isolation, the lack of customary appreciation and influence, which only the rarest tact and thoughtfulness on the part of others can alleviate.
- Charles Horton Cooley
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Hesiod
The half is greater than the whole.
- Hesiod
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Jack Johnson
It might sound silly to some people, but if anybody wants to spend time to go out and glide on waves, it just feels like they have an appreciation for the joy of life and must be an okay person.
- Jack Johnson
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Travis Rice
The idea [of the Fourth Phase ] was that by taking a closer look at where our weather comes from, and the processes involved in making it, we could all walk away with a greater appreciation of water in its various magical forms.
- Travis Rice
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Barbara Sher
Down deep we really know our worth, but we don't have easy access to that knowledge. We need to hear praise coming from outside ourselves or we won't remember that we deserve it.
- Barbara Sher
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Sophocles
Ignorant men do not know what good they hold in their hands until they've flung it away.
- Sophocles
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Richard Armitage
I can work hard and be disciplined like a soldier, but I could never reach their level of fitness. I have a whole new appreciation of soldiers. I saw myself on screen and thought, 'That body is so not hard enough to be a soldier.'
- Richard Armitage
Collection: Appreciation
Image of David Richo
In a true you-and-I relationship, we are present mindfully, nonintrusively, the way we are present with things in nature.We do not tell a birch tree it should be more like an elm. We face it with no agenda, only an appreciation that becomes participation: 'I love looking at this birch' becomes 'I am this birch' and then 'I and this birch are opening to a mystery that transcends and holds us both.
- David Richo
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
Too high an appreciation of our own talents is the chief cause why experience preaches to us all in vain.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Lily Collins
Wearing a corset, a ball gown, heels and a swan hat with wings to fight in the forest gave me a whole new appreciation for everyday clothes, because you really become that alter ego while wearing those costumes in those environments on the set. They just influenced everything you tried to do.
- Lily Collins
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Jean Cocteau
Appreciation of art is a moral erection, otherwise mere dilettantism.
- Jean Cocteau
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Bill Cosby
It doesn't make any difference how much money a father earns, his name is always Dad-Can-I.... Like all other children, my five have one great talent: they are gifted beggars. Not one of them ever ran into the room, looked up at me, and said, "I'm really happy that you're my father, and as a tangible token of my appreciation, here's a dollar.
- Bill Cosby
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Zoe Bell
I love the idea of doing comedy, whether it's action comedy or just straight comedy. It's such a big, new world for me that I'm starting to realize that any character that I relate to, in any way, shape or form, or that I have any appreciation for, given enough preparation, I can find that person.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
Be very slow to believe that you are wiser than all others; it is a fatal but common error. Where one has been saved by a true estimation of another's weakness, thousands have been destroyed by a false appreciation of their own strength.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Billy Corgan
I have a musical ancestry as much as I have a family ancestry. Honoring those ancestors gives you access to a greater source of appreciation and information than you would have if you were just going on your own ego system.
- Billy Corgan
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Gautama Buddha
If we can look upon our work not for self-benefit,but as a means to benefit society,we will be practicing appreciation and patience in our daily lives.
- Gautama Buddha
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Edsger Dijkstra
We shall do a much better programming job, provided that we approach the task with a full appreciation of its tremendous difficulty, provided that we stick to modest and elegant programming languages, provided that we respect the intrinsic limitations of the human mind and approach the task as Very Humble Programmers.
- Edsger Dijkstra
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Alan Cohen
Upgrade your past by seeing it with appreciation.
- Alan Cohen
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Walter Cronkite
We are the lucky generation. We first broke our earthly bonds and ventured into space. From our descendants- perches on other planets or distant space cities, they will look back at our achievement with wonder at our courage and audacity and with appreciation at our accomplishments, which assured the future in which they live.
- Walter Cronkite
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Alan Cohen
Today I set my mind and heart on a new path. I focus my energy on love, appreciation, and my highest possibilities.
- Alan Cohen
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Peter Senge
Business and human endeavors are systems...we tend to focus on snapshots of isolated parts of the system. And wonder why our deepest problems never get solved.
- Peter Senge
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Alan Cohen
Spirit Math: The quality of your life equals the ratio of appreciation to complaint.
- Alan Cohen
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Ram Dass
The way you come to fully appreciate the infusion of the Spirit is to more and more come fully into the moment, where this moment is enough.
- Ram Dass
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Adyashanti
What will carry us into living freedom is not the holding of attention so much as the holding of appreciation.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Matt Damon
Clint Eastwood expects you to know what you're doing. He's going to take two giant steps back and let you do it. I have such appreciation for that part of him.
- Matt Damon
Collection: Appreciation
Image of John Dewey
The real purveyors of the news are artists, for artists are the ones who infuse fact with perception, emotion, and appreciation...We are beginning to realize that emotions and imagination are more potent in shaping public sentiment and opinion than information and reason.
- John Dewey
Collection: Appreciation
Image of John Dewey
The imagination is the medium of appreciation in every field. The engagement of the imagination is the only thing that makes any activity more than mechanical. Unfortunately, it is too customary to identify the imaginative with the imaginary, rather than with a warm and intimate taking in of the full scope of a situation.
- John Dewey
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Wayne Dyer
I appreciate all that I am and all that I have. Stop focusing on what you do not have, and shift your consciousness to an appreciation for all that you are and all that you do have.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Wayne Dyer
It just depends on what you decide to have in your heart. That's what I've learned. That's where I am at this stage in my life is if we can fill ourselves with love and appreciation for, and be in a state of gratitude... Every event of your life you have an opportunity to be in a state of gratitude for it.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Frederick Lenz
The reason you see yourself as a creep is because you have an appreciation of what perfection is, whereas no one else conceives of themselves in that way, since they don't even strive.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Albert Einstein
The most valuable thing a teacher can impart to children is not knowledge and understanding per se but a longing for knowledge and understanding, and an appreciation for intellectual values, whether they be artistic, scientific, or moral. It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. Most teachers waste their time by asking questions that are intended to discover what a pupil does not know, whereas the true art of questioning is to discover what the pupil does know or is capable of knowing.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Appreciation
Image of David Fincher
I have great appreciation for people who do anything well. I think that it's very difficult to do what you do well.
- David Fincher
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Frederick Lenz
I think that pain gives us appreciation of joy - it's a package deal. And I definitely think that the joys of life far outweigh the pain.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
A little praise goes a great ways.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Appreciation