Fethullah Gulen

Image of Fethullah Gulen
My core belief is to seek peace in the world, helping people eliminate certain malevolent attitudes through education as much as possible.
- Fethullah Gulen
Collection: Peace
Image of Fethullah Gulen
Studying physics, mathematics, and chemistry is worshipping God.
- Fethullah Gulen
Collection: God
Image of Fethullah Gulen
My philosophy - inclusive and pluralist Islam, dedicated to service to human beings from every faith - is antithetical to armed rebellion.
- Fethullah Gulen
Collection: Faith
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I have spent over 50 years preaching and teaching the values of peace, mutual respect and altruism.
- Fethullah Gulen
Collection: Peace
Image of Fethullah Gulen
Even if, at the helm of the country there are people who would like to replace me and suppress me and oppress me at the level of blood-sucking vampires, then I do not want to remove them with anti-democratic means. This is my attitude toward any and even the idea of the consideration of a military coup.
- Fethullah Gulen
Collection: Attitude
Image of Fethullah Gulen
My message is, if someone beats you, act like you don't have hands. If someone slurs you, act like you don't have a tongue. Society is already polarized enough, don't make it worse.
- Fethullah Gulen
Collection: Society
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I have said time and again that the republican order, and secularism, when executed perfectly, are blessings from God.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
My position on democracy is really clear. Any attempt to overthrow the country is a betrayal to our unity and is treason.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
The noble position of motherhood aside, our general opinion about women is that, while taking into account their specific needs, it should be made possible for them to take on every role, including the jobs of physician, military officer, judge and president of a country.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
It is possible that people who share core values will make choices along the same lines.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I probably will not live to see Turkey become an exemplary democracy, but I pray that the downward authoritarian drift can be stopped before it is too late.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
We invite our friends who hold high positions in the legislative branch of government and state institutions to master the skills of administration, so they could, when the time comes, reform the Turkish state and make it more fruitful at all its levels in the name of Islam.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
Telling or encouraging people to vote for a party would be an insult to peoples' intellect.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
If I were to say anything to people I may say people should vote for those who are respectful to democracy, rule of law, who get on well with people.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
My message to the Turkish people is never to view any military intervention positively because through military intervention, democracy cannot be achieved.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
Under any circumstances, if I had to return to Turkey and face the gallows, I will not blink an eye.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I feel the pain of people who suffer in my own neurons and sometimes cannot even watch TV. It is impossible not to be worried. But I trust that however cruel treatment they receive, Hizmet sympathizers will continue to respect to the law and will remain peaceful.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I think the United States is mindful of its reputation for its democracy and rule of law, and if they are willing to risk that reputation by extraditing me based on the request and claims made by Turkey, I would never say no. I would go willingly.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I don't see a bright future for Turkey. It pains me. But I have some hope, I pray for it to be better. It is a blessed country, a NATO member, and was an E.U. candidate. These were things we wanted.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I suffered during the military intervention of May 27, 1960, and then again on March 12, 1971 and again on September 12, 1980, and I was targeted February 28, 1997. My respect for the military aside, I have always been against interventions.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I grew up in a humble family with a shy personality.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I consider myself an ordinary Muslim who is constantly working to put himself in the framework established by the Koran and the tradition of the Prophet Mohammed. I study the works of experts of jurisprudence, Koranic commentary, hadith commentary, and Sufism.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
In many places around the world, including Turkey until the 1950s, Muslims didn't have full freedom of religion. Even personal practice was not allowed, and they had to practice in secret.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
When the opportunities come, Cemaat participants, just like any other citizen will make their choices based on their values.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
We will never be a part of any plot against those who are governing our country.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I have never imagined being or wished to be chosen as something important in the world.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I have always tried to be a humble servant of God and a humble member of humanity.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
Islam's basic principles of belief, worship, morality, and behavior are not affected by changing times. Islam does not propose a certain unchangeable form of government or attempt to shape it. Islam has never offered nor established a theocracy in its name.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I cannot accept concepts such as Gulenism or Gulenist. I was only a writer and an official preacher among people. I can have no direct influence on any person or activity. It is inconceivable that I can exert pressure on anybody.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I would curse people who resort to coups against democracy, liberty, republic.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I have always been against coups, and I cursed them.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I am neither a sociologist nor a psychologist, but you don't have to be one to see that Turkey is in a vortex of problems, isolated from the world.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
Turkey is a diverse country... I think that democracy is the ideal system for a country with a social foundation such as this. My view is based on my belief that everyone should be able to comfortably live what they believe, and this is only possible in a truly democratic environment. I am insistent in my views and I strongly believe in what I say.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
Erdogan thinks if he gets rid of me, he thinks ending me will end the movement. He couldn't be more wrong.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
We are mortals, we will die one day.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
The lesser jihad is our active fulfillment of Islam's commands and duties.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
The greater jihad is proclaiming war on our ego's destructive and negative emotions and thoughts... which prevent us from attaining perfection.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I even reject and condemn in the strongest terms the idea, the consideration of a military coup. If I had the chance I would stand in front of the people who would attempt such a thing and open my arms and beg them to stop.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
Avoiding the physical sciences due to the fear that they will lead to heresy is childish.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
A Turkey under a dictatorial regime, providing haven to violent radicals and pushing its Kurdish citizens into desperation, would be a nightmare for Middle East security.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
Turkey initiated true multiparty elections in 1950 to join NATO. As a requirement of its membership, NATO can and should demand that Turkey honor its commitment to the alliance's democratic norms.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
Erdogan's persecution of his people is not simply a domestic matter. The ongoing pursuit of civil society, journalists, academics and Kurds in Turkey is threatening the long-term stability of the country.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
Regardless of their religious observance, citizens can and should unite around universal human rights and freedoms, and democratically oppose those who violate them.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
Profiling any segment of society and viewing them as a threat is a sign of intolerance.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I have always believed in seeking happiness in the happiness of others and the virtue of seeking God's pleasure in helping His people.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
No citizen or social group can be completely isolated from politics, because policy decisions and actions affect their lives.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I don't have a need to promote myself.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I've never sought to be known or recognized by people.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
I simply share ideas I believe in with people around me.
- Fethullah Gulen
Image of Fethullah Gulen
Entrepreneurs and volunteers inspired by Hizmet's values have invested in modern education and community service in more than 150 countries.
- Fethullah Gulen