Top adversity Quotes Collection - Page 10

Discover a curated collection of adversity quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 10 provides more adversity quotes.

Image of George Farquhar
Tis a question whether adversity or prosperity makes the most poets.
- George Farquhar
Collection: Adversity
Image of Conor McGregor
Face adversity head on in your training and you will conquer it smoothly in your fight.
- Conor McGregor
Collection: Adversity
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
The test of friendship is assistance in adversity, and that, too, unconditional assistance.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Adversity
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
The test of friendship is assistance in adversity, and that too, unconditional assistance, Co-operation which needs consideration is as a commercial contract and not friendship. Conditional co-operation is like adulterated cement which does not bind.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Adversity
Image of Aristophanes
One must not try to trick misfortune, but resign oneself to it with good grace.
- Aristophanes
Collection: Adversity
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Flom had the same experience...He didn't triumph over adversity. Instead, what started out as adversity ended up being an opportunity.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Adversity
Image of Baltasar Gracian
One who was abhorred by all in prosperity is adored by all in adversity.
- Baltasar Gracian
Collection: Adversity
Image of Benjamin Franklin
Out of adversity comes opportunity.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Adversity
Image of Peter J. Carroll
In a stagnant environment the body-mind creates its own adversity – disease and fantasy.
- Peter J. Carroll
Collection: Adversity
Image of Khalil Gibran
Braving obstacles and hardships is braver than retreat to tranquility.
- Khalil Gibran
Collection: Adversity
Image of Vincent Van Gogh
What molting time is to birds, so adversity or misfortune is ... for us humans.
- Vincent Van Gogh
Collection: Adversity
Image of Benjamin Franklin
The proof of gold is fire.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Adversity
Image of Edgar Guest
You when the storm is raging - how do you face despair? It is you that the world discovers, whatever the clothes you wear.
- Edgar Guest
Collection: Adversity
Image of Criss Jami
Easily mistaken, it is not about a love for adversity, it is about knowing a strength and a faith so great that adversity, in all its adverse manifestations, hardly even exists.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Adversity
Image of Ruth Gordon
Your first big trouble can be a bonanza if you live through it. Get through the first trouble, and you'll probably make it through the next one.
- Ruth Gordon
Collection: Adversity
Image of Ron Fournier
Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt faced adversities that, in their times, seemed impregnable. Great presidents overcome great odds.
- Ron Fournier
Collection: Adversity
Image of Shakti Gawain
Problems are messages.
- Shakti Gawain
Collection: Adversity
Image of Harry Emerson Fosdick
The first question to be answered by any individual or by any social group, The real handle facing a hazardous sit - to a difficult uation, is whether the stuaton crisis is to be met as a challenge to strength or as an occasion for despair.
- Harry Emerson Fosdick
Collection: Adversity
Image of Marcus Aurelius
The cucumber is bitter? Then throw it out. There are brambles in the path? Then go around. That's all you need to know.
- Marcus Aurelius
Collection: Adversity
Image of Max Anders
Although their parents died in the wilderness for their stubbornness, Israel could profit from the older generation's failure by remembering that God had used adversity to train them.
- Max Anders
Collection: Adversity
Image of Marcus Aurelius
When jarred, unavoidably, by circumstance revert at once to yourself and don't lose the rhythm more than you can help. You'll have a better grasp of harmony if you keep going back to it.
- Marcus Aurelius
Collection: Adversity
Image of Patrick Henry
Adversity toughens manhood, and the characteristic of the good or the great man is not that he has been exempt from the evils of life, but that he has surmounted them.
- Patrick Henry
Collection: Adversity
Image of Bob Hope
I was lucky I wasn't a better boxer, or that's what I'd be now - a punchy ex-pug.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Adversity
Image of Stephen Hawking
A person who smiles in the face of adversity...probably has a scapegoat.
- Stephen Hawking
Collection: Adversity
Image of Mary Anne Radmacher
Protect your vision. Prevail over adversity. Persevere in the midst of turmoil. Passionately act upon your convictions. Purposely walk into the day.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
Collection: Adversity
Image of Saint Augustine
Education is the food of youth, the delight of old age, the ornament of prosperity, the refuge and comfort of adversity, and the provocation to grace in the soul.
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Adversity
Image of Joseph Hall
Surely the mischief of hypocrisy can never be enough inveighed against. When religion is in request, it is the chief malady of the church, and numbers die of it; though because it is a subtle and inward evil, it be little perceived. It is to be feared there are many sick of it, that look well and comely in God's outward worship, and they may pass well in good weather, in times of peace; but days of adversity are days of trial.
- Joseph Hall
Collection: Adversity
Image of Napoleon Hill
Adversity will do something too you or for you.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Adversity
Image of Julian Assange
While many of the established media make losses or go bankrupt, WikiLeaks has survived a major conflict with a superpower, including an unlawful economic blockade by its banks and credit card companies and the detention of its editor. We have no debts. We have not had to fire staff. We have never lost a court case related to our publishing. We have never been forced to censor. Adversity has hardened us.
- Julian Assange
Collection: Adversity
Image of George Herbert
Every path hath a puddle.
- George Herbert
Collection: Adversity
Image of Frank Herbert
To stand alone against all adversity is the most sacred moment of existence.
- Frank Herbert
Collection: Adversity
Image of Napoleon Hill
When adversity overtakes you, it pays to be thankful it was not worse instead of worrying over your misfortune.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Adversity
Image of Vance Havner
Sometimes your medicine bottle has on it, "shake well before using." That is what God has to do with some of His people. He has to shake them well before they are ever usable.
- Vance Havner
Collection: Adversity
Image of Napoleon Hill
Many successful people have found opportunities in failure and adversity that they could not recognize in more favorable circumstances.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Adversity
Image of Marvin J. Ashton
Difficulties can be a valuable tool in our pursuit of perfection. Adversity need have no necessary connection with failure.
- Marvin J. Ashton
Collection: Adversity
Image of Napoleon Hill
Don't be afraid of a little opposition. Remember that the 'Kite' of success generally rises AGAINST the wind of Adversity, not with it.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Adversity
Image of Ernest Holmes
Drop all negative thoughts from the mind. Do not dwell on adversity but think plenty into everything, for there is power in the word. Meditate on the things you are doing as being already done - complete and perfect.
- Ernest Holmes
Collection: Adversity
Image of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
If I had a formula for bypassing trouble, I would not pass it around. Trouble creates a capacity to handle it.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Collection: Adversity
Image of Nhat Hanh
Nonviolent action, born of the awareness of suffering and nurtured by love, is the most effective way to confront adversity.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Adversity
Image of Saint Augustine
God will not suffer man to have a knowledge of things to come for if he had prescience of his prosperity, he would be careless and if understanding of his adversity, he would be despairing and senseless
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Adversity
Image of Napoleon Hill
Life gives no one immunity against adversity, but life gives to everyone the power of positive thought which is sufficient to master all circumstances of adversity and convert them into benefits.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Adversity
Image of Napoleon Hill
Within every adversity is an equal and opposite benefit.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Adversity
Image of Marcus Aurelius
Nothing befalls a man except what is in his nature to endure.
- Marcus Aurelius
Collection: Adversity
Image of Marvin J. Ashton
Adversity will surface in some form in every life. How we prepare for it, how we meet it, makes the difference. We can be broken by adversity, or we can become stronger. The final result is up to the individual'.
- Marvin J. Ashton
Collection: Adversity
Image of Meher Baba
God has come again and again in various Forms, has spoken again and again in different words and different languages the Same One Truth - but how many are there that live up to it? Instead of making Truth the vitalbreath of his life, man compromises by making over and over againa mechanical religion of it - a handy staff to lean on in times of adversity, a soothing balm for his conscience or a tradition to be followed.
- Meher Baba
Collection: Adversity
Image of Washington Irving
The scholar only knows how dear these silent, yet eloquent, companions of pure thoughts and innocent hours become in the season of adversity. When all that is worldly turns to dross around us, these only retain their steady value.
- Washington Irving
Collection: Adversity
Image of Daisaku Ikeda
Adversity gives birth to greatness. The greater the challenges and difficulties we face, the greater the opportunity we have to grow and develop as people. A life without adversity, a life of ease and comfort, produces nothing and leaves us with nothing. This is one of the indisputable facts of life.
- Daisaku Ikeda
Collection: Adversity
Image of John F. Kennedy
We must face the fact that the United States is neither omnipotent nor omniscient, that we cannot impose our will upon the other 94 percent of mankind, that we cannot right every wrong or reverse every adversity, and that therefore there cannot be an American solution to every world problem.
- John F. Kennedy
Collection: Adversity