Yngwie Malmsteen

Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
Steeler was a good start for my career. They didn't play anything dangerous - everything was formulaic - but I played all this crazy stuff on top of it, and that turned out to be an interesting combination. But by the time 'Steeler' came out, I was already out of the band.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
I emigrated to the U.S. on February 3, 1983, when I was 19 years old. I joined Steeler right away and recorded the album the following month. I'd been playing in bands in Sweden since the age of 11, but 'Steeler' was my first album.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
I joined Alcatrazz a month after I recorded 'Steeler.' The big difference between Steeler and Alcatrazz is that in Alcatrazz, I wrote the songs. When I went to the Alcatrazz audition, they had no songs and no direction. They also had a questionable drummer.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
People who join my organization are usually very cool at first, but they become troublesome later.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
When I was a kid, I played drums, and when I first got a 4-track, I would put down drumbeats and then do the rest of the tracks on top.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
'Spellbound' has a lot of guitar playing on it, obviously, but I wanted to keep it with a more straightforward beat. It doesn't have so many stops and things like that. Whereas if you listen to 'Majestic 12,' that's like a little symphony.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
I'm very selfish. I make music that I love because I only live once, and I'm an artist. I don't try to revolt against anybody, and I don't try to please anybody. I feel very strongly that I if love it, someone else will love it - not everybody, though.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
A lot of people don't know this, but I started out as a blues-based player, and then, when I realized after playing 18 hours a day that there's more than five notes per scale, that's when my stuff became what it was. I started listening to violinists and flautists, and that's how my style evolved.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
The business has changed dramatically from what it was even just a few years ago. Music isn't even distributed the same way anymore. Even CDs are becoming a thing of the past. The Internet has made it easier to get my music out to anyone who wants it, but at the same time, I feel like we're losing the mystique.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
I learned a lot from other people, and was inspired by what they did, but I didn't copy anyone. I put many different blocks together to become what I am. I don't know if that would have happened if everything was handed to me on a plate.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
At first, I didn't think playing guitar was the right thing for me to do. But after seeing Jimi Hendrix on television the day he died, I realized it was a really cool instrument to play and not wimpy at all, which was how I originally perceived it.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
I am so extremely busy with what I am doing myself. When I am not playing music, I am usually doing other things. Playing around with my Ferraris and playing tennis and things like that. What I understand, there is a new group of kids that are very serious about playing, which is great; I think that is a good thing.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
When the glam metal thing of the late '80s became too glammy, then instead of having two bottles of hairspray in your hair, it became better not to wash your hair at all. To me it's all trend stuff. I don't follow that stuff. I just do what I feel is the right thing. I don't know what the reason is for that. It's not fashion.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
When I grew up, there was no TV, nothing. The guitar could be my whole life. The kids today have Internet and TV and games and all that stuff.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
I've used Fender Strats with Marshalls since forever, though since I last played London, I've switched to my YJM Seymour Duncan pickups, and I also have a Fender YJM overdrive pedal, which is fairly new.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
Fast is only cool if it's melodic and has substance.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Collection: Funny
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
Ritchie Blackmore was a huge early influence on me, but after that I had to find my own way ... Johann Sebastian Bach was probably the most influential guy ever on me ... Vivaldi, Beethoven and eventually Paganini ... all of a sudden I was thinking in all these other areas, instead of blues riffs.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Collection: Music
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
I don't think you can learn to be a complete musician. That has to come from within, and it entails a lot of sacrifice.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Collection: Sacrifice
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
What I think is the most important thing to learn about any instrument is the basics of music. Learn your ABCs before you write a Hemingway novel.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Collection: Writing
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
The only thing I ever really wanted was a Strat .. I started playing guitar after seeing Jimi Hendrix on TV the day he died...then I got Deep Purples' Fireball album which was also a big influence .. I have a collection of more than 200 of them that includes Strats from every year since March 1954 - the first month the Strat was made
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Collection: Music
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
I've always been heavily influenced by classical music, mostly by baroque music.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Collection: Music
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
My mom really wanted me to be a musician so she gave me a guitar for my fifth birthday, but I didn't start playing till I was seven.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Collection: Mom
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
I'm working on guitars for free, because I love working on guitars anyway.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Collection: Guitar
Image of Yngwie Malmsteen
I wasn't very big on going to school. I tried to get a gig as a luthier.
- Yngwie Malmsteen
Collection: School