William Bernbach

Image of William Bernbach
The creative man with an insight into human nature, with the artistry to touch and move people, will succeed. Without them he will fail.
- William Bernbach
Collection: Success
Image of William Bernbach
You have to live with your product, you have to know it through and through, you have to look at it, understand it, love it then, and only then, you can crystallize in one clear thought, one single theme, what must be conveyed about the product to the consumer.
- William Bernbach
Collection: Looks
Image of William Bernbach
A principle isn't a principle until it costs you something.
- William Bernbach
Collection: Principles
Image of William Bernbach
For the Flower to blossom, you need the right soil as well as the right seed. The same is true to cultivate good thinking.
- William Bernbach
Collection: Flower
Image of William Bernbach
Don't confuse good taste with the absence of taste.
- William Bernbach
Collection: Taste
Image of William Bernbach
You cannot sell a man who isn't listening; word of mouth is the best medium of all; and dullness won't sell your product, but neither will irrelevant brilliance.
- William Bernbach
Collection: Business
Image of William Bernbach
Research can trap you into the past.
- William Bernbach
Collection: Business
Image of William Bernbach
Is creativity some obscure, esoteric art form? Not on your life. It's the most practical thing a business-man can employ.
- William Bernbach
Collection: Art