Wendell Phillips

Image of Wendell Phillips
Neither do I acknowledge the right of Plymouth to the whole rock. No, the rock underlies all America: it only crops out here.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Rocks
Image of Wendell Phillips
The work resembles a breech delivery-one which is expressed in rhythmic lurches, stabs of phrase and vocal ornamentation designed to express agitation rather than decorative grace.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Grace
Image of Wendell Phillips
Republics exist only on the tenure of being constantly agitated.... There is no republican road to safety but in constant distrust.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Safety
Image of Wendell Phillips
Brains and character rule the world. The most distinguished Frenchman of the last century said: Men succeed less by their talents than their character. There were scores of men a hundred years ago who had more intellect than Washington. He outlives and overrides them all by the influence of his character.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Character
Image of Wendell Phillips
The best use of good laws is to teach men to trample bad laws under their feet.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Men
Image of Wendell Phillips
On a single winged word hath hung the destiny of nations.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Wendell Phillips
Our agitation, you know, helps keep yours alive in the rank and file.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: War
Image of Wendell Phillips
Freedom to preach was first gained, dragging in its train freedom to print.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Firsts
Image of Wendell Phillips
Example acquires tenfold authority when it speaks from the grave.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Example
Image of Wendell Phillips
Take the whole range of imaginative literature, and we are all wholesale borrowers. In every matter that relates to invention, to use, or beauty or form, we are borrowers.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Beauty
Image of Wendell Phillips
Politics is but the common pulse-beat, of which revolution is the fever-spasm.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Political
Image of Wendell Phillips
A large body of people, sufficient to make a nation, have come to the conclusion that they will have a government of a certain form. Who denies them the right? Standing with the principles of '76 behind us, who can deny them the right? ... I maintain on the principles of '76 that Abraham Lincoln has no right to a soldier in Fort Sumter. ... You can never make such a war popular. ... The North never will endorse such a war.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: War
Image of Wendell Phillips
Politicians are like the bones of a horse's foreshoulder-not a straight one in it.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Horse
Image of Wendell Phillips
Revolutions never go backwards.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Revolution
Image of Wendell Phillips
Republics exist only on tenure of being agitated.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Republic
Image of Wendell Phillips
Revolution is the only thing, the only power, that ever worked out freedom for any people. The powers that have ruled long and learned to love ruling, will never give up that prerogative until they must, till they see the certainty of overthrow and destruction if they do not. To plant-to revolutionize-these are the twin stars that have ruled our pathway. What have we then to dread in the word Revolution-we, the children of rebels!
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Stars
Image of Wendell Phillips
The heart beats louder and the soul hears quicker in silence and solitude.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Heart
Image of Wendell Phillips
War and Niagara thunder to a music of their own.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: War
Image of Wendell Phillips
Insurrection of thought always precedes the insurrection of arms.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Arms
Image of Wendell Phillips
Sin is not taken out of man, as Eve was out of Adam, by putting him to sleep.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Taken
Image of Wendell Phillips
Government began in tyranny and force, began in the feudalism of the soldier and bigotry of the priest; and the ideas of justice and humanity have been fighting their way, like a thunderstorm, against the organized selfishness of human nature.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Fighting