Tyler Oakley

Image of Tyler Oakley
I'm one of those YouTubers who doesn't daily-vlog, so my life may seem very open, but my audience only really sees probably 50%. I keep a lot to myself, and I cherish the things that are for me and the people closest to me.
- Tyler Oakley
Collection: People
Image of Tyler Oakley
I'm usually so in control, especially for YouTube videos.
- Tyler Oakley
Collection: Video
Image of Tyler Oakley
I first discovered YouTube while browsing the web, and then I found people just talking into their cameras. I never even knew it was a thing you could do. William Sledd was my first YouTube obsession. He was so unapologetically himself, and just had fun talking to his audience about things that interested him. I thought - if he could do it, why couldn't I?
- Tyler Oakley
Collection: Fun
Image of Tyler Oakley
I keep a lot to myself, and I cherish the things that are for me and the people closest to me.
- Tyler Oakley
Collection: People
Image of Tyler Oakley
I first discovered YouTube while browsing the web, and then I found people just talking into their cameras. I never even knew it was a thing you could do.
- Tyler Oakley
Collection: Talking
Image of Tyler Oakley
The type of person that might thrive on Vine in a six-second clip might not be the same kind of entertainer who would shine on a 10-minute vlog on YouTube. If anything, having these different platforms gives more people a chance to creatively express themselves.
- Tyler Oakley
Collection: Shine On
Image of Tyler Oakley
Over the last eight years of being on YouTube, I've seen so much progress. I think the reason for that is that a lot of young people are having open dialogue and honest conversations about social justice and human rights.
- Tyler Oakley
Collection: Thinking
Image of Tyler Oakley
How many likes you get on a selfie will not be what you remember 10 years down the line. The relationships that you form and the memories that you make and the connections that you make with people day to day are the things you remember.
- Tyler Oakley
Collection: Memories
Image of Tyler Oakley
I'll be a YouTuber for as long as I love it.
- Tyler Oakley
Collection: Long