Tracy Chapman

Image of Tracy Chapman
I love living in California and being able to go to the beach or go to the woods.
- Tracy Chapman
Image of Tracy Chapman
As a child, I spent a lot of time at the library.
- Tracy Chapman
Image of Tracy Chapman
I think many people would say that writers like Stephen King have hypergraphia.
- Tracy Chapman
Image of Tracy Chapman
I'm not sure about anything as far as religion and spirituality go.
- Tracy Chapman
Image of Tracy Chapman
A lot of kids spent more time out of school than in, but I always loved school and thought it was my way out of Cleveland, and out of poverty.
- Tracy Chapman
Image of Tracy Chapman
It's fun playing small venues.
- Tracy Chapman
Image of Tracy Chapman
I started playing and writing songs when I was eight.
- Tracy Chapman
Image of Tracy Chapman
Honestly, I think, as an artist, it's everything that's in your life that informs what you do. So, obviously, growing up in Cleveland has played a big role in how I see the world.
- Tracy Chapman
Image of Tracy Chapman
When we started making 'Where You Live', I bought a bunch of Polaroid cameras in so that people could record the experience. Some of those pictures are in the CD sleeve.
- Tracy Chapman
Image of Tracy Chapman
I mentioned that I received a scholarship to Episcopalian school, and the model for the school was 'From each according to his or her ability and to each according to his or her need.' And it's something that is still really important to me in thinking about how I prioritize what I do with my life.
- Tracy Chapman
Image of Tracy Chapman
I've seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Tracy Chapman
There's a power in words. There's a power in being able to explain and describe and articulate what you know and feel and believe about the world, and about yourself.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Believe
Image of Tracy Chapman
At this point in my life Id like to live as if only love mattered.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Aries
Image of Tracy Chapman
We are the spirit, the collective conscience. We create the pain, and suffering, and beauty in this world.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Pain
Image of Tracy Chapman
Have faith in humankind a respect for what is earthly and an unfaltering belief in peace and understanding
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Faith
Image of Tracy Chapman
So don't be tempted by the shiny apple Don't you eat of a bitter fruit Hunger only for a taste of justice Hunger only for a world of truth 'Cause all that you have is your soul.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Love
Image of Tracy Chapman
Words don't come easily, like forgive me.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Reality
Image of Tracy Chapman
Renounce all those material things that you gained by exploiting other human beings.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Renounce
Image of Tracy Chapman
This youthful heart can love you and give you what you need, but I'm too old to go chasing you around wasting my precious energy.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Love
Image of Tracy Chapman
It's time to start all over/make a new beginning.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: New Beginnings
Image of Tracy Chapman
Why do babies starve /When there's enough food to feed the world /Why when there's so many of us /Are there people still alone
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Baby
Image of Tracy Chapman
As a child I spent a lot of time at the library.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Children
Image of Tracy Chapman
Who took away the part so essential to the whole Left you a hollow body Skin and bone.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Numbness
Image of Tracy Chapman
I really love playing music with other people. It's more fun to be on the road with others. It's kind of lonely out there when you play on your own!
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Lonely
Image of Tracy Chapman
Now love's the only thing that's free /We must take it where it's found /Pretty soon it may be costly
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: May
Image of Tracy Chapman
I don't want someone to squeeze me, that might take away my life. Just want someone to hold me, and we'll rock through the night.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Night
Image of Tracy Chapman
I'm never sure if I'll ever write another song, what the song will be about and if what initially sparked the beginning of a song might complete it.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Song
Image of Tracy Chapman
My old man's got a problem, he lives with the bottle.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Family
Image of Tracy Chapman
I'm not sure if the next song I write is going to be about love or a song about a tree.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Song
Image of Tracy Chapman
I got a plan to get out of here, I've been working at a convenient store.
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Stores
Image of Tracy Chapman
I really love playing music with other people. It’s more fun to be on the road with others. It’s kind of lonely out there when you play on your own!
- Tracy Chapman
Collection: Fun