Tiny Tim

Image of Tiny Tim
I don't want people to think lm hypocritical.
- Tiny Tim
Image of Tiny Tim
If the cap ain't on my Crest, if it's squeezed from the middle and not the bottom, there's a problem.
- Tiny Tim
Image of Tiny Tim
I'm the type of person, I cannot waste time.
- Tiny Tim
Image of Tiny Tim
If you go back to the minors, you have to start swinging and hitting the ball again. I've been in the minors since the '70s semipros, let's put it that way.
- Tiny Tim
Image of Tiny Tim
The only thing I think of is the next hit record.
- Tiny Tim
Image of Tiny Tim
When I first went on the 'Johnny Carson show', the band did not want me, and Carson did not want me. If the audience had not received 'Tiptoe' so overwhelmingly, I do not believe Carson would have let me come over to be on the panel after the song.
- Tiny Tim
Image of Tiny Tim
One day in 1952, I woke up with a high voice.
- Tiny Tim
Image of Tiny Tim
I had this image before Boy George, before the Beatles, before the Rolling Stones.
- Tiny Tim
Image of Tiny Tim
In this business, you're as good as your last hit record, and mine was more than 26 years ago.
- Tiny Tim
Image of Tiny Tim
Night after night in the '50s, I traveled all over New York City. The promoter had 10 acts, and the winner each night would get five dollars; second place would get three dollars, and third place would get two dollars. He always put the best acts on last so the people wouldn't walk out, and the worst acts went on first. He always put me on first.
- Tiny Tim
Image of Tiny Tim
I always love the smell of a bat and a glove, or a hockey puck in the winter time.
- Tiny Tim
Image of Tiny Tim
Remember, it's better to be a has-been than a never-been.
- Tiny Tim
Collection: Remember
Image of Tiny Tim
I'd love to see Christ come back to crush the spirit of hate and make men put down their guns. I'd also like just one more hit single.
- Tiny Tim
Collection: Music
Image of Tiny Tim
I hope I dont give music a bad name.
- Tiny Tim
Collection: Names
Image of Tiny Tim
Keep walking and keep smiling.
- Tiny Tim
Collection: Smile
Image of Tiny Tim
Be content to be what you are; shiny stones and silver bangles only make you look what you really are.
- Tiny Tim
Collection: Looks
Image of Tiny Tim
Believe it or not, Id love to go to the moon.
- Tiny Tim
Collection: Believe
Image of Tiny Tim
I had simply been inspired by Arthur Godfrey (40's) and Ukulele Ike and Cliff Edwards (20's). In there day, they were huge in this country. I bought Godfrey's book "You Too Can Learn To Play Ukulele" and taught myself. It's a very romantic instrument. You can take it on a canoe.
- Tiny Tim
Collection: Country
Image of Tiny Tim
I remember in 37 when trolley cars were so big in New York. It was five cents for a ride... There used to be open-air buses, and you could go up a spiral staircase and sit up on top. Those were great, great days.
- Tiny Tim
Collection: New York
Image of Tiny Tim
When I look at great singers like Sinatra, Bennett and (Tom) Jones, I see great performers that can really move an audience. I really consider myself a troubadour privately and a song-plugger publicly.
- Tiny Tim
Collection: Song