Sylvia Browne

Image of Sylvia Browne
Animal totems, like the tiger, come from the Other Side to protect us while we are away from Home.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Home
Image of Sylvia Browne
The weeds keep multiplying in our garden, which is our mind ruled by fear. Rip them out and call them by name.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Motivational
Image of Sylvia Browne
A spirit is, like, your mother, my dad, who've made it. They can come around, but they come around in a loving way because they've already made it to God. Most people make it.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Dad
Image of Sylvia Browne
Dreams really tell you about yourself more than anything else in this world could ever tell you.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Dreams
Image of Sylvia Browne
The more painful it is, tragically, the more you do learn, though, that's the good part.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Learning
Image of Sylvia Browne
It's so sad: anything that has to do with God, people want to dispel.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Sad
Image of Sylvia Browne
See, Heaven is not someplace on a disc in the sky floating around, it's right here amongst us.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
Reincarnation occurs because we decide that we haven't learned enough lessons.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
Nightmares are releases.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
I think God gave every one of us a cell phone, we just dropped it.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
I've always wanted to put a little solarium on the back of my house. You know. Glass.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
I made the contract with God years ago, that no matter what came through, I would say it, but if I ever hurt someone, I would stop.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
A ghost is someone who hasn't made it - in other words, who died, and they don't know they're dead. So they keep walking around and thinking that you're inhabiting their - let's say, their domain. So they're aggravated with you.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
I don't like tofu. I'd sooner eat a sponge.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
You know, bad people, I've never seen bad people have angels.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
I have the same problems that everybody else does.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
Psychics can never be 100 percent. I think that would be scary to be 100 percent.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
My master's degree was in English literature.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
I don't just talk to the dead.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
Every person who has a reading with me has an audiotape.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
Yeah, I'm very smart.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
I do a lot of stuff. I mean, you know, charity work.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
I don't think that there is a person that I've met - I'm sure there are - that I've had any conflict with.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
I keep a night light on because my room is so full at night, I can't get to sleep!
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
I always tell what I see.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
Everyone dreams, but not everybody remembers their dreams because some people go into delta; they go too low.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
You know what's strange? A lot of men don't dream in color. Women will dream in color more than men.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
I've always been interested in past lives, because they're earmarks of what creates us.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
Steve Jobs was Galileo in a past life. Discovery was instinctual for him.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
I listen to my spirit guide.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
What I think a psychic is, unfortunately, I think in this day and age, it's taken on sort of a rancid sound.
- Sylvia Browne
Image of Sylvia Browne
Look to what you have around you and be grateful, instead of searching for more. All you take with you when you leave this world is love, friendship, and good deeds.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Grateful
Image of Sylvia Browne
I can assure you that those who have already passed have not only made it to the Other Side, but are in a state of bliss.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Grief
Image of Sylvia Browne
Animals are just pure, uncomplicated entities of creation from God. They live like the Maasai do in Kenya-for each day is forever to them and the "Now" is what they live in. You can get aggravated with your pets and yell at them, but in a matter of minutes they are licking your hand again in love.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Animal
Image of Sylvia Browne
Your actions toward others are your bank deposit. It's easy to be good to nice people, but try to be caring to everyone. It is a test.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Nice
Image of Sylvia Browne
Strength is nothing more than enduring life - to be able to survive the heartaches and agonies we go through with our heads held high. Sometimes just walking through adversity to get to the other side is a sign of strength.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Heart
Image of Sylvia Browne
People are afraid to die, and even more afraid to live.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: People
Image of Sylvia Browne
I know that The Other Side, and the spirits who live there, are as real as this earth we live on, and that the only thing separating "her" from "there" is a thinly veiled difference in vibrational frequency.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Real
Image of Sylvia Browne
I know that there is no such thing as death, because our spirit has always been alive and always will be. We are as eternal as God who created us.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Grieving
Image of Sylvia Browne
Animals of every kind live on the Other Side, .. you are not crazy if you feel the spirit of your cat rubbing against your legs, hear the sound of your dog's toenails clicking on the wood floor, or hear the familiar song your bird used to sing. Our pets do come back to visit us.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Dog
Image of Sylvia Browne
It's abundantly clear that we already have extraterrestrials living among us, and people are stepping forward who can communicate with them.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: People
Image of Sylvia Browne
What have you learned from those times when life was easy?
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Problem
Image of Sylvia Browne
In the course of our eternal existence, we spend infinitely more time in the spirit world on the other side than we spend in the human world on earth.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: World
Image of Sylvia Browne
Plant now the roses of Hope, Love, Promise, God Consciousness, and the Glory of your Soul.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Rose
Image of Sylvia Browne
Death is the Graduation of the Soul
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Soul
Image of Sylvia Browne
I'm tired of being scared, and I know you are too. Not that there isn't alot to be scared of in this world today, between the non-stop headlines about wars and nuclear power plants and terrorists and assasinations and civil unrest and economic uncertainty and political doublespeak and insane weather and an environment that's becoming unhealthier by the day. But a point comes when it's too much to deal with, and thinking about it accomplishes nothing more than sending you to bed with a cold cloth on your head.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: War
Image of Sylvia Browne
People continue to fear dying, only because no one ever has.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: People
Image of Sylvia Browne
God is Love, my friends- nothing more, nothing less.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: God Is Love
Image of Sylvia Browne
Death is the reward for living
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Rewards
Image of Sylvia Browne
It does not matter if you believe in God, because God believes in you.
- Sylvia Browne
Collection: Believe