Susan Estrich

Image of Susan Estrich
Violent predators are not like the rest of us. They kill for fun, for sport, for the sake of it. To compare them to animals is an insult to animals. To expect that we can rehabilitate them assumes a will to change.
- Susan Estrich
Image of Susan Estrich
One of the risks of a public trial is a public verdict.
- Susan Estrich
Image of Susan Estrich
Every time I hear someone making ignorant comments about the supposed 'evils' of homosexuality, I think about the true evil of the high suicide rates among gay and lesbian teens.
- Susan Estrich
Image of Susan Estrich
Compared to being caught in the wrong body, being plagued by 'dysmorphic OCD thoughts,' being gay is commonplace and mostly accepted. What once seemed unimaginable and shameful has been revealed to be perfectly normal.
- Susan Estrich
Image of Susan Estrich
Half of me knows too much to be carefree. But the other half knows enough to be grateful.
- Susan Estrich
Collection: Grateful
Image of Susan Estrich
Loyalty isn't standing by someone when he's right - that's good judgment. Loyalty is standing by someone when he's wrong.
- Susan Estrich
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Susan Estrich
I cant begin to count how many times I have warned politicians and candidates to worry as much about the good coverage as the bad, because the more air they put in your balloon, the bigger the target when they start shooting.
- Susan Estrich
Collection: Air
Image of Susan Estrich
Even the most powerful women I know go out of their way to say that they're not really interested in power. Imagine a man saying that.
- Susan Estrich
Collection: Powerful
Image of Susan Estrich
The politics of crime is not about a party's record or a candidates proposals, but about perceived character and values.
- Susan Estrich
Collection: Party
Image of Susan Estrich
Are Republican women politicians more feminine than Democratic women politicians?
- Susan Estrich
Collection: Republican