Sri Chinmoy

Image of Sri Chinmoy
Mysticism, poor mysticism! When it is oversimplified and underestimated, it comes down from its original sphere and stands beside religion.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Spheres
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Miracles do happen in every human life.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Miracle
Image of Sri Chinmoy
O my mind,Make your speech egoless.Then everyoneWill appreciate, admire and adore you.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Appreciate
Image of Sri Chinmoy
What is love? From the spiritual and inner point of view, love is self-expansion. Human love binds and is bound. Divine Love expands, enlarges itself.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Life
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Man can be happy and safe only when the heart feels faster than the mind thinks.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Heart
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Only one flagFlies above all the rest:The flag of universal oneness.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Oneness
Image of Sri Chinmoy
The whole world is looking for miracles. Every day it is dying to see miracles. But can there be any miracle More challenging, more illumining And more fulfilling Than to see and feel the infinite Beauty Of my Beloved Supreme Inside this tinier than the tiniest Gratitude-heart of mine?
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Sri Chinmoy
I am a man of prayer and meditation. I feel inspiration is of paramount importance. If I can inspire someone, and if that person also can inspire me, then we can do many good things for the betterment of this world.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Prayer
Image of Sri Chinmoy
When we meditate, what we actually do is enter into a vacant, calm, still, silent mind. We go deep within and approach our true existence, which is our soul. When we live in the soul, we feel that we are actually meditating spontaneously
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Meditation
Image of Sri Chinmoy
A heart of peaceIs always the bestProblem-solver.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Heart
Image of Sri Chinmoy
It is music that, being the universal language, has no need to learn any particular language of the world.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Music
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Whether we meditate individually or collectively, there is one thing we absolutely must do: we have to meditate consciously. Making an unconscious effort is like forcing oneself to play football in spite of one's utmost unwillingness. One plays, but gets no joy. Conscious effort is like playing football most willingly. One gets real joy. Similarly, conscious meditation gives us inner Delight from the soul.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Football
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Real meditation we get from within or from a spiritual Master. We can never get it from books. From books we can get inspiration or an inner approach to the fulfilment of our outer life. But in order to have true meditation we have to go deep within or follow the guidance of a spiritual Master.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Like kindness, a smile from the heart not only purifies the human mind but also illumines the human heart.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Kindness
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Silence is the nest and music is the bird. The bird leaves the nest early in the morning and returns to the nest in the evening. Similarly, in the spiritual world, divine music comes from the inmost soul of Silence.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Sri Chinmoy
There is a peace That fruitfully lives for me Infinitely more Than I can live for myself.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: I Can
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Death is not the end Death can never be the end. Death is the road. Life is the traveller. The Soul is the Guide ... Our mind thinks of death. Our heart thinks of life Our soul thinks of Immortality
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Death
Image of Sri Chinmoy
The human mind is utterly stupid when it carries, quite willingly, the heavy burden of resentment.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Stupid
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Miracles are everywhere to be found When I surrender my infinite desires To my immortal aspirations.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Miracle
Image of Sri Chinmoy
A peaceful worldIs an immediate, utter and absoluteNecessity.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Peace
Image of Sri Chinmoy
How do we meditate silently? Just by not talking, just by not using outer words, we are not doing silent meditation. Silent meditation is totally different. When we start meditating in silence, right from the beginning we feel the bottom of a sea within us and without. The life of activity movement and restlessness is on the surface, but deep below, underneath our human life, there is poise and silence. So, either we shall imagine this sea of silence within us or we shall feel that we are nothing but a sea of poise itself.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Talking
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Sympathy does not think. It acts. It acts to remove. The ceaseless sufferings. Of the world
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Sympathy
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Never give up! Never give up! Physical fitness is of paramount importance. There is no age limit when we live in the heart and when we try to be of prayerful and soulful service to God in the heart of humanity.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Love is never afraid of fear. Fear is always afraid of love
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Love Is
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Those who run after happiness will never be happy. Happiness is something that has to come to the fore from within.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Running
Image of Sri Chinmoy
How do you meditate? You meditate with an inner cry. There should be an inner cry here, in the heart. The outer cry is ego-centred; it wants name and fame. ... While you are feeling this inner cry, you try to make the mind absolutely calm and quiet. If a thought enters your mind, you try to reject it. Consider this thought as a fly. When a fly comes to land on your arm, you don't allow the fly to remain; you just wave your hand and it goes away.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Heart
Image of Sri Chinmoy
This mind is the doubting mind, and in the doubting mind we can never feel the presence of peace. We can feel the presence of peace only in the loving heart.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Peace
Image of Sri Chinmoy
This world of ours has everything save and except one thing: peace. And this peace has to start from within. If I have peace of mind, then only can I be of help to you. If you have peace of mind, then only can you be of help to me.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Peace
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Not the power to conquer others but the power to become one with others is the ultimate power.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Conquer
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Now is the time to make good use of time. Today is the day to begin a perfect day.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Today Is The Day
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Allow failure to teach you A supreme lesson: Each sunset is the beginning Of a very, very bright And powerful sunrise.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Powerful
Image of Sri Chinmoy
The inner light actually comes from the soul; it is already inside us. The moment we can have free access to our soul, we will see that this light is coming to the fore to permeate our whole outer existence.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Light
Image of Sri Chinmoy
A spiritually established life is not an easy task. But a materially satisfied life is an impossible task.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Tasks
Image of Sri Chinmoy
An unaspiring person believes according to what he achieves. An aspiring person achieves according to what he believes.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Believe
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Hope is sweet. Hope is illumining. Hope is fulfilling. Hope can be everlasting. Therefore, do not give up hope, Even in the sunset of your life.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Motivational
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Just one smile Immensely increases the beauty Of the universe.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Meditation
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Hope and faith are two intimate brothers; they always go together. Hope nourishes faith and faith treasures hope.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Brother
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Be kind, be all sympathy, for each and every human being is forced to fight against himself.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sri Chinmoy
True inner joy is self-created It does not rely on any outer circumstances A river is flowing in and through you carrying the message of joy. This divine joy is the sole purpose of life.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Self
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Friendship must never be buried under the weight of misunderstanding.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Friendship
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Love is something that never cared to learn how to judge anybody.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Life
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Try not to change the world. You will fail. Try to love the world. Lo, the world is changed. Changed forever.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Life
Image of Sri Chinmoy
A moment's truth can and shall make the world beautiful. A moment's peace can and shall save the world. A moment's love can and shall make the world perfect.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Sri Chinmoy
I begin by imagining the impossible and end by accomplishing the impossible.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Impossible