Shayne Ward

Image of Shayne Ward
If somebody tells me I'm famous I say, 'I'm not.' I can't see myself as famous and I don't think I'll ever call myself famous. I definitely don't feel famous.
- Shayne Ward
Collection: Famous
Image of Shayne Ward
Once I got in the public eye there was no going back.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
I'm a proper mummy's boy.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
I don't think that money makes you any better brought up than I was.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
It's easy to have the wrong type of people around you.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
I don't see the point in being bitter.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
I've always wanted to act.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
I grew up in Manchester in a big Irish family - there are seven of us in all - so my life has always been about role-playing, about doing anything for a laugh. I'm always joking about; that's the way I am.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
I love a challenge, and I think it's when people least expect you to do something that you often do your best.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
I'd love to venture into TV or do some gritty dramas - Guy Ritchie, that kind of thing.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
Obviously there are a lot of 12-year-olds over in America who are incredible singers.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
You judge people as you meet them.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
Children are so precious.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
I love to write poetry.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
Yes, I adore the fact that girls like me.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
Have you any idea what it's like to live under the same roof as four women? Armageddon is the best word for it.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
I can never go to a clairvoyant. I'd be too afraid of what they might tap into.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
My maxim is that no one's ever made it. I haven't and that's why I work my hardest.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
I put my money in property and I love merchandise; such as Muhammad Ali boxing gloves. It's about stability for the future.
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
What I said to my family is, 'Our history is our own. Let people write what they want, we know who we are.'
- Shayne Ward
Image of Shayne Ward
If somebody tells me I'm famous I say, 'I'm not.' I can't see myself as famous and I don't think I'll ever call myself famous. I definitely don't feel famous. To me, this is just a job.
- Shayne Ward
Collection: Thinking
Image of Shayne Ward
I would never have been discovered without the X Factor. I was just doing the working men's clubs and I loved doing that. That was the life for me at that time. I never expected to be noticed doing that, that's why I went for X Factor by myself.
- Shayne Ward
Collection: Men
Image of Shayne Ward
What I said to my family is, 'Our history is our own. Let people write what they want, we know who we are.
- Shayne Ward
Collection: Writing