Shawn Michaels

Image of Shawn Michaels
Even though I wrestled Ric Flair very early on in my career, it was a short match, so getting to wrestle him later on in my career was a benchmark. Wrestling Hulk Hogan was a benchmark for me.
- Shawn Michaels
Image of Shawn Michaels
I love wrestling, and I think there was something in me that needed to come out, and I was very fortunate to allow it to come out in the WWE and make a living doing that, and I enjoyed every second of that.
- Shawn Michaels
Image of Shawn Michaels
For me, being in retirement, it was just having the opportunity to watch other stuff and do different things.
- Shawn Michaels
Image of Shawn Michaels
I like learning new stuff, also, and I can sit there and watch shows on National Geographic and the Discovery Channel or stuff like that and learn something new. I think once you've gone through such a long stage of learning one thing, you're not as well-rounded as you'd like to be.
- Shawn Michaels
Image of Shawn Michaels
I talked a bunch of crap for years and then went out and worked hard. That's the extent of it. There's no magical genius to it, as much as I'd like to think there is. I'm just a guy who works hard - and I hope guys are challenged by that.
- Shawn Michaels
Image of Shawn Michaels
Years ago, I was always serious, and now I chuckle and make jokes to create a calm environment because 'WrestleMania' can be a high-pressure atmosphere.
- Shawn Michaels
Image of Shawn Michaels
The entrance is important, but it's the in-ring performance that fans truly remember. My zipline entrance has become so much bigger over time, but I still think fans remember the match more than anything.
- Shawn Michaels
Image of Shawn Michaels
In all the years with WWE, I never really got to really establish the branding of The Showstopper as well as I would have liked to.
- Shawn Michaels
Image of Shawn Michaels
It's one of the things, certainly for me, anyway: I'm learning to take a bigger role in the things that I'm associated with.
- Shawn Michaels
Image of Shawn Michaels
I will give you a show that you've never ever seen before, why?...Because I can
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wrestling
Image of Shawn Michaels
If you're gonna use me as a stepping stone, you'd better step hard!
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
The HeartBreak Kid Lays Down For absolutely... NOBODY!!!
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Heart
Image of Shawn Michaels
Don't hunt what you can't kill
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wrestling
Image of Shawn Michaels
I am the showstopper. The main event. The Icon that can still go.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Icons
Image of Shawn Michaels
It's better to be pissed off than pissed on.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
There's a first time for everything when I'm involved.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
It's time to stop your grinnin' and drop your linen!
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
The showstopper! The icon! The main event!
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wrestling
Image of Shawn Michaels
Man, I have absolutely zero ability into narrowing absolutely any of my favorites into just one, but I have to say, I gotta go between Undertaker and Triple H. Other than all the obvious reasons, but the biggest one for me, those are the only two guys, I could make a mistake and it would be okay. I could put the trust of the match, the story, and absolutely everything into their hands and let go of my control. I'm a control freak (laughs). Those are the only two guys I can let drive and take my hands off the steering wheel.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Shawn Michaels
The Heart Break Kid does not rest in peace. He can stay up ALL NIIIGHT!
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Rest In Peace
Image of Shawn Michaels
I was 'attitude' in this place before it was a catchphrase!
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Attitude
Image of Shawn Michaels
I'd like to thank Mom and Dad, just for the genetics.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Mom
Image of Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels has left the building.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Building
Image of Shawn Michaels
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Girl
Image of Shawn Michaels
I was always hurting to some extent, but never really cared about it. Now, I do care, because I have a reason to be healthy. I want to be able to chase my son around the yard; I want to be able to chase my wife around the house.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Hurt
Image of Shawn Michaels
Back in my day in the WWF oh.. the WW EEEEE, we had it all. We had Garbage men, we had clowns, we had them all. But we had one thing that was real, and that was me
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Real
Image of Shawn Michaels
You were an ass long before I made one outta ya!
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
Now I've heard the phrase 'there's no such thing as an ugly baby' but that is an ugly baby!
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Baby
Image of Shawn Michaels
Available on all video game systems: Playstation 475, Ybox, and Wii 3 4000.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
I don't think The Undertaker and Triple H need Shawn Michaels to deliver a spectacular match or make this incredibly interesting. Those two can do that on their own. Right now, as far as I'm concerned, I'm going to be there watching it like everyone else.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Thinking
Image of Shawn Michaels
It was violent, it was brutal, and it got down right uglyyy!
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
HB-Shizzle's gonna be honest with ya, okay. To hit these bad boys, you have to have pinpoint accuracy.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Boys
Image of Shawn Michaels
I am simply the very best sports entertainer
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Sports
Image of Shawn Michaels
Actually, he said Mr. Shawn 'cause he knows better.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
Oh my God! It's a blackout!
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
See! I just kicked Stan!!!
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
So this is what SmackDown looks like.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
Lord knows, if it's on the internet, it's got to be true!
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
Seriously. Thank you all. In that ring w/all of u watching was THE best place for me for a very long time. Thx for the memories.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Memories
Image of Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels is and always will be a WWE Guy. HBK was birthed in the WWE, and that is where he will remain.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
And when you're actually finally done, and you still got 5 pieces left over, all they wanna do is play with the box!
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
Why can't I beat up John Cena?
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels, is gonna be the man of '96.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Heart
Image of Shawn Michaels
We know you're stashing him, Cena!
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
I wouldn't want to be anyone to usurp the authority of the WWE.
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Wwe
Image of Shawn Michaels
I'm a real American baby!
- Shawn Michaels
Collection: Baby