Shaquille O'Neal

Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I'm always ready for a change. I'm Irish. I'm a leprechaun.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
You know, I'm very photogenic.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
It was a weird game. There was ugly shooting and a lot of turnovers and mistakes, and we were just fortunate to get the win. I should have done better, but it was just a very ugly and weird game... I knew the game was going to be an ugly game when I saw those three guys at the scorer's table. Ugly people call ugly games.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
Obviously, Sam is the type of guy that hides behind his pen and pad. I promise you he wouldn't say that to my face in a dark alley where it's just me and him and no witnesses.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Dark
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
Now, the mistakes that I made with my other two sons, Penny and Kobe, I won't make with D-Wade. We can't let them break us up and we can't break each other up.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
It's his show and I'm just trying to make him look good. If we were the same age there might be a little tension, but I'm on my way out... I am here to serve your every need, King James.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
It's LeBron's team. He's the captain. This is the time in my career where I can fit in. I'm now in the security business. My job is to protect the King, and that's what I'm here to do.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
If he were on fire, he couldn't act as if he were burning. He can't out-act me on the big screen.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I made a 1,600 minus 800 minus 200 on the SAT, so I'm very intelligent when I speak.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Sports
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
That has nothing to do with basketball. That's just because I'm sexy.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
About strip clubs and athletes. The best way I can explain why a lot of players end up there is because it's one of the safest places a high-profile person can spend time in a boring city.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Athlete
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
When I retire, I'm going after his job. If I don't make sheriff, I'm going after his job. He's not that good. You can quote me on that.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Jobs
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I got into foul trouble, so I really kind of had to play on egg shells from there on out.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Nba
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
The NBA is fairy tale and real life mixed together.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Real
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
First person who says that to my face, I'll punch you!
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Media
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
Man, I don't wanna do what all the other guys do. I don't wanna end up in the booth after the games telling you what I think and talking smack about the guys on the floor when they are a lot better than that. I wanna be different. I don't wanna be known as Commentator Shaq. I wanna be a doctor or something good. I wanna be Dr. Shaq, Officer Shaq, Deputy Shaq.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Men
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
That's sort of a trick question, and I don't have a trick answer. Next question, please. You're not going to get me with that question today, buddy...I'm a veteran at this, buddy. Can't get that with me, buddy. Not today.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Media
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I'm playing like Eric Dampier.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
Do we play Chicago again? I going to hit Othella Harrington right in the mouth. If he didn't have his clumsy ass on the floor, I wouldn't have fell. How he got on the ground, I don't know. He's clumsy. Quote me on that. I'm going to get him.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
As a man, you got to know how to take it, so I just took it.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
He's got a ring, so I'm taking home the trophy.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
It means I don't have to charter that big jet for the family.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
Write this: Since my boy is the coach, I'm going to try out for the Dolphins next year. Tight end.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
Finally, I have someone that's like me. My other two pupils were the opposite sides of the moon. But this guy is on the same side of the moon, is on the same planet that I'm on.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I told my wife when I was rolling up, I felt like the president.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I was kind of hoping it was Anna Kournikova.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I think it was 89.2% cheers and 11.8% boos, but I'm used to that.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
The two top teams with nice weather and nice people were Dallas and Miami. Of course, the Lakers wouldn't want to trade me in the same conference, so Miami was perfect.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I said it jokingly, so this guy was just trying to stir something up that's not there. He's just somebody who doesn't have a sense of humor, like I do.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I've been an athlete that's sort of in advance; always thinking. After basketball I'd love to have my own radio show, my own TV show.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. You all should be spanked for this.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Media
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I think Bush came back because Colin Powell was there. Hey, I'm the brigadier general, baby.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I take that as an insult, even at 36.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I'd shoot zero percent before I'd shoot underhanded.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
Phil took us to the finals three out of the five years and you want to fire him and want to bring in Mike Krzyzewski? Come on, man. That's like being married to J-Lo, then dropping J-Lo for a girl that's 5-10, 480 (pounds).
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I feel like Bill Walton - old and shitty.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Funny
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
And if the big dog ain't me, then the house won't get guarded - period.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Dog
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I'm the NBA's best NFL player, and I've always been the sexiest 7-footer in the NBA - for 12 years running.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I think it's a great city. I think it's a fabulous city. But in my young juvenile days, I was an idiot, and I bought 30 cars. And I need to drive those cars, and New York isn't really the place you can do that.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: New York
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
Nietzsche was so intelligent and advanced. And that's how I am. I'm the black, basketball-playing Nietzsche.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
Doesn't matter. If I would've had a beer before the game, I would've been drunk. So I don't believe in 'if.'
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
Remember this-I'm going to bring a championship to Miami. I promise.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
I'll take 14 out of 15 any day of the week, any week of the month, any month of the year, any year of the century. I don't know what comes after century.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
Me having a beautiful wife and great family and friends around me, all the money I've got, all the things that I've got, a Ferrari that I just ripped the top off of and turned into a convertible, the rings I got, the two mansions on the water, a master's in criminal justice, I'm a cop, plus I look good. So me shooting 40 percent at the foul line is just God's way of saying that nobody's perfect. If I shot 90 percent from the line, it just wouldn't be right.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
When I concentrate and focus, they always go in, so I'm gonna continue to do that, and they will go in.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
Coach (Pat) Riley told us on June 8 we'd win the title on June 20.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Winning
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
A lot of coaches play percentages when it comes to me, but that's just a way of saying that you can't stop me.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball
Image of Shaquille O'Neal
They say things happen in three. I won with the great Kobe, the great D-Wade and now it's my job to win one with the great LeBron James. We have everything in place. We just got to get it done.
- Shaquille O'Neal
Collection: Basketball