Sergio Marchionne

Image of Sergio Marchionne
Back in 2005, I introduced a thing which, I don't mind saying this - I mean, we stole it, at least in its basic form, from Toyota - it's called World Class Manufacturing. I mean, it's this pretentious title for something which really involves the revisiting of the manufacturing processes of dedication to the removal of waste.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
The suggestion that we were pursuing consolidation as a replacement for reaching our financial targets by 2018 is fundamentally a bunch of hogwash.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
I won't talk of bad luck. I don't believe in it.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
BlackBerrys are divine instruments.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
The hardest job is getting personalities to mesh.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
I give people a huge amount of rope, and then I hold them accountable for the rope.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
I act like a native in North America. I eat sliders in Detroit.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
I love Obama to talk about Chrysler. It's the cheapest bloody advertising I can get.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
You've got to allow people to make mistakes, even though your gut tells you that the guy is going to get torched.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
I just want to make things that people want to buy. I have no confusion about this.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
The last thing you want is a group of senators who just lent you seven and a half billion dollars to sit back and go, 'Look at these jerks and how they're using taxpayer money.'
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
I like fast cars. I used to be a car buff before I went to Fiat.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
One of the most horrible wastes of capital you see is the duplication of the effort by the car manufacturers to do things that appear to be different from the other guy.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
What is the point of one guy developing a 1.3 engine, and another guy a 1.4? What are you getting for this? And the answer is nothing: a total waste of capital.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
I just want to make a difference. I want to make Chrysler the most profitable car company in the United States.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
If you put a Ferrari sticker on a toaster, it doesn't go any faster.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
There are very few things that are certain in this market - apart from one, and that is that small displacement diesels are dead.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
I think hybrids are inevitable. The question is not the technology: it's a question of the cost and whether the consumer will pay.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
Following the automotive pack down unwise and unprofitable roads is not just naive but also very dangerous.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
The heart of Ferrari is winning in F1. I don't want to see our drivers in 7th and 12th place.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
It is only proper that our employees share in the savings generated by tax reform and that we openly acknowledge the resulting improvement in the U.S. business environment by investing in our industrial footprint accordingly.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
My job is not to make decisions but to set stretch objectives and help our managers work out how to reach them.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
FCA is a culture of leaders and employees that were born out of adversity and who operate without sheet music.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
I am never on holiday.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
I want to study theoretical physics because it is one of the hardest things there is.
- Sergio Marchionne
Image of Sergio Marchionne
Mediocrity is not worth the trip.
- Sergio Marchionne
Collection: Growth
Image of Sergio Marchionne
To cite Enzo Ferrari, we will always sell one less Ferrari than the market wants, that's a policy that will never change.
- Sergio Marchionne
Collection: Change
Image of Sergio Marchionne
International alliances reduce the cost of developing cars significantly.
- Sergio Marchionne
Collection: Car