Sendhil Ramamurthy

Image of Sendhil Ramamurthy
As the actor, you can't go in saying, 'I'm the bad guy.' You've got to think your reasons for doing what you're doing are good.
- Sendhil Ramamurthy
Image of Sendhil Ramamurthy
You spend most of your time as an actor unemployed, so you're not going to hear me complaining that I haven't had a day off in three weeks.
- Sendhil Ramamurthy
Image of Sendhil Ramamurthy
I've never seen the first three 'Star Wars' movies. It's just not really my genre.
- Sendhil Ramamurthy
Image of Sendhil Ramamurthy
I was pre-med, so I was going to go into the family business, more or less. But I came to my senses, luckily, and backed out, and decided to go to drama school.
- Sendhil Ramamurthy
Image of Sendhil Ramamurthy
Since 'Heroes' started, I've probably had about 15 or 16 film scripts sent to me with Indian characters, and out of those, maybe one was good.
- Sendhil Ramamurthy
Image of Sendhil Ramamurthy
'Heroes' was a huge show with 12 cast members and giant special effects.
- Sendhil Ramamurthy
Image of Sendhil Ramamurthy
My mother is teaching me Indian recipes. I'll go to the market, get everything fresh, have a glass of red wine, and just do it. I find it really therapeutic.
- Sendhil Ramamurthy
Image of Sendhil Ramamurthy
I've never really been a big sci-fi guy or a big comic book guy.
- Sendhil Ramamurthy
Image of Sendhil Ramamurthy
I think Deepika is the best looking girl and actor in Bollywood.
- Sendhil Ramamurthy
Collection: Girl
Image of Sendhil Ramamurthy
Ive never really been a big sci-fi guy or a big comic book guy.
- Sendhil Ramamurthy
Collection: Book
Image of Sendhil Ramamurthy
I've gotta say that there's very little that I miss about being a beast, if I'm being totally honest. It's just not a fun experience to go through.
- Sendhil Ramamurthy
Collection: Fun
Image of Sendhil Ramamurthy
It's not the outer appearance that matters, it's what's inside.
- Sendhil Ramamurthy
Collection: Appearance
Image of Sendhil Ramamurthy
I like the physicality in doing the different physical motions, being a beast.
- Sendhil Ramamurthy
Collection: Different
Image of Sendhil Ramamurthy
I just think make hay while the sun shines really when you're an actor. When the opportunities present themselves you just better take them, otherwise you just don't know.
- Sendhil Ramamurthy
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Sendhil Ramamurthy
I feel more at home in London than in Los Angeles, definitely. If I could have my choice, I certainly would live in London as opposed to LA. I just prefer it here. But I love the work and in LA there's just so much more of it, and as an actor you kind of have to go where the work is. Luckily, I've been able to get the work out there. If work brings me back here, and a project is here and I can do it, I'll jump at the chance.
- Sendhil Ramamurthy
Collection: Home