Saint Basil

Image of Saint Basil
As God illumines all people equally with the light of the sun, so do those who desire to imitate God let shine an equal ray of love on all people. For wherever love disappears, hatred immediately appears in its place. And if God is love, then hatred is the devil. Therefore as one who has love has God within himself, so he who has hatred within himself nurtures the devil within himself.
- Saint Basil
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Saint Basil
When someone steals a person's clothes, we call him a thief. Should we not also give the same name to the one who could clothe the naked but does not?
- Saint Basil
Collection: Names
Image of Saint Basil
He who confesses magic or sorcery shall do penance for the time of murder, and shall be treated in the same manner as he who convicts himself of this sin.
- Saint Basil
Collection: Magic
Image of Saint Basil
We should not think that we achieve success in preaching through our own devices, but we should rely entirely on God.
- Saint Basil
Collection: Thinking
Image of Saint Basil
Men whose sense of taste is destroyed by sickness, sometimes think honey sour. A diseased eye does not see many things which do exist, and notes many things which do not exist. The same thing frequently takes place with regard to the force of words, when the critic is inferior to the writer.
- Saint Basil
Collection: Eye
Image of Saint Basil
Persecution has come upon us, right honorable brethren, and persecution in the severest form. Shepherds are persecuted that their flocks may be scattered. And the worst of all is that those who are being treated ill cannot accept their sufferings in proof of their testimony, nor can the people reverence the athletes as in the army of martyrs, because the name of Christians is applied to the persecutors. The one charge which is now sure to secure severe punishment is the careful keeping of the traditions of the Fathers.
- Saint Basil
Collection: Christian
Image of Saint Basil
Whatever requires an undue amount of thought or trouble or involves a large expenditure of effort and causes our whole life to revolve, as it were, around solicitude for the flesh must be avoided by Christians.
- Saint Basil
Collection: Christian
Image of Saint Basil
No one who is in this world will deny that evils exist. What, then, do we say? That evil is not a living and animated substance, but a condition of the soul which is opposed to virtue and which springs up In the slothful because of their falling away from good.
- Saint Basil
Collection: Spring
Image of Saint Basil
If one had taken what is necessary to cover one's needs and had left the rest to those who are in need, no one would be rich, no one would be poor, no one would be in need.
- Saint Basil
Collection: Taken
Image of Saint Basil
God who created us has granted us the faculty of speech that we might disclose the counsels of our hearts to one another and that, since we possess our human nature in common, each of us might share his thoughts with his neighbor, bringing them forth from the secret recesses of the heart as from a treasury.
- Saint Basil
Collection: Heart
Image of Saint Basil
You can see that a city is prosperous by the wealth of goods for sale in the market. Land too we call prosperous if it bears rich fruit. And so also the soul may be counted prosperous if it is full of good works of every kind.
- Saint Basil
Collection: Land
Image of Saint Basil
If, therefore, there is any grace in the water, it is not from the nature of water but from the Spirit's presence there.
- Saint Basil
Collection: Water
Image of Saint Basil
O God, enlarge within us the sense of fellowship with all living things, even our brothers, the animals, to whom Thou gavest the earth as their home in common with us. We must remember with shame that in the past we have exercised the high dominion of man with ruthless cruelty so that the voice of the earth, which should have gone up to thee in song, has been a groan of pain. May we realize that they live, not for us alone, but for themselves and for Thee and that they love the sweetness of life.
- Saint Basil
Collection: Song