Ryan North

Image of Ryan North
Librarians are awesome; I don't care who knows it.
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
I've said this before, but I think one of the reason so many of the cartoonists I know have become friends is because the Internet is a much more cooperative space.
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
There may be this hidden, hate-filled community of online cartoonists, but if there are, I haven't found it yet. We're all generally pretty nice people, it turns out!
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
The challenge is to stay true to the characters while also having them be entertaining every day, because it turns out that just watching someone be true to themselves isn't that rad to watch.
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
In earlier comics, my only priority was telling a joke in the last panel, but now I try to make every panel as interesting as possible, and that normally means at least a li'l joke there.
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
I am a big proponent of the pal-centric lifestyle.
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
What I thought would be fun would be Squirrel Girl being this computer science student, working in STEM, because you don't see a lot of characters there, never mind female characters. Also, I studied computer science, so it's not too hard to write.
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
I do actually do good work! And it's hard! And I'm worth it!
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
You always hope a book's going to be a success. I don't think I've ever written a book thinking, 'This will be bad and no-one will like it!'
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
I read all these Marvel wikis, and there are characters that just stand out to you, and you think, 'How is this character not being used? This is crazy.'
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
I thought there was something inherently interesting in people turning to gold. It's pretty cool.
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
Everything I write should have lasers. That's my #1 rule.
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
You can always take on more projects; it just makes your life worse and worse.
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
A huge potential audience, great interaction with your readers, the ability to see what people like and what they don't, the ability to see how people respond to what you're doing in real-time - there's just tons of great stuff that you get by being online.
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
For me personally, I get to be a cartoonist, because my comic would never survive in print. Maybe one in 100 people would like it, but online, I can gather that one percent all in one place.
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
It's a lot harder for an author that's unpublished to say, 'Hey, here's a new book.' There's nothing of theirs to read, so you don't know what it's going to be like. Kickstarter is great, but you also have to put your work out there whenever you can so you can build a reputation.
- Ryan North
Image of Ryan North
We need to encourage our kids to express their feelings. We need to help them find their voice.
- Ryan North
Collection: Kids
Image of Ryan North
Sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something.
- Ryan North
Collection: Adventure
Image of Ryan North
The secret to writing sound effects is having a room you can be alone in, trying to make the sounds yourself, and seeing what comes out. It's similar to if you're writing a character talking with their mouth full: the only way I know to transcribe that is to stuff my fist in my mouth and write down what sounds I make when I try to talk.
- Ryan North
Collection: Book
Image of Ryan North
Being hungover is like winning the lottery, only they pay you in regret.
- Ryan North
Collection: Regret
Image of Ryan North
I'm suddenly worried people will think that I believe their religion can be summed up on four sex-obsessed sentences.
- Ryan North
Collection: Sex
Image of Ryan North
Don't worry, it's very clear that the painting was done by a human, most likely a human with one eye removed and a feverent if incorrect understanding of design and anatomy.
- Ryan North
Collection: Eye
Image of Ryan North
We're all already aware of boobies; it is the general state of most people in North America! THANKS, MEDIA AND THE MALE GAZE
- Ryan North
Collection: Media
Image of Ryan North
I'm totally applying assumed Creative Commons rights and ripping this post from Jason verbatim, since it says everything I want to.
- Ryan North
Collection: Rights
Image of Ryan North
They are "sexcellent". That is a pun for you, you will find lots of puns on the internet! Also: blonde jokes.
- Ryan North
Collection: Blonde
Image of Ryan North
I speculate that the genesis of the chicken-joke lies in some situation such as the one illustrated above, but over time the original context of the joke was lost, which left the chicken sadly decontextualized.
- Ryan North
Collection: Lying
Image of Ryan North
If you find you are not understanding my explaination for a joke, hit F5 on your browser and the page will refresh and I will explain it again.
- Ryan North
Collection: Understanding
Image of Ryan North
ComicsAlliance asked if I wanted to do some holiday comics using a new layout and I said ‘HELLO, NEVER IN MY NEAR-DECADE OF MAKING COMICS HAVE I EVER DONE THIS, so actually I’m really glad you asked!’
- Ryan North
Collection: Holiday
Image of Ryan North
But giving up's easy. You know what's hard? To believe in your own worth, to know you've got something special in you even if nobody else can see it. Even when you can't.
- Ryan North
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Ryan North
Scientists need to invent a way to make DNA work like in cartoons.
- Ryan North
Collection: Dna
Image of Ryan North
Progress! Progress through everybody dying and their kids eventually not caring who their parents hated!
- Ryan North
Collection: Kids