Ryan McGinley

Image of Ryan McGinley
My dad was in the Korean War. He got shot seven times. He had seven bullet holes in him. And out of his troop of 35 guys, he was one of nine guys that came back. And when he came back from that he had seven kids in seven years.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: Dad
Image of Ryan McGinley
The cool thing for me about moving to New York was that I got to create a new family.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: New York
Image of Ryan McGinley
My mom had seven kids in seven years, and then she had me 11 years later. So when I was born, my oldest brother was 18. And my youngest brother was 11. By the time I was 7 or 8, everyone had moved out. I went from being with ten people all the time to being an only child. It really freaked me out.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: Mom
Image of Ryan McGinley
I couldn't wait to come to New York to reinvent myself.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: New York
Image of Ryan McGinley
I was pretty Irish Catholic Jersey, the middle of the line.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: Catholic
Image of Ryan McGinley
There was no luxury. I never got on an airplane until I was 18. We drove everywhere. My dad was like, "Waste not, want not."
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: Dad
Image of Ryan McGinley
I was growing up in the suburbs; I was one of eight kids. So I did have a community when I was younger, but all of my brothers and sisters were older.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: Brother
Image of Ryan McGinley
You find the people that you need to find. There's this gravitational pull.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: People
Image of Ryan McGinley
Whatever emotions you're going through, you somehow seek out the people that are going through similar emotions or that maybe have something you need.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: People
Image of Ryan McGinley
The thing about being a photographer that's so cool is that you get to participate, but you also get to disappear. The camera is in front of your face all the time.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: Cameras
Image of Ryan McGinley
I think a lot about control nowadays, and I really want to let go and just be more in the moment.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Ryan McGinley
The camera gives you some control.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: Giving
Image of Ryan McGinley
When I moved to New York, I was still in the closet.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: New York
Image of Ryan McGinley
Everyone started to have a camera. That's when I started to travel outside of New York and go into nature.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: New York
Image of Ryan McGinley
I really don't want to be part of just one group. I'm interested in doing everything - making music videos, shooting campaigns, having -gallery and museum shows, making movies. Everyone wants to put you in a box, and I'm afraid I'm not that kind of person.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: Kind