
Image of Rosalia
Music is a language in itself and the songs have their own soul, every song has its soul.
- Rosalia
Collection: Music
Image of Rosalia
When I was a teen, I would draw a really, really long line around my eyes with eyeliner, like Lola Flores.
- Rosalia
Collection: Teen
Image of Rosalia
I love flamenco. It's very difficult music to sing. But I think of any genre as a snow globe - you don't admire it for its stillness. You have to shake it up and see how it explodes.
- Rosalia
Collection: Music
Image of Rosalia
Knowing how to dress is an art.
- Rosalia
Collection: Art
Image of Rosalia
It's our roots that really give us our identity.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
Flowers are divine, they have divine qualities that I adore. And they also connect me with femininity.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I don't force things. I can have a wish, and then I let God lead me on the path, bringing me what I need - and always trying to be alert to receive it.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I'll always identify with the image of a strong woman. I believe that in what I do and in my sense of self, there's a vindication of women. There's power.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I started from zero. Nobody in my family is connected to the industry. Not a single contact in the music industry or in the entertainment industry.
- Rosalia
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Flamenco is the most honest and visceral music. You have to be sincere when you sing it. If you're not, it doesn't work.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
Everything is in flamenco. Spirituality, loyalty, humility, valor.
- Rosalia
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Camaron has been one of my greatest inspirations.
- Rosalia
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I always liked motorcycles and cars when I was a kid.
- Rosalia
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Guajira, colombiana, milonga, rumba - all these styles are flamenco. They're part of the musical tradition in my country, and they are in Latin America too.
- Rosalia
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During isolation, one can bring a different approach to the creative process.
- Rosalia
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I grew up in Sant Esteve Sesrovires, a small village near Barcelona. My house was near the countryside, so there was a lot of nature, and at the same time my village is surrounded by factories. That conditioned me a little bit.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I am rooted in flamenco. At 13, I fell in love with it, but I couldn't sing it. To sing flamenco is like being a kind of opera singer. You have to learn how.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
There is no one who makes decisions for me - never.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
Oh my God, my English is the worst!
- Rosalia
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When I was around ten, I decided I would devote myself and my life to music.
- Rosalia
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There's a lot of magic in voices. I love voices that are very old, very gravelly, very deep. I like metallic voices; I like velvety voices. The voices of children.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
When I sang in bars and weddings, where you have to fight to be heard, you gain incredible humility.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
Music is beyond races, beyond territories.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I like to do things in my own way and have my own personal language, but I can't control how it's received.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I'm increasingly conscious of the fact that, even when we know a lot, there's an element of blind faith. For things to work well, you have to surrender to the moment. This is especially true of writing, producing and truly giving it all in a performance.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I respect the flamenco tradition.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I'm going to have to keep fighting until I find the same number of women in the studio as there are men.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I have no prejudice about which music is better. I listen to Vivaldi. I like Nick Cave. I love Travis Scott, James Blake, Lola Flores. Music can serve many functions. And so I listen to everything!
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I know that I will age making music, and I want to see how my music changes with the years.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I wanted to have absolute control over my music - from the chords and the voicings of the songs to the arrangements and the production.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
My favorite flamenco singers, they're not trying to look pretty. They're trying to put truth in what they do, in the way they express themselves. Sometimes that's not beauty, but it's beautiful.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I'm always loyal to how I understand music, how I want to present myself, how I understand my job.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
In my home there was a garden and many trees, and I remember growing up without fear. Everything was very steep amongst the trees and I remember running up and down always trying to go faster. I would go so fast that there would be a trail of my steps that I would leave behind.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
My mother always had flowers at home, they were always there. In the garden, on the table, fresh flowers. I think I relate flowers to the women in my life.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
Flamenco is the reflection of the street. It's that thing that's so beautiful, that comes directly from the people. It has so much truth, tragedy, falling in love, falling out of love, flamenco has it all. You can learn so much, that's why it's so incredible and so beautiful.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
For me, music is about experimentation.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I want every record I make to be different to the one before - even if I fail one day.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I have so many references in my head - flamenco, classical, Latin, too many. I come in and put it all on the table, with no prejudice, and just start working, working, working.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I see really long nails as a form of extreme, radical femininity. They make me feel strong.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
It is very important that people understand how important flamenco is to the Gypsy community. There have been some amazing Gypsy artists. It's important that we give visibility to that, but at the same time people have to be fair and recognise that Paco de Lucia was the biggest guitar player in this style of music in the world and he wasn't Gypsy.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
When an artist becomes pop, it's because the people choose it. Yes, you can have that dream to be a big pop star, but it's the audience that puts you in that position. I never had a paid marketing campaign, it was never like that.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
When I began to record 'El Mal Querer,' I didn't have a label or a team. It was just my family - my mother and my sister - and my friends.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I can't walk around like I used to, and there's always paparazzi waiting outside the studio.
- Rosalia
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Everyone around me has maximum respect for my vision.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
It's a lot more interesting to dig into the popular music from where I'm from than adhere to some kind of standardized global pop.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
When I get my nails done, I usually go with my friends.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
Planes do not inspire me.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I think it's nice when people let themselves cry. I like to let it flow.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
I think I have something special. I am confident that I am going to be an artist.
- Rosalia
Image of Rosalia
Even though the public may perceive me differently, I always feel like I'm learning something new, and I like seeing myself this way. It keeps me focused on doing things with the love and care that comes from knowing you can always improve. I always have that in my head.
- Rosalia