Roddy Piper

Image of Roddy Piper
Ask me for my shirt off my back, I'll give it to you. Tell me? Not a chance.
- Roddy Piper
Collection: Chance
Image of Roddy Piper
Guys like Ole Anderson, Gene Anderson, Mad Dog Vachon, Johnny Valentine. I love them to death. I'll love them forever.
- Roddy Piper
Collection: Death
Image of Roddy Piper
In the morning, I'm juicing two apples, two carrots, two celery, two beets, two ginger. I'm drinking that every morning to try to keep the cancer away.
- Roddy Piper
Collection: Morning
Image of Roddy Piper
For years and hundreds of thousands of miles, I drove with one knee, with the eight-track and the light dome on in the car, and a yellow pad, just writing down random ideas. I had notebooks and notebooks. The next morning, I'd go, 'Whoa, what was I thinking?' But there'd be one or two ideas that weren't that bad.
- Roddy Piper
Collection: Morning
Image of Roddy Piper
I've been in 30 car crashes, none of 'em my fault, I swear on a stack of midgets... OK, they were probably all my fault.
- Roddy Piper
Collection: Car
Image of Roddy Piper
When I get to Heaven, I'll want to fight.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I never faked my emotions or my desire to be a winner.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
The WWE gave me a family and a life.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
Bagpipes is a woodwind instrument, so you have to warm it up. But in a wrestling dressing room? You've got to be kidding me.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I only had an A game... no matter where I was.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
Only thing I ever thought I'd see is a picture with me in a uniform with stripes on it and a number under my mug shot.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I'd never seen a professional wrestling match. First one I saw, I was in. It was just an accident.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I'm kind of a go-get-'em kind of guy.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
Burt Reynolds, the first time I met him, he introduced me at Madison Square Garden at Wrestlemania X.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I've had over seven thousand pro fights.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I broke my right ankle. Four ribs. One rib went into my liver. My spleen. My back in two places.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
Wrestlers are the best.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I'm not as sharp as I used to be.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
The business has taken a toll on me.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
You never let somebody come from outside the business, have their way with the business, and then leave the next day and laugh at you. How the hell does David Arquette become World Champion?
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I'm very proud of The Rock.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
A lot of guys that were trailblazers, if we were to go back to the actual time, were just really scared and had no choice, but the water's rushing in, and you either swim or sink.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I was 15 years old when I started wrestling full time, and I know what I had to go through to get here.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
When I was 14, I was 5th in the world playing bagpipes - that's how I got the name Roddy the Piper, and then, you know, eventually it just became 'Roddy Piper.'
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
My first match lasted 10 seconds, and I lost.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I'm as real as they come.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
The bottom line is, don't be a lifer. Get in, get a business, get five years of what you can, and get out. What happens is they start listening to the promoters, 'You'll get the next main event.' And then, all of a sudden, you become a lifer. That's the kiss of death there. Get in shape, go in, get the money, get out, and have a wonderful life.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I owe everything to my fans. They were the ones who cheered for me, and they were the ones who gave me the means to provide for my kids.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I was trained by, at the time, the toughest man in the world. Not according to him, either. His name is 'Judo' Gene Lebell, and he trained Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris. He's the godfather of MMA.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I'm a villain at heart. I'm a born villain.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
It's one thing to talk the talk; it's another thing to walk after getting whacked with a coconut.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
One night, I knocked out Mr. T, kicked Cyndi Lauper, chased Dick Clark back to his locker room, and slapped Little Richard.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
It seems like I have been fighting someone, something, someplace, in some manner, my whole life.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I am really good with Lego!
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
Getting into the voice-over booth, there are no cameras and no inhibitions.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I put my heart into my career, and the people knew that I did that; and I went from being the most hated man to one of the best loved.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I hate a bully, and I hate racists.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
Many hotels, I just sat there and - I call it the silent scream - I don't know why, you just sit there, and tears will just come down, and you'll just sit there for hours, man. There's no place to turn, and when you do turn, who cares? You're just a dumb professional wrestler.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
It was by accident I got into wrestling. Somebody didn't show up, and I just filled in.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
The heel runs the match.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
Wrestling has a tremendous entrance plan. You come in, and it's, 'Boy, here you are. It's rock and roll; it's wonderful.' It's got no exit plan.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I've got a lot on my shoulders, but I've got the most beautiful family in the world.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
We got an old saying: I would rather you punch my teeth down my throat than throw a popcorn punch!
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
For anyone who's not familiar with 'Piper's Pit,' they need to know one thing - there's absolutely no rules.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
Only people who can't draw money need belts.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I was going nine times a week. You get to a point where you don't really know who you are. You're running on high octane, and you'll take all comers in every arena because there was no police. Every arena, you'd take on everybody that would come in the ring.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
If you are the heel, and if you are doing your job right, you are most hated.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I was raised by the last of the Gorgeous George era. You don't let somebody come from some other business, walk in your business, make a fool of ya and go back into his business and laugh at ya. So if you watch Wrestlemania the very first one, I was the general and here was the rule: don't let Mr. T throw a punch; keep it strictly amateur with him.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
If you've got some to say to Ric Flair, you come say it to me, and I'll make the translation.
- Roddy Piper
Image of Roddy Piper
I left home when I was 13. When I was 15, I was living in a youth hostel, and I was the 167-pound amateur wrestling champion.
- Roddy Piper