Robert Hilburn

Image of Robert Hilburn
I don't want to be the cranky old guy, but a lot of critics are too forgiving of mediocre artists. When you see these 'American Idol' people on the cover of 'Rolling Stone' being written about as serious artists, there's something wrong with that. You can erase them from the history of rock n' roll, and you wouldn't notice.
- Robert Hilburn
Image of Robert Hilburn
I took a musician friend of mine to a Rolling Stone concert once, and all he did was cringe. I asked him what was wrong, and he said, 'Keith Richards' guitar is out of tune.' But 'Tumbling Dice' still sounded great to me.
- Robert Hilburn
Image of Robert Hilburn
I'm guilty of being perceived as having narrow taste. I went after the artists that I thought were important - Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Bruce Springsteen and stuff.
- Robert Hilburn
Image of Robert Hilburn
I don't understand why people take Beyonce so seriously. You don't feel like there's a living, breathing person. It's not flesh and blood. It's just flesh and flesh.
- Robert Hilburn
Image of Robert Hilburn
When the Eagles were starting out in the early '70s, it would have been hard to imagine anyone in the fledgling, country-accented rock group someday seriously challenging the artistic punch of Neil Young or Joni Mitchell.
- Robert Hilburn
Image of Robert Hilburn
Artists frequently argue that videos trivialize a song and that touring for months at a time works against the creative process, not to mention maintaining a normal lifestyle. Doing something about these complaints, however, is rare because promotional videos and touring are considered essential elements in building multimillion-unit album sales.
- Robert Hilburn
Image of Robert Hilburn
The way he tells it, George Michael was born to be a pop star. It's as if nothing else really mattered during his childhood. Even the name was part of the pop creation.
- Robert Hilburn
Image of Robert Hilburn
By 27, Bob Dylan had already written 'Highway 61 Revisited,' the Beatles had released 'Rubber Soul,' Bruce Springsteen had recorded 'Born to Run' and U2 had delivered 'The Joshua Tree.'
- Robert Hilburn
Image of Robert Hilburn
There's not a great danger in releasing the first single from an album without a video because the momentum from the last album will cause large numbers of fans to buy it.
- Robert Hilburn
Image of Robert Hilburn
At times, Singer Johnny Cash rubbed dirt from the earth under his fingernails in order to avoid any arrogance which might stem from his fame, by reminding himself of his roots and origins.
- Robert Hilburn
Collection: Order
Image of Robert Hilburn
I haven't felt the excitement for so many years. I feel guilty beyond words about these things. When we're back-stage and the lights go out, and the manic roar of the crowd begins, it does not affect me. The fact is, I can't fool you. It isn't fair to you or to me. The worst crime I can think of is to trick people by faking it, and pretending to be having 100% fun.
- Robert Hilburn
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Hilburn
I think it is hard to find happiness, as a whole, in anything. The days of tender youth are gone. I think you can be delirious in your youth, but as you get older, things happen.
- Robert Hilburn
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Hilburn
I thought I pretty much knew Johnny Cash's life. But one of my personal discoveries was how little we know about any of these people.
- Robert Hilburn
Collection: Discovery
Image of Robert Hilburn
Take any celebrity - all we really know is what they choose to tell us, or what they show us in public.
- Robert Hilburn
Collection: Shows
Image of Robert Hilburn
He [Johnny Cash] always wanted to use his music to lift other people up, to say no matter how much trouble, there's hope. That was always his message in his songs. That's why he and [Bob] Dylan bonded so much, because they were both trying to do something meaningful.
- Robert Hilburn
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Robert Hilburn
Me growing up in the '60s and '70s, there was almost something romantic about drugs, Keith Richards taking drugs and stuff.
- Robert Hilburn
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Robert Hilburn
Country music is full of affairs and cheating; that's where all those Hank Williams songs come from.
- Robert Hilburn
Collection: Country
Image of Robert Hilburn
It's important to realize that everybody who went into country music, and most everybody who went into rock and roll in the '50s, they had no more goal than a hit on the jukebox. Johnny Cash from the very beginning had a goal that he wanted to make music that lifted people's spirits.
- Robert Hilburn
Collection: Country
Image of Robert Hilburn
There was a lot of sorrow in [Johnny] Cash's life. Even while he's trying to make music to inspire people he's fighting day after day with his own demons and sorrows.
- Robert Hilburn
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robert Hilburn
I learned how difficult it is to be an artist. There are always compromises. The record company wants you to do this, your fans want you to do this, your family, you can't concentrate on your work. It's a hard thing to be an artist and not give up. That's why I have so much respect for people like Dylan and Neil Young and Tom Waits, because they keep at it. I have a new respect for a true artist.
- Robert Hilburn
Collection: Giving Up