Robert Gober

Image of Robert Gober
I was a gay man living in the epicenter of 20th-century America's worst health epidemic.
- Robert Gober
Image of Robert Gober
When I was a young artist, and I would go look at other artists' career retrospectives, and I was often disappointed with the lack of story line... What was missing to me was the story of where the artist came from and how they got to where they were.
- Robert Gober
Image of Robert Gober
When you grow up being taught to worship, whatever that means, there is an array of body-rich symbols: tears, blood, crucifixion, the stations of the cross, transubstantiation... Faith is a belief in something that is irrational, and so to have faith, there is some correlation there with the belief in the art.
- Robert Gober
Image of Robert Gober
For the most part, works of mine are untitled. There was a brief period where I had poetic titles for works, and they're embarrassing now. I think, for the most part, it's not something that I have talent for.
- Robert Gober
Image of Robert Gober
I think art is about human existence. Almost by default I'm expressing my experiences as a human.
- Robert Gober
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Gober
Whenever I give a talk about my work I am invariably asked who my influences are. Not what my influences are, but who.. As if the gutter, misunderstandings, memories, sex, dreams, and books matter less than forebears do. After all, in terms of influences, it is as much the guy who mugged me on Tenth Street, or my beloved dog who passed away much too early, as it was Giotto or Diane Arbus.
- Robert Gober
Collection: Dream
Image of Robert Gober
You grow up trying to interpret, worshipping, visual symbols. It's a body-soaked imagery that you're looking at.
- Robert Gober
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Robert Gober
My problem painting from my life was I found that you can't paint dirt without romanticising it.
- Robert Gober
Collection: Dirt
Image of Robert Gober
I think the benefit of a Catholic childhood is your belief in visual symbols as transmitters of information and clues about life, whether it's the mystery of life or life in general.
- Robert Gober
Collection: Thinking