Robert Browning

Image of Robert Browning
Truth that peeps Over the glass's edge when dinner's done.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Truth
Image of Robert Browning
Let's contend no more, Love, Strive nor weep: All be as before Love, - Only sleep.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Love
Image of Robert Browning
I know what I want and what I might gain, and yet, how profitless to know.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Want
Image of Robert Browning
Inscribe all human effort with one word, artistry's haunting curse, the Incomplete!
- Robert Browning
Collection: Best Effort
Image of Robert Browning
There's a new tribunal now higher than God's -The educated man's!
- Robert Browning
Collection: God
Image of Robert Browning
A lion may die of an ass's kick.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Lions
Image of Robert Browning
Make no more giants, God!But elevate the race at once!
- Robert Browning
Collection: God
Image of Robert Browning
All the breath and the bloom of the year in the bag of one bee; All the wonder and wealth of the mine in the heart of one gem; In the core of one pearl all the shade and the shine of the sea; Breath and bloom, shade and shine,- wonder, wealth, and-how far above them- Truth, that's brighter than gem, Truth, that's purer than pearl,- Brightest truth, purest trust in the universe- all were for me In the kiss of one girl.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Girl
Image of Robert Browning
Italy, my Italy! Queen Mary's saying serves for me (When fortune's malice Lost her Calais): "Open my heart, and you will see Graved inside of it 'Italy.'"
- Robert Browning
Collection: Queens
Image of Robert Browning
Therefore I summon age / To grant youth's heritage.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Age
Image of Robert Browning
Of power does Man possess no particle: Of knowledge-just so much as show that still It ends in ignorance on every side.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Robert Browning
Earth being so good, would heaven seem best?
- Robert Browning
Collection: Heaven
Image of Robert Browning
Where the apple reddens never pry - lest we lose our Edens, Eve and I.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Eden
Image of Robert Browning
Still more labyrinthine buds the rose.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Flower
Image of Robert Browning
Kiss me as if you made believe You were not sure this eve, How my face, your flower, had pursed It's petals up.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Romantic
Image of Robert Browning
Other heights in other lives, God willing.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Life
Image of Robert Browning
Are there not, dear Michael, Two points in the adventure of the diver,- One, when a beggar he prepares to plunge; One, when a prince he rises with his pearl? Festus, I plunge.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Adventure
Image of Robert Browning
Our interest's on the dangerous edge of things. The honest thief, the tender murderer, the superstitious atheist.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Atheist
Image of Robert Browning
Our aspirations are our responsibilities.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Robert Browning
One wise man's verdict outweighs all the fools'.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Wise
Image of Robert Browning
White shall not neutralize the black, nor good compensate bad in man, absolve him so; life's business being just the terrible choice.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Life
Image of Robert Browning
Oh, to be in England Now that April's there, And whoever wakes in England Sees, some morning, unaware.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Morning
Image of Robert Browning
Sappho survives, because we sing her songs; And Eschylus, because we read his plays!
- Robert Browning
Collection: Song
Image of Robert Browning
Talent should minister to genius.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Genius
Image of Robert Browning
I am grown peaceful as old age tonight.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Peace
Image of Robert Browning
God! Thou art love! I build my faith on that.
- Robert Browning
Collection: God
Image of Robert Browning
In the morning of the world, When earth was nigher heaven than now.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Morning
Image of Robert Browning
So munch on, crunch on, take your nuncheon, Breakfast, supper, dinner, luncheon!
- Robert Browning
Collection: Lunch
Image of Robert Browning
Sing, riding 's a joy! For me I ride.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Joy
Image of Robert Browning
God is seen God In the star, in the stone, in the flesh, in the soul and the clod.
- Robert Browning
Collection: God
Image of Robert Browning
Truth never hurt the teller.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Hurt
Image of Robert Browning
Desire joy and thank God for it. Renounce it, if need be, for other's sake. That's joy beyond joy.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Joy
Image of Robert Browning
Good strong thick stupefying incense-smoke!
- Robert Browning
Collection: Strong
Image of Robert Browning
Since there my past life lies, why alter it?
- Robert Browning
Collection: Lying
Image of Robert Browning
The past is gained, secure, and on record.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Past
Image of Robert Browning
Silence 'tis awe decrees.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Silence
Image of Robert Browning
Escape me? Never, beloved! While I am I, and you are you.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Beloved
Image of Robert Browning
From the sprinkled isles, Lily on lily, that o'erlace the sea.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Islands
Image of Robert Browning
T'was a thief said the last kind word to Christ. Christ took the kindness and forgave the theft.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Kindness
Image of Robert Browning
At last awake from life, that insane dream we take for waking now.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Life
Image of Robert Browning
It 's wiser being good than bad; It 's safer being meek than fierce; It 's fitter being sane than mad. My own hope is, a sun will pierce The thickest cloud earth ever stretched; That after Last returns the First, Though a wide compass round be fetched.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Clouds
Image of Robert Browning
Men are not angels, neither are they brutes.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Angel
Image of Robert Browning
You call for faith: I show you doubt, to prove that faith exists. The more of doubt, the stronger faith, I say, If faith o'ercomes doubt.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Faith
Image of Robert Browning
Each life unfulfilled, you see; It hangs still, patchy and scrappy: We have not sighed deep, laughed free, Starved, feasted, despaired,—been happy.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Stills
Image of Robert Browning
Rejoice that man is hurled, From change to change unceasingly, His soul's wings never furled!
- Robert Browning
Collection: Men