Rob Reiner

Image of Rob Reiner
When I read 'Stand By Me,' it was like, 'This is a look back at the same time period when I was growing up, and it was about kids, but it really felt like what it was like to have those powerful feelings of friendship at age 12.' That's what got to me.
- Rob Reiner
Collection: Friendship
Image of Rob Reiner
Everybody talks about wanting to change things and help and fix, but ultimately all you can do is fix yourself. And that's a lot. Because if you can fix yourself, it has a ripple effect.
- Rob Reiner
Collection: Change
Image of Rob Reiner
Something is wrong here, and it's more than easy access to guns or violence on TV. It's about lack of love and attachment to loving people early in life.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
They always say girls mature faster than boys, but I don't think that's true because I think girls just are more mature than boys. We're always trying to catch up to them.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
I'd never ask an actor to do something I couldn't do - not that I'm the best actor in the world - but if I can do it, then I know that anyone I hire can do these things.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
The most important thing is that you be a good person and you live by the golden rule of do unto others. If you live by that, that's all I care about.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
I like writing because you can make things happen and turn out the way they never do in real life.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
People can be ignorant and still have loving, human qualities.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
There's not one film that I've ever made that could get made today by a studio, not one - even 'A Few Good Men' because it's an adult courtroom drama, and studios do not make them any more. And so every movie that I make, have made and will make is always going be independently financed.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
If you are a creative person, you try to create things that are an extension of yourself.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
When I show up to act in a movie for somebody else, I just want to be nice and helpful and do what they want because I know how difficult it is to make a movie. I don't want to cause any problems. So you show up and do your job, and I think if a director understands that, you don't make a lot of demands.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
When I was doing 'All in the Family,' half the time, I was looking at where the cameras were, where were the other actors in the scene, what the audience was doing.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
It's a very slow process - two steps forward, one step back - but I'm inching in the right direction.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
I know how sobering and exhausting parenthood is. But the reality is that our children's future depends on us as parents. Because we know that the first years truly last forever.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
Every single person in jail for a violent crime had a nightmare childhood.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
I think Jews are the smartest people in the world.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
We agreed that we cannot let personal political attacks get in the way of doing the very best we can for California's children.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
As far as getting my start, it was really Norman Lear, even aside from being on 'All in the Family.' He helped me get my start as a director. He was the one who said, 'Let him do 'Spinal Tap.' Let him give it a try,' because I had been trying for years to get that thing off the ground.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
I acted when I was young, but at 19, I had my own theater company where I acted but also directed. I also did some theater in Los Angeles. So I was always wanting to direct, even before I became an established actor.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
Martin Scorsese is one of the great filmmakers of all time.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
The marketing costs are insane now. So even if you've got a picture like 'Flipped' which cost under $14 million, or $13.5 million, you're still going to spend on an national basis, if you release with a good national release, you're still going to spend, you know, $30-$40 million.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
I love the idea of making movies that kids and adults can go to together and both get something out of it, and not just, 'Oh, I've got to take my kid to the movie because they want to see the next, you know, 'Hannah Montana' movie or whatever.'
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
I love it when people come up to me and they say a line. Like, you know, 'My name is Indigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.'
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
I act once in awhile if something comes up that seems fun. I like to do it - it's a lot of fun because there's no responsibility. You let other people have the headaches. The director has all of the headaches.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
We made the joke when we screened 'Bucket List' that there was 100% desire to see amongst our demographic with a 40% ability to get them to see it.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
I don't think you should necessarily listen to a celebrity just because he is one. But if you can marshal your celebrity and really steep yourself in whatever issue you're trying to promote, it can actually move the ball forward, and we've done that.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
The reason they don't make movies for adults and for people which are the largest bulge of the population is because they are not usually going to the movie the first weekend. They take a while to learn about it, probably word of mouth. It takes a lot of money to release a picture.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
I don't think anybody's all good or all bad.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
I've made movies that nobody saw initially, and then, all the sudden, people over the years pick up on it. Like 'Spinal Tap' and 'Princess Bride.'
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
If you have tapped into something that is real for you, chances are you are going to tap into something that is real for someone else.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
You have to give people the pleasure of giving you.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
Women, the way I see it, are very evolved people. They're more mature, they're more aware of their feelings, in touch with their feelings. They're connected to things that matter more in life. They know what's important. Men basically run around like idiots until we meet somebody who can show us that those things are important.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
To me, acting is like a party. It's like a fun thing to do. You don't have to worry. You don't have to agonize about anything.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
They make three types of movies, and if you don't make one of those three, you have to find independent financing: It's either big-action superhero tent-pole thing, or it's an animated film, or it's an R-rated, raunchy sex comedy. They don't make movies about real people.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
I think it is over-rated. Whenever I go to an Italian restaurant, I never get the tiramisu.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
I saw 'The Grand Budapest Hotel.' I liked it. I saw 'The Fault in Our Stars,' and I could see why young girls like it. But it dropped off like crazy in the second weekend. I liked 'Fed Up' - I love documentaries. I go to a lot of documentaries.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
You work with every actor differently. It's like if you're a mother, if you have children, some children need more discipline. Other children, you back off of a little bit and let them be. It's the same way with actors. Some actors need a lot of hand holding. Other actors like to be let be, and you let them go.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
If I know a guy who's a really good improvisational actor, I'd be foolish not to let him because he'll come up with goodies and all kinds of little freebies that you get.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
You - I don't think anybody ever forgets the first person they fell in love with. That's something that everybody remembers, and it doesn't matter what the time period is or where; I mean, those feelings are always the same.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
It's the only way I really know how to tell the story is to be able to kind of live through the characters. So when I find something that resonates with me, it's usually because it cuts to something very real inside of me; something that I've gone through or experienced.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
A lot of times I'll make films that are mostly character-driven films - stories that involve people. Like, I make the joke: I like to make movies about human beings that live on Earth.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
The first time I ever met Stephen King, he came up to me, and we went to shake hands, and he had, like, this fake rubber rat that he kind of, you know, shook at me. You know, and I said, 'No, this is a cliche - this can't be. Stephen King is trying to scare me with a fake rat?' It was just really weird.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
I actually love Stephen King's writing. I mean, we, actually, at Castle Rock, we've made seven movies out of Stephen King books.
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
I remember once, years ago, I met Sting, and he told me that he had seen 'Spinal Tap' 50 times. He said: 'Every time I watch it, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.'
- Rob Reiner
Image of Rob Reiner
My fear is that the Tea Party gets a charismatic leader. Because all they're selling is fear and anger. And that's all Hitler sold. 'I'm angry and I'm frightened, and you should hate that guy over there.' And that's what they're doing.
- Rob Reiner
Collection: Hate
Image of Rob Reiner
Whether it's films or painting or music or writing a book, the greatest experience is being able to express yourself and what you've gone through, trying to figure out a way to make it into something that's artistic that people can connect with.
- Rob Reiner
Collection: Book
Image of Rob Reiner
I think I have a finely tuned sense of humor. I think just being around it and growing up in it... my dad and Mel Brooks and Norman Lear. These are the people I grew up around.
- Rob Reiner
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Rob Reiner
As you get older, all those dumb clichés, they're all true. You only have a certain amount of time left, and you should only spend it doing the things that you want to do. It's all true.
- Rob Reiner
Collection: Dumb
Image of Rob Reiner
People always said, "I can't believe you made a movie that had no script." Yeah, but here's the thing, if you've got actors who are used to that, and that's what they like to do, they're all good improvisers and they're all people that feel comfortable doing that, then you know, it's not that big of a deal. It's what you do.
- Rob Reiner
Collection: Believe
Image of Rob Reiner
The problem we have right now in Washington is we don't have the face of a leader.
- Rob Reiner
Collection: Leader