Rita Moreno

Image of Rita Moreno
I had no role models from my own community - there was no such thing. Earlier on, there were people like Dolores Del Rio, but I was too young for that - that was before me. There was really nobody out there.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
I was a Spanish dancer. I don't mean to put that down, because that was great, too, but nothing like the kind of dancing you had to do in 'West Side Story,' which was called jazz.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
This is my idea of heaven, coming home and watching the news.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
I'm one of the happiest people I know. I truly am. And it's genuine.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
It's kind of heartbreaking when I talk about it now, I still get very moved by the lack of opportunities that were available to myself and to the very few others who were Hispanic young actresses.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
Lupe Velez was way before me; Dolores Del Rio was way before me, so I had no one. So the only one I could think of that I identified with was this gorgeous creature named Elizabeth Taylor, so she became my role model.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
I can't dwell on past mistakes.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
When you engage your brain, it just keeps getting fatter and richer and wonderful.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
I make a lot of soups and stews at home, and I always have fresh bread with it.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
Elvis was a sweet darling, shy fellow, but he was really boring.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
I love being onstage, I love getting applause, and I love the love that comes across the footlights. It's so much a part of what I do and what I've done most of my life.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
Women over 30 are usually somebody's mother in a 'Porky's' movie, being silly and being ridiculed. There's just not a whole lot for them to do. It's just coffee-pouring on a bigger scale.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
You see a script, and you say, 'Oh, I can play the heck out of that,' talk to your agent, and he says they don't want to see you. That's heartbreaking.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
The reason there weren't any, I am surmising, is that a lot of Latin kids, Latino kids, in those days didn't have the money to take those kind of classes.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
They made me use an accent, which I wasn't thrilled about because a lot of us, obviously, don't have them.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
When was the last time you saw a musical about people at war with each other?
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
Then there's the story of ill-fated love. It's universal.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
When I was in my teens and into my early 20s, I had acne. I used to get those big purple jobs, but not a lot of them, thank goodness, because you really couldn't see them in the films that I did.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
I was born in Puerto Rico - I used to sit in the sun until I looked like a piece of bacon. It's a wonder now that I don't look like an old wallet. I'm a very fortunate person.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
I write with my left hand even though I'm right-handed, I walk backwards in a very safe place - anything that engages your brain.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
I'm so damn lucky to still be here at 85. If I get a hangnail, I don't dare complain! Life is good. I wake up humming.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
I was dancing for my grandpa from the time I was 4 or 5 years old in Puerto Rico.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
When I was girl, you could still get certain jobs if you didn't have a diploma.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
What musical performers bring to straight characterizations is that physical flexibility that comes with knowing your body so well. A lot of actors are terribly awkward. Terribly. And I think it's so important for them, when they're young, to work on their physical selves.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
My voice has many dynamics in it. Like my little body.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
If you can find a way your character moves, you know more about your character than you'd ever dream.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
I get embarrassed when I go to an actor or actress's home and it's filled with pictures of them.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
My video has a lot to do with the inside of a woman. Usually, exercise videos refer to exteriors only. They never talk to a woman where she lives - in her heart and soul. I do that at the beginning and end of mine.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
I'm an afternoon tea maven. I can tell you who has the best tea in every country.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
I am not exactly Mrs. Good Housekeeping, although I love to cook, bake, even iron, but only because it's not mandatory.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
I knew what my scripts would say before I opened them: 'Enter Conchita.' I played handmaidens, Indian squaws, and Mexican dancers.
- Rita Moreno
Image of Rita Moreno
It is through art that we will prevail and we will endure. It lives on after us and defines us as people.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Art
Image of Rita Moreno
I believe staying young at heart is all in one's personal attitude... you can't instill that in anyone.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Attitude
Image of Rita Moreno
You don't die if someone doesn't like you.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Like You
Image of Rita Moreno
My middle name really is perseverance. I've always believed that I had talent, even when I felt like a very inferior sort of person, which I spent a lot of time living my life feeling that I wasn't worthy. But even then I knew that I had something special, and maybe that's what it takes. Maybe people need to have that kind of particular core driving them. But I felt I had talent.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Perseverance
Image of Rita Moreno
I'm an actress, and I am Latina.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Actresses
Image of Rita Moreno
People tell me I look good these days. I look good because I feel good. I know people who are older than I am who are twenty-five... It's all about attitude. To me, age is just a number.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Attitude
Image of Rita Moreno
Retirement is just not in my DNA.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Retirement
Image of Rita Moreno
I'm so happy. I'm one of the happiest people I know. I truly am.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: People
Image of Rita Moreno
Puerto Ricans are many colors - we are Spanish, we're French, we're Thai, Indian, we're almost black, some of us.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Color
Image of Rita Moreno
I love playing people who don't have a sense of humor for instance, there's nothing funnier to me than a person with no sense of humor.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: People
Image of Rita Moreno
I deliberately state my age because it keeps me honest. I think lying is a bad idea. Sooner or later, someone's going to catch you.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Lying
Image of Rita Moreno
I'm one of the most joyous people I've ever met.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: People
Image of Rita Moreno
I grew up thinking I had very little value. It's not something I felt I could share with my mom so it was all inside me.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Mom
Image of Rita Moreno
I'm 85, and I'm still a sexual being, or a sensual being.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Sensual
Image of Rita Moreno
I'm 81 and I'm in the prime of my life.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Prime
Image of Rita Moreno
C'mon, we're actors. We love the attention. We love the applause. We sure don't like to be rejected.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Attention
Image of Rita Moreno
As you get older one tends to develop what I call a wobble. I would rather eat glass than let that happen to my voice.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Glasses
Image of Rita Moreno
I am a naturally buoyant person. I am a naturally energetic person... always have been. I have to say that it's important for everyone, but especially for women (given our bone density issues) to walk - even ambling for a couple of miles is better than not walking at all.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Couple