Rico Lebrun

Image of Rico Lebrun
I shun drawing which is too easily formulated. It does not seem fertilized enough to produce consequences, and a drawing should be a provider of consequences.
- Rico Lebrun
Collection: Drawing
Image of Rico Lebrun
My aim is a continuous, sustained, uncontrived image, motivated by nothing but passion.
- Rico Lebrun
Collection: Passion
Image of Rico Lebrun
If we artists are to survive this period at all - we will survive as spokesmen, never again as entertainers.
- Rico Lebrun
Collection: Artist
Image of Rico Lebrun
Someday when I understand more things than I do now, the fundamentals of my drawing will be so tightly woven into those of existence that I will easily and naturally find the design which is the answer to many questions. Meanwhile, I draw continuously.
- Rico Lebrun
Collection: Drawing
Image of Rico Lebrun
Occasionally, I like to select a mentor, a master, and let him guide me through a revision of one of my paintings... I try to move into his terrain, bringing my own ammunition... I do not believe... that this belittles my own personality.
- Rico Lebrun
Collection: Believe
Image of Rico Lebrun
Seemingly the most easy of crafts, drawing is the one which reveals most tellingly our incapacity to sustain true vision and our acquiescence to the ready-made.
- Rico Lebrun
Collection: Drawing
Image of Rico Lebrun
You cannot simplify love by cutting away all but its essence.
- Rico Lebrun
Collection: Cutting
Image of Rico Lebrun
I worked a great deal then, as you can only do on a set theme, absolved from the obligation to find a new fact, a new subject every day.
- Rico Lebrun
Collection: Facts