Rick DeJesus

Image of Rick DeJesus
When people are saying "rock is dead," it's making everything worse. I would like reword and say "rock is underground." We're really being alienated from every possible facet. Rock radio doesn't even play rock bands anymore. So, they've pretty much stripped away every outlet for us to reach the fans.
- Rick DeJesus
Collection: People
Image of Rick DeJesus
The way that I've always viewed my career, I always do what comes to me. I don't write forty songs per album, I write fifteen to twenty songs and pick the ones that represent this period of my life the most.
- Rick DeJesus
Collection: Song
Image of Rick DeJesus
I write what I see and whatever inspires me. The energy the earth gives me, what's on my mind, or what's in my heart becomes part of the lyrical content.
- Rick DeJesus
Collection: Writing
Image of Rick DeJesus
I like to tell the artist what the song or album means to me, in detail. Then I let the artist run with it and create in an unrestrained manner. Once the artist gets back to me with a few ideas, I like to do the little changes to make it perfectly speak to the audience.
- Rick DeJesus
Collection: Running
Image of Rick DeJesus
Everything is important to me... Forgetting the small details is not wise when you care so much about your music and band. So, I try to put effort and focus into the artwork as well, so it best represents the music that I've put my heart and soul into.
- Rick DeJesus
Collection: Wise
Image of Rick DeJesus
I think I am like everyone else in the music business these days - you have to adjust to the times and deliver whatever people want, and are using to consume the music.
- Rick DeJesus
Collection: Thinking