Regina King

Image of Regina King
I do an annual detox for two weeks, eliminating sugar, processed foods, and simple carbs from my diet. I usually lose 7-10 pounds and look at it as my yearly renewal.
- Regina King
Collection: Diet
Image of Regina King
My father is still so much a part of me - from my physique and fast metabolism, which I'm so thankful for now, to my sense of connection to the universe.
- Regina King
Collection: Thankful
Image of Regina King
Athletes are very cool to me.
- Regina King
Collection: Cool
Image of Regina King
It's kind of crazy to think that I've now been divorced longer than I was married, but I appreciate the journey, because it brought my ex and I back to a friendship that helped us become great co-parents.
- Regina King
Collection: Friendship
Image of Regina King
If you have the opportunity for your art to meet activism, you shouldn't pass that up when it comes your way.
- Regina King
Collection: Art
Image of Regina King
I stay in tune with my family and God.
- Regina King
Collection: Family
Image of Regina King
I never really loved school through junior high, but then I started running track my freshman year, and I was just like, 'Wow, this is cool!'
- Regina King
Collection: Cool
Image of Regina King
I'm just really thankful to have the chance to portray a character you don't see every day.
- Regina King
Collection: Thankful
Image of Regina King
You don't know what unconditional love is. You may say you do, but if you don't have a child, you don't know what that is. But when you experience it, it is the most fulfilling ever.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I've always been athletic - I ran track in high school - and it kept my blood pressure in check over the years. Once I was diagnosed with hypertension, I stepped up my workouts.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I think women supporting women is priceless.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I'm one of those people where, if I go back and look at it, I'm going to feel like, 'I wish I would have... ' I need to just leave it on the floor. What's done is done.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
When you see all the suits in the room, everybody in the room has on suits, you know, the women, too. We're not wearing dresses and chiffon and we're not as fun as we used to be.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I feel like I was lucky to have a mother that allowed me to dream.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I want to live a full life - period.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
The word 'divorce' wasn't foreign to me. As a child of the 1970s, I grew up as part of a generation of kids whose parents got divorced, and it wasn't seen as this terrible thing. Maybe that's why I believed what my father told me and Reina that day: that everything would be okay. But it wasn't.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
Especially in this industry, women challenge men much more now because we're saying, 'We can do it, too.'
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
My biggest challenge will be to play the totally submissive woman. It takes a toll on you when you play someone who's far removed from your personality.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
It's funny that until I actually met my husband, I never thought I'd get married.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
People love to see themselves on screen in a way that makes sense and seems on point.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I've tried to be flexible in my career by doing a little bit of everything and that's worked for me.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
It's incredibly hard out there for women of color.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I watch ESPN all day. If you come into my trailer, ESPN is on. That's the first thing I do when I leave the set.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
A Modern Mom to me is not always someone that juggles a career and family. A Modern Mom is a woman who takes care of herself on the inside and the outside.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I learned a lot from my Mom. My favorite lesson: remember there is no such thing as a certain way to parent and to remember that you are learning along with your child - it's ok to make mistakes.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I love my city and I feel like the majority of the people that are in the city are people from other cities. So I think that L.A. sometimes might get a bad rap because it's known to be so Hollywood-oriented and then underneath that you have crime. But that's really the case in pretty much any major city that you go to.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
My mother was a single mom, and most of the women I know are strong.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
There's a difference between actresses of color and actresses not of color. If you look at how big my movies are.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
If your woman is asleep every time you get home, she's just really tired. Of you.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
You always make a film with the hope that all types of people will want to see your work and that it doesn't matter about your color, but unfortunately it still does.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I know in my own marriage I stayed in it to provide my son with what I thought was a stable background and to give him what I thought was the family life a child should have with two parents. But that isn't always the best way, and it took me taking my son to therapy after the divorce to really see it.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
We know that's the bottom line: if money is made, the powers that be pay attention.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
Children at certain ages have distinct actions, and boys at certain ages have a particular way of acting too.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
If anyone has the opportunity to connect the dots and look at the directors I've worked with, from TV to film, there are some heavy hitters, from Taylor Hackford to John Singleton.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
As an actor, we have to be so vulnerable that it's really hard to involve yourself with the other aspects of filmmaking.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I like working with people. I like talking to people.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
It is impossible to give a performance that makes you unaware of the fact that you're watching an actor and be really involved in all aspects of filmmaking.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I feel like 'Leftovers' is dealing with subject matter that's kind of taboo when you're talking about religion and faith. They found a way to make it mysterious and intriguing without making people upset.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
Acting was a hobby for me when I started out, or maybe it was because there weren't a lot of examples of me when I found an interest in this art form.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
Some people in our business want to play young as long as you can. I just wasn't interested in being a 30-year-old playing a teenager.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I create my own backstory regardless of if I'm told something about the background or not. There's always more that you can develop in your head that makes a character more layered, more honest.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
Now I can always be called 'Emmy winner Regina King.' I think that in this business, it must mean something. Every time someone has won an award, and they're announcing them or speaking about them, that prefaces their name.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I was married for nine years before my husband and I separated and eventually divorced. Just as I'd watched my parents arguing and fighting, my son watched his parents arguing and fighting. It was like history repeating itself, and I felt terrible about him having to witness that.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I would definitely welcome lighter material, but I like to be where the truth lies.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I make smart food choices. I love food, especially fish, chicken, and beef.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I want to be around to see my son grow up and to enjoy my grandkids, which means I need to make my health a priority.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I don't remember a day where I didn't own a pair of Vans or Chucks. I just try to wear what I feel comfortable in.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
A lot of black women still carry a lot of pain when they see black men with women who aren't black, and that's really unfortunate that that could make us so upset. It has to do with self esteem.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I think 'Empire' is entertaining. It's a soap opera. Does it touch on stereotypes? Sure, it does... I don't know if that's necessarily good or bad.
- Regina King
Image of Regina King
I don't think something is a failure if you put your all into it. I'm a big fan of the saying, "Nothing beats a failure but a try."
- Regina King
Collection: Thinking