Reggie Watts

Image of Reggie Watts
I have that language and that set of skills to step out of the way and make music the priority.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: Skills
Image of Reggie Watts
The idea of experimenting with machines to create art was always something I tinkered with.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: Art
Image of Reggie Watts
Whether you're with a group of people, whether you're playing music or whether you're by yourself, even if it's written material, you have to be listening.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: People
Image of Reggie Watts
The stuff that I'm saying, they're not really traditional, structured jokes. It's not like I'm talking about growing up in Chicago or anything remotely close to that. It's basically me juggling words and concepts and phrases and being stupid.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Reggie Watts
Science gives you an understanding of the physical world, and it increases the capacity for fascination.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: Giving
Image of Reggie Watts
In general, I'm in support of promoting art and science in public schools. I think music and science are probably the most important factors for the human brain developing. Even more so than any other fields, because music covers mathematics, cognitive reasoning, motor skills, coordination, like, it's kind of everything.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: Art
Image of Reggie Watts
I'm just kind of interested in focusing on what I'm interested in and just kind of solidifying it, or at least experimenting, or actualizing some of the experiments that I've had in my head for years, either filmicly or with audio.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: Years
Image of Reggie Watts
I guess I'm interested in people and society and what we do collectively in the realm of decisions that shape our world. You know, at least on a human level.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: Our World
Image of Reggie Watts
There are things I believe in to a certain extent, as much as a scientist would. And I like, through the means of entertainment, to explore those ideas.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: Believe
Image of Reggie Watts
There are three different modes: playing piano, just me at the microphone, and me at my effects units. And I can mix those up in different ways.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: Piano
Image of Reggie Watts
If it's physical pain, you just deal with it the best way you can. But if it's more emotional, I don't know. I just try my best to feel it, take it in, and just allow myself to go through whatever may actually come from it. And then a certain amount of it, you can use to transform it through art, which is the healthy way of dealing with it, as well.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: Art
Image of Reggie Watts
I don't have a 10-octave range. No human being has a 10-octave range.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: Range