Queen Latifah

Image of Queen Latifah
I've been giving back since I was a teen, handing out turkeys at Thanksgiving and handing out toys at toys drives for Christmas. It's very important to give back as a youth. It's as simple as helping an old lady across the street or giving up your seat on the bus for someone who is pregnant.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Thanksgiving
Image of Queen Latifah
I don't have to take a trip around the world or be on a yacht in the Mediterranean to have happiness. I can find it in the little things, like looking out into my backyard and seeing deer in the fields.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Happiness
Image of Queen Latifah
Look at people for an example, but then make sure to do things your way. Surround yourself with positive people.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Positive
Image of Queen Latifah
I am not one to turn down macaroni and cheese, even late at night. I love Italian food. I love pasta... A refrigerator full of water and Gatorade? Honey, that's just not gonna happen.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Food
Image of Queen Latifah
I made decisions that I regret, and I took them as learning experiences... I'm human, not perfect, like anybody else.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Experience
Image of Queen Latifah
The objectification of females is not a good thing! Not every rapper does this, but when the lyrics focus solely on the strip club, 'poppin' bottles' and how many girls they can 'tap,' it distorts what kids are learning. I think if there was more of a female presence in hip hop we could break up the monotony. It's all about balance.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Learning
Image of Queen Latifah
Having Black hair is unique in that Black women change up styles a lot. You can walk down one street block in New York City and see 10 different hairstyles that Black women are wearing: straight curls, short cuts, braids - we really run the gamut.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Women
Image of Queen Latifah
Fear can be good when you're walking past an alley at night or when you need to check the locks on your doors before you go to bed, but it's not good when you have a goal and you're fearful of obstacles. We often get trapped by our fears, but anyone who has had success has failed before.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Success
Image of Queen Latifah
My mom has always been my champion. She was very smart and grounded. She said, 'Save your money. Pay your taxes. Don't put everything in one basket,' but she let me explore and be creative.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Money
Image of Queen Latifah
If we focus on our health, including our inner health, our self-esteem, and how we look at ourselves and our confidence level, we'll tend to be healthier people anyway, we'll tend to make better choices for our lives, for our bodies, we'll always be trying to learn more, and get better as time goes on.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Health
Image of Queen Latifah
I don't eat bad food. I probably just eat too much food, and I think a lot of people do.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Food
Image of Queen Latifah
You can't let fear paralyze you. The worse that can happen is you fail, but guess what: You get up and try again. Feel that pain, get over it, get up, dust yourself off and keep it moving.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Fear
Image of Queen Latifah
I think I'd be a great mom, honestly. I don't think I'll have any problem giving them all the love in the world. Discipline will be the hard part.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Mom
Image of Queen Latifah
I always loved all kinds of music. I would watch musicals a lot as a kid, on TV, watch the Fred Astaire movies. I'd watch 'The Wizard of Oz.' I was a big Jerry Lewis fan, and they'd have these big bands and someone singing - some siren, or some guy singing some gorgeous song. I was always enamored of that style of music.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Movies
Image of Queen Latifah
I have always felt strongly about empowering women. I'm living proof that, with confidence and by believing in yourself, you can accomplish any goal.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Women
Image of Queen Latifah
Running for office was definitely something I've thought about. When I was younger, I wanted to major in political science. And I've been engaged in current events since I was a kid. If I can make a difference and feel passionately and capable, then I would. Why not?
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Science
Image of Queen Latifah
I came from a crew, and to me, all the guys I rapped with were better than me, so I was surprised when I was the breakout one. It was definitely a cool thing.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Cool
Image of Queen Latifah
Hip-hop definitely taught me a lot. Having to create your own identity and become known and respected in a male-dominated field - it requires some guts. There are times you have to be strong, and times when you have to stand alone for what you believe in.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Alone
Image of Queen Latifah
Dreams become reality when we put our minds to it.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Dreams
Image of Queen Latifah
Beauty is not just a white girl. It's so many different flavors and shades.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Beauty
Image of Queen Latifah
I often go to bed in my birthday suit. But I like teddies and cute little undies that match. I like a sexy bra and panty set, or little shorts.
- Queen Latifah
Collection: Birthday
Image of Queen Latifah
Be bold, be brave enough to be your true self.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
Every woman is a queen, and we all have different things to offer.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
A lot of people are crazy, cruel and negative. They got a little too much time on their hands to discuss everybody else. I have a limited amount of energy to blow in a day. I'd rather read something that I like or watch a program I enjoy or ride my damn motorcycle or throw back a couple of shots of tequila with my friends.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
Bowling, I like bowling. I've been getting into this bowling thing. It's kinda fun.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I was taught from a young age that many people would treat me as a second-class citizen because I was African-American and because I was female.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I would say I'm voluptuous. Statuesque. Definitely curvaceous.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I am a strong woman with or without this other person, with or without this job, and with or without these tight pants.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
My mother wouldn't allow me to speak slang when I was growing up. But when I got outside, around my friends, it was 'Yo' and 'That's the joint' and 'Yo, what's up?' So I had my game for my friends and my game for my mom.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
If you try to follow everyone else's mold, you'll probably fail at some point because God created us uniquely for a reason.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
If there are kids who want to follow in my footsteps, I'd say that my shoes are too big for them to fill! But their shoe size is just perfect.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
The movie I've seen a million times is 'Steel Magnolias,' directed by Herbert Ross, starring Sally Field and Julia Roberts.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I often find it's just the confidence that makes you sexy, not what your body looks like. It's how you feel about yourself that makes you sexy.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I think as far as the music industry is concerned, it's kind of been the wild, wild West in a way with the Internet, which is not necessarily a bad thing to me.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
Most people don't have so much talent that they can become a success all their own. We all need people to help us and lift us up.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
A confident woman is a sexy woman, in my opinion. And I think guys find that to be the same way.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
God is my homeboy. Jesus is my homeboy.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I feel like every woman is a queen, and we should be treated as such, and we should, you know, sort of request that sort of treatment from others.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
Racism is ignorant. And it's stupid. And it's old. And it's played out. So beat it already with that, you know what I mean? 'Let's all get along' - I'm so tired of that damn sentence, but it's true.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
When I was around 18, I looked in the mirror and said, 'You're either going to love yourself or hate yourself.' And I decided to love myself. That changed a lot of things.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
There are a lot of people who helped make Queen Latifah who she is today. I don't forget, but a lot of people do and get big heads.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
My legs are nice, my lips are shapely, and my breasts are pretty. They popped up when I was 11 and they weren't small then. I was teased, but now those kids wish they had what I have!
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I really don't know how to be anyone else, and whenever I try to be anyone else, I fail miserably. Or I disappoint myself. It doesn't build my self-esteem, and it doesn't help me grow me at all.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
How many crossroads are you allowed to have in life? I seem to have a lot of crossroads. I think maybe I crossed back across the same road too often.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
There were musicians that influenced me, but they weren't all women. Teena Marie was a big influence because she wrote and produced her own music, which let me know that women could write and produce their own music, which was an empowering moment for me.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
Always follow your own path.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
There are times you can't really see or even feel how sweet life can be. Hopefully its mountains will be higher than its valleys are deep. I know things that are broken can be fixed. Take the punch if you have to, hit the canvas and then get up again. Life is worth it.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I've never wanted to be put into a box, not musically.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I have to be realistic about what I can and can't do. So whatever I do has to really be worth it. I like to master the things I do.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I'm not the type that's going to sit and preach to people if they don't need it just because I've been around the block a few times.
- Queen Latifah