Queen Latifah

Image of Queen Latifah
Sometimes I pray when I really feel like I need God to help me with something, and sometimes we just have conversations. We just kick it.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I lost relatives to AIDS, a couple of my closest cousins. I lost friends to AIDS, high-school friends who never even made it to their 21st birthdays in the '80s. When it's that close to you, you can't really deny it, and you can't run from it.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I'm probably proudest of being able to lift a lot of us out of the 'hood. That's the biggest thing, that I've been able to employ a lot of people and give them opportunities.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
To me, I always felt like I was carrying a torch for women of any size to be themselves - it doesn't matter whether you're a size 2 or a 22, just be who you are.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
Business is fun. Controlling your own destiny is fun. Creating an idea and turning it into a movie; finding an artist and guiding their career and bringing them to some type of status - there's joy in that.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
To wanna be me is to go through not just the good but the bad. You wanna share my story identically? Man, you gonna take some lumps.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I remember praying for peace all the time as a kid.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
Lets be clear, Dolly Parton is a rapper. Somewhere before all the country, I don't know what happens up there in the mountains when you're growing up, but she has been spitting rhymes for a very long time - 50 years I'd say.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I know people who are twice as creative as I am, twice as smart, but they didn't do anything because they feared going into a room and opening their mouths. My parents told me to truly accomplish things in my life, there would be times I would have to stand alone. It may be scary, but that's what it requires.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I realized there was racism because people thought, 'Oh, if you like roll 'n' roll, that makes you like a white kid.'
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I was baptized a Baptist, but I'm just Christian, as far as I'm concerned. I could go in any church, doesn't matter if it's Baptist, Protestant, Episcopal, or Catholic.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
New Jersey is a great place to live. And we have given some of the best talent to the world, from Jack Nicholson, John Travolta, to Jerry Lewis to Bon Jovi to Frank Sinatra.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
If you can draw something from my life that helps, more power to you.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I like Pirate's Booty. Prunes and olives, too. I love hummus. I can eat that until I die. I tend to eat mostly organic food.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I never pictured myself as just a rapper; I always wanted to act and do whatever else I could do. I always felt like I could do a lot of different things.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
Don't you want to know what's real and what's not? I remember when I was a kid, you know, this whole Cold War thing. They had us scared of the Russians. So, it's almost like, what's real and what's not?
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I'm not allowed to get a big head, I've still got to do the simple things in life.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I don't have to really be in the 60s. Every time I hail a cab in New York, and they pass me by and pick up the white person, then I get a dose of it. Or when they don't want to take you to Harlem. I grew up with that.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I've hosted the Soul Train awards, the American Music Awards... and I had my own talk show. So if I can't host by now, what the hell can I do?
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I was not born a size 2. I'm not skinny, period. I'm not willing to sleep with the director or step on somebody else's neck to get the job.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
Two records put me over the top with hip-hop. One of them was 'Planet Rock,' and the other had no lyrics - it was called 'Numbers,' from a group called Kraftwerk. Every kid in the 'hood in New York and New Jersey was popping, locking, and breaking to that record. It was the hottest track on the street at the time.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
My mom will make me walk the dogs or take out the trash when I go home.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I enjoy just being me. I don't need to be Queen Latifah, the brand, 24 hours a day.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I did Jay Leno with Mike the Situation, and he just - he lives, like, ten minutes from me in Jersey. He's like, 'If you ever get a flat, call me. I'll come fix your tire.' That's how we do. That's neighborly, you know?
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I learned early that I had to work harder than the white kids and harder than the boys.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I don't feel like I need to share my personal life, and I don't care if people think I'm gay or not. Assume whatever you want. You do it anyway.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I used to do school plays. I never really took any acting classes. I'm just a natural ham, I guess.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
We ignore our feelings a lot, I realize. Many of us have to... until they really bite us in the butt.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I enjoy going to work and having a good time. It's tough when you got to work with people who just are in a bad mood all the damn time.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
As a rapper, you sort of act in music videos and in the persona you adopt onstage. You kinda have to put yourself out there and be courageous even to be a rapper. So, to step into acting was not that difficult a transition to make.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I support many organizations that I feel are doing the right thing, like Alonzo Mourning's foundation, Alicia Keys' foundation, the Make-a-Wish Foundation, and other well-established foundations. I kick out a lot of time and money wherever I can.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I want every day to be life for the living, not just traipsing through it existing. I'm just interested in life and the world and exploring.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
There's the part of my life that the public and I share together. And there's the part that's mine to keep for myself. And that's mine. For me.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I have a drum set in my dressing room. I play drums to relax and have some fun.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
When I was growing up, there were so many musicals you could watch. I like the fantasy of musicals and I love music.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
There are a lot of people who helped make Queen Latifah who she is today. I don't forget, but a lot of people do and get big heads. My mom will make me walk the dogs or take out the trash when I go home. I'm not allowed to get a big head; I've still got to do the simple things in life.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
There was always music in our home. My mom and my dad loved music. I remember when we were kids we would have these great parties at the house with congas and bongos and African drums, and it was amazing. It wasn't until years later that I found out that they were actually Black Panther meetings.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I promised my mom that if, after a year of putting 150 percent into my career it didn't work out, I would go back to school. I never did go back.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I've loved car racing all my life. I watch NASCAR regularly, and drag racing because we have Raceway Park in New Jersey. I think I got it from my father.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
Award shows, like the Grammys, were tough on us early in hip-hop, not even televising our categories or splitting them up on best male or female or any of that. We had to earn them.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I've never been the straight rapper that is going to stand in a cipher and battle all day. I started off battle rapping, but to me, making songs became more important than freestyles... I've met many rappers who can freestyle but can't make a record.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm way more of a joker than I am a serious person.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
When I'm doing something I love, I can lose sleep. I can go and go and go and go. My work ethic is pretty intense. But when it comes to doing something that I don't love every day, I'm not very good at it. That's called work, and I don't like work that much.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I know a lot of people who really aren't beautiful because their attitudes are very nasty... Whether I make the 50 most beautiful list or not, I'm always going to feel like I'm number one most beautiful to myself... I get that from my mom, and my daddy and my friends who raised me.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
Church was a requirement - there was no choice in the matter; so was vacation bible school. Gospel has been in me since I was a kid.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I do feel like I have a direct connection with God for some reason; always have since I was a little kid - I would talk to God, talk to the sky.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
You do silly things for love sometimes and not-so-smart things for love.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
I lost relatives to AIDS. A couple of my closest cousins, favorite cousins. I lost friends to AIDS, high school friends who never even made it to their 21st birthdays in the '80s. When it's that close to you, you can't - you know, you can't really deny it, and you can't run from it.
- Queen Latifah
Image of Queen Latifah
Yeah, I'm from Jersey; it's almost like I was automatically born a Nets fan.
- Queen Latifah