Paolo Nutini

Image of Paolo Nutini
When things get too grand or too big, I struggle to keep up with it all.
- Paolo Nutini
Image of Paolo Nutini
When you're waking up every day, and it's all about you, I don't consider that to be a way to live your life if you can help it. I think people who know me know that I find time to enjoy myself and not take life - or myself - too seriously at all.
- Paolo Nutini
Image of Paolo Nutini
I try not to get too self-absorbed.
- Paolo Nutini
Image of Paolo Nutini
The songs are just an attempt to document what's been happening in my life. If people can relate to what's going on with me, then that's great.
- Paolo Nutini
Image of Paolo Nutini
You've got to make sure that you don't have an airbrushed picture making you look like a 15-year-old cherub when your lyrics suggest otherwise.
- Paolo Nutini
Image of Paolo Nutini
It's all a progression towards hopefully one day making a record that can be the definitive you can offer. Some bands come in with that at first, and the great bands never really stray from that. I want to earn my stripes.
- Paolo Nutini
Image of Paolo Nutini
My father was very encouraging.
- Paolo Nutini
Image of Paolo Nutini
Charts and learning the politics behind making a record - it's pretty soulless.
- Paolo Nutini
Image of Paolo Nutini
I've met such amazing people in their 40s, in their 60s, 70s, and they completely bely their age on paper.
- Paolo Nutini
Image of Paolo Nutini
It was in love I was created, and in love is how I hope I die
- Paolo Nutini
Collection: Love Is
Image of Paolo Nutini
Where'd the days go, when all we did was play? And the stress that we were under wasn't stress at all just a run and a jump into a harmless fall
- Paolo Nutini
Collection: Running
Image of Paolo Nutini
I like to watch a bit of Disney, sprinkle some cocaine on some melon and just sit and eat it. I'm joking, I'm joking. There's no Disney.
- Paolo Nutini
Collection: Watches
Image of Paolo Nutini
I found my mind has changed over the last years. Different vulnerabilities - things that I was never vulnerable to before I am now. And vice-versa. Things I was vulnerable to then are like water off a duck's back. I have a lot less fear. I think I'm getting more determined.
- Paolo Nutini
Collection: Thinking
Image of Paolo Nutini
I like music because... its expressive, you can convey whatever you're thinking through a song. And it's the best respite for me anyway to do it through music. So I like music because you can express and let your soul out through it.
- Paolo Nutini
Collection: Song
Image of Paolo Nutini
Hey, I put some new shoes on and suddenly everything is right.
- Paolo Nutini
Collection: New Shoes
Image of Paolo Nutini
The more I watch politicians in action, it just makes me angry. I watch certain politicians get asked questions that need answers and may just prance around with a big laugh and smile on my face. Politicians have an arrogance. I just do not understand. I've seen more constructive debate since high school.
- Paolo Nutini
Collection: School
Image of Paolo Nutini
When we play Jenny Don't Be Hasty, that's cool because everyone really dances. It's between that and when we play Loving You, that's when you give it your all. Well you give it your all for all of it but that's like proper end singing with your full strength put in.
- Paolo Nutini
Collection: Play
Image of Paolo Nutini
Some songs started from a bass line, some started from having the full lyric and Jim, my drummer, who's also the first guy I've been in the studio with him since 16, sometimes he'd have an idea and I'd put a lyric to it and then the track evolves, there's no set way to write a song.
- Paolo Nutini
Collection: Song
Image of Paolo Nutini
When I was a kid. I never really had luck with the ladies my early years in high school. Then I started singing and I found that helped, so I would go in the talent show every year. It was always some female singer that would go up there and blast out some Celine Dion classic and just blow me away.
- Paolo Nutini
Collection: School