
Image of Ovid
A bitter drug oft brings relief.
- Ovid
Collection: Drug
Image of Ovid
It is some alleviation to ills we cannot cure to speak of them.
- Ovid
Collection: Speak
Image of Ovid
The least strength suffices to break what is bruised.
- Ovid
Collection: Strength
Image of Ovid
The need has gone; the memorial thereof remains.
- Ovid
Collection: Memorial
Image of Ovid
Habit had made the custom.
- Ovid
Collection: Habit
Image of Ovid
What follows I flee; what flees I ever pursue.
- Ovid
Collection: Progress
Image of Ovid
Calumny ever pursues the great, even as the winds hurl themselves on high places.
- Ovid
Collection: Wind
Image of Ovid
The mind conscious of innocence despises false reports: but we are a set always ready to believe a scandal.
- Ovid
Collection: Believe
Image of Ovid
Sickness seizes the body from bad ventilation.
- Ovid
Collection: Body
Image of Ovid
Love's dominion, like a kings, admits of no partition.
- Ovid
Collection: Love
Image of Ovid
If Jupiter hurled his thunderbolt as often as men sinned, he would soon be out of thunderbolts.
- Ovid
Collection: Men
Image of Ovid
Indulgent gods, grant me to sin once with impunity. That is sufficient. Let a second offence bear its punishment.
- Ovid
Collection: Punishment
Image of Ovid
It is expedient that there should be gods, and, since it is expedient, let us believe that gods exist.
- Ovid
Collection: Art
Image of Ovid
Love conquers all things; let us own her dominion.
- Ovid
Collection: Dominion
Image of Ovid
Love is the force that leaves you colorless
- Ovid
Collection: Love Is
Image of Ovid
A thousand ills require a thousand cures.
- Ovid
Collection: Cures
Image of Ovid
Take the advice of light when you're looking at linens or jewels; Looking at faces or forms, take the advice of the day.
- Ovid
Collection: Beauty
Image of Ovid
A wound will perhaps become tolerable with length of time; but wounds which are raw shudder at the touch of the hands.
- Ovid
Collection: Hands
Image of Ovid
These are the evils which result from gossiping habits.
- Ovid
Collection: Evil
Image of Ovid
Devouring Time and envious Age, all things yield to you; and with lingering death you destroy, step by step, with venomed tooth whatever you attack.
- Ovid
Collection: Yield
Image of Ovid
Put faith in one who's had experience.
- Ovid
Collection: Experience
Image of Ovid
That tuneful nymph, the babbling Echo.
- Ovid
Collection: Echoes
Image of Ovid
I too am not powerless, and my weapons strike hard.
- Ovid
Collection: Weapons
Image of Ovid
When the lightning strikes but one, not one only does it terrify.
- Ovid
Collection: Lightning
Image of Ovid
If he should love deny him what he loves!
- Ovid
Collection: Deny
Image of Ovid
A light breath fans the flame, a violent gust extinguishes it.
- Ovid
Collection: Light
Image of Ovid
Seeking is all very well, but holding requires greater talent: Seeking involves some luck; now the demand is for skill.
- Ovid
Collection: Skills
Image of Ovid
It's right to learn, even from the enemy.
- Ovid
Collection: Enemy
Image of Ovid
All things human hang by a slender thread; and that which seemed to stand strong suddenly falls and sinks in ruins.
- Ovid
Collection: Strong
Image of Ovid
Thy destiny is only that of man, but thy aspirations may be those of a god.
- Ovid
Collection: Destiny
Image of Ovid
If it were in my power, I would be wiser; but a newly felt power carries me off in spite of myself; love leads me one way, my understanding another.
- Ovid
Collection: Self Love
Image of Ovid
Envy feeds on the living. It ceases when they are dead.
- Ovid
Collection: Envy
Image of Ovid
Love will enter cloaked in friendship’s name.
- Ovid
Collection: Real
Image of Ovid
Women can always be caught; that’s the first rule of the game.
- Ovid
Collection: Firsts