Molly Shannon

Image of Molly Shannon
I've got wonderful people I get to work with, and I'm trying to focus on that, instead of worrying about, Aw, who doesn't want to work with me? You focus on the ones who do.
- Molly Shannon
Collection: People
Image of Molly Shannon
I do make a conscious effort to not repeat old patterns, instead of being like, But they don't want me! I haven't always been that way.
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Effort
Image of Molly Shannon
I'm very driven by writing.
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Shannon
I'm so respectful of good writing. It's the blueprint for the movie. You have to have that script there because, if you don't, you're going to have problems. It's very important. It's also a gut instinct.
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Shannon
You really get a feeling, when you're reading scripts, pretty quickly. Within 20 or 25 pages, you can get a sense of the part. I always think about whether I'm right for it and whether I can do it. If I don't think I'm right for it, it should go to somebody else.
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Reading
Image of Molly Shannon
I've definitely read stuff that I've been offered, where I've been like, "I can't do this. I think somebody would be better in this than me."
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Thinking
Image of Molly Shannon
I think in show business, it's really kind of easy to perpetuate that feeling of, like, Oh, I don't measure up. Or always having to prove yourself.
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Thinking
Image of Molly Shannon
I have always loved both drama and comedy.
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Drama
Image of Molly Shannon
I consider my comedy to be dramatic comedy. I always wanted music underscoring the dramatic monologue. It was always drama with comedy, in my head.
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Drama
Image of Molly Shannon
I do use my body a lot, to click into a character.
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Character
Image of Molly Shannon
The clothes, the shoes, the gold belts and the necklaces always click me into the character, for sure. You could not feel the character, and then you put on the shoes and get the walk.
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Character
Image of Molly Shannon
Marriage can be complicated.
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Complicated
Image of Molly Shannon
I don't want to do something, if I don't feel like I can do a good job serving the material.
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Jobs