Mick Hucknall

Image of Mick Hucknall
You're damn right I'm comfortable, I've worked very hard to be comfortable. But something I've always tried to impress upon people is that these folks in the houses of parliament affect what's in your wage packet, the welfare of your kids, your health. Why wouldn't we be interested in it?
- Mick Hucknall
Image of Mick Hucknall
I have sensitive skin, so if I shave every day, I go blotchy. I tend to shave and leave it a couple of days. Then a couple of days becomes a week, I look up and I've grown a beard.
- Mick Hucknall
Image of Mick Hucknall
I've got one of those heart-shaped faces and I take weight on my cheeks and jowls and gut, so in pictures I look much heavier than I actually am.
- Mick Hucknall
Image of Mick Hucknall
I love quality drinks - a really good beer, or a great wine.
- Mick Hucknall
Image of Mick Hucknall
In January 1999, I proposed an initiative to the Music Industry Forum which I called Communities In Tune. Its aim was to bring community centres to the Internet generation.
- Mick Hucknall
Image of Mick Hucknall
A Hard Day's Night' is the most perfect pop album you'll ever get to hear in your life; it's filled with definitive versions of the two-minute pop song.
- Mick Hucknall
Image of Mick Hucknall
Otis Redding was the ultimate 60s soul singer. We only get an indication of what he might have become, but he had the best soul pipes a lad could wish for.
- Mick Hucknall
Image of Mick Hucknall
I'm quite happy being famous for what I do but I'm not happy about being famous for the sake of being famous.
- Mick Hucknall
Image of Mick Hucknall
I've read some amazingly derogatory things about me over the years and I've sat there and thought: if you replaced 'ginger' with 'black' or even 'Asian,' you'd be up in front of a judge.
- Mick Hucknall
Image of Mick Hucknall
I like red wine because it's more sophisticated, more complex and mature. It's a bit like me, no longer young but not old yet either.
- Mick Hucknall
Collection: Wine
Image of Mick Hucknall
There are too many people writing about whether they just farted or not.
- Mick Hucknall
Collection: Writing
Image of Mick Hucknall
Yes, but the thing is my influences are so rooted in afro-American culture especially that it's quite sad to not enjoy the same success because the influences are so strong from there.
- Mick Hucknall
Collection: Strong
Image of Mick Hucknall
Well, the good news is that there's quite a lot of cynicism about major labels within radio and the press. I think they have been largely disillusioned by the manner in which the record companies have developed music.
- Mick Hucknall
Collection: Thinking
Image of Mick Hucknall
Its hard to take in. One of our most talented singer songwriters has left us. RIP George Michael. Such sad, tragic news. 2016 please end.
- Mick Hucknall
Collection: Rip
Image of Mick Hucknall
Maybe Simon Cowell for his effect on music. I call him Slimy Cowpat.
- Mick Hucknall
Collection: Effects