Michael Hyatt

Image of Michael Hyatt
Asking questions is one of the best ways to grow as a human being.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Asking Questions
Image of Michael Hyatt
Marketing is really just about sharing your passion.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Motivational
Image of Michael Hyatt
Very simply, a platform is the thing you stand on to get heard. It's your stage. But unlike a stage in a theatre, today's platform is not built of wood or concrete or perched on a grassy hill. Today's platform is built of people. Contacts. Connections. Followers.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: People
Image of Michael Hyatt
Honesty is making our words align with reality. Integrity is making reality align with our words.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Honesty
Image of Michael Hyatt
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michael Hyatt
Watch your mouth: The language we use creates the reality we experience.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Reality
Image of Michael Hyatt
You are the architect of the memories that others will have about you.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Memories
Image of Michael Hyatt
Today is a new day. Your future does not equal your past.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Past
Image of Michael Hyatt
Lead with a personal story. Give your audience a way to connect and show you're a real person.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Real
Image of Michael Hyatt
It’s better to succeed against daunting odds than settle for a fantasy and get nowhere.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Odds
Image of Michael Hyatt
Failure is just a tax on the way to success. It is inevitable but it is not the whole story.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Stories
Image of Michael Hyatt
Most of us have experienced wow moments. We just haven't taken time to think deeply about them.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Powerful
Image of Michael Hyatt
To get more clarity, take a step in the direction of the destination.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Steps
Image of Michael Hyatt
People don't want to commit until they have clarity, but clarity comes with movement.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: People
Image of Michael Hyatt
There's no work-life balance without making decisions and without courage.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Decision
Image of Michael Hyatt
Criticism is like medicine. It’s poison unless carefully administered at the right dose.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Medicine
Image of Michael Hyatt
Our words have power. They impact others, but they also impact us.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Impact
Image of Michael Hyatt
You’re never as smart as you think you are when you are winning and never as dumb as you feel when you are losing.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Smart
Image of Michael Hyatt
Speak in your authentic voice because people have a BS Meter
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Voice
Image of Michael Hyatt
When you know your WHY, you'll know your WAY.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Way
Image of Michael Hyatt
What single brave decision will I make today?
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Decision
Image of Michael Hyatt
What happens to us is not as important as the meaning we assign to it. Journaling helps sort this out.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Important
Image of Michael Hyatt
Amateurs write when they are inspired. Professionals are inspired when they write. This is a subtle but important distinction.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Hyatt
One of the best questions you can ask when something negative happens is this: 'What does this experience make possible?'
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Negative