Michael Franti

Image of Michael Franti
I believe that in order to tackle the big issues of the world today, like environmental issues, we need everybody's involvement. We need the resources of the corporate world. We need the cooperation of governments. We need the wisdom of indigenous people.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Believe
Image of Michael Franti
It's that transformative nature of love and music and yoga that really inspires me.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Yoga
Image of Michael Franti
It's also hard for me to understand growing up not knowing where I came from. I searched for my parents - I started when I was twenty; I found both my mother and my father when I was twenty-two. Trying to catch up on twenty-two years that we can never get back, trying to reconcile that - that's a hard thing for me.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Mother
Image of Michael Franti
I always know when a song is good or close to finished. When I sing it, it makes me feel the emotion. My tears will start flowing or I'll start laughing. I'll start feeling whatever intensity or emotion was the seed of that song.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Song
Image of Michael Franti
I have a passion to make a difference in the world. And that difference can be just making the fans at my show leave with a smile on their face and feeling uplifted.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Passion
Image of Michael Franti
There's sometimes when I feel really balanced, and there's other times when I feel like I'm trying to keep juggling too many balls in the air, and I feel like I'm on the edge of dropping all of them and having them all land on my head, you know? Scheduling is a big part of it, and the other is just remaining flexible and keeping a sense of humor about things.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Air
Image of Michael Franti
Having personal things in balance is more important than the other.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Balance
Image of Michael Franti
Those who start wars, never fight them, And those who fight wars, they never like them...
- Michael Franti
Collection: War
Image of Michael Franti
Don't fear the night time, Because the monsters know that you're divine. And don't fear the sunshine, Because everything is better in the summer time...
- Michael Franti
Collection: Sunshine
Image of Michael Franti
God is too big for just one religion.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Bigs
Image of Michael Franti
Sometimes, I feel like I can do anything, and, sometimes, I'm so alive, sometimes, I feel like I could zoom across the sky and, sometimes, I wanna cry.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Sky
Image of Michael Franti
It doesnt matter if youre black, white, gay, straight, come from different countries, different language... every single person is significant and is meaningful.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Michael Franti
My yoga practice, I do it because when I get on my mat, I know I'm going to be transformed. I know that whatever stresses are in my life or whatever worries I have or whatever monkey mind is happening for me, when I get off the mat, I'm going to be transformed.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Stress
Image of Michael Franti
The more I see, the less I know.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Deep Life
Image of Michael Franti
Television, the drug of the nation, breeding ignorance and feeding radiation.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Michael Franti
Whenever people go out of their way to help other people - there's power and beauty in our diversity.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Helping Others
Image of Michael Franti
We don't have to be good, you know? No one's telling us that we have to do good things, but we do them because we know it makes other people feel good and it makes us feel good.
- Michael Franti
Collection: People
Image of Michael Franti
Every single soul is a poem, written on the back of God's hand
- Michael Franti
Collection: Hands
Image of Michael Franti
The personal revolution is far more difficult, and is the first step in any revolution.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Firsts
Image of Michael Franti
When we all see justice, then we'll all see peace!
- Michael Franti
Collection: Justice
Image of Michael Franti
I want to promote positivity.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Positivity
Image of Michael Franti
Music is also one of the great heart openers. Sometimes, you hear the lyrics of a song and you dance, laugh, smile, or perhaps even cry.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Song
Image of Michael Franti
One of the things I love about yoga is that it brings you into the present moment. You aren't worried about what will happen tomorrow and you aren't thinking about what happened yesterday. It's about opening your heart and living from your heart.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Yoga
Image of Michael Franti
I think that the transformative nature of love is why we are so drawn to it.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Love Is
Image of Michael Franti
When we all see justice, then we’ll all see peace!
- Michael Franti
Collection: Justice
Image of Michael Franti
I’m a news junkie who’s constantly reading newspapers and magazines. I look around and see what’s happening in the world.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Reading