Matteo Salvini

Image of Matteo Salvini
The euro is a failed currency, a wrong currency, a failed experiment.
- Matteo Salvini
Collection: Currency
Image of Matteo Salvini
Statistics tell us that of the 500,000 people who arrived, those who are granted political asylum are more or less 10 percent. I mean those who are fleeing from war, from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, parts of Nigeria. Welcoming them, in all of these cases, is our duty. For illegals, though, expulsion is needed.
- Matteo Salvini
Collection: War
Image of Matteo Salvini
We don't need a strongman. But we need a strong country that is not subordinate to Europe. With its own currency, for example.
- Matteo Salvini
Collection: Country
Image of Matteo Salvini
I'm a federalist. I believe in the Italy of municipalities, of the Renaissance, not in Mussolini's centralization.
- Matteo Salvini
Collection: Believe
Image of Matteo Salvini
We need to push our border across the Mediterranean - hoping that Libya can find a new balance as soon as possible.
- Matteo Salvini
Collection: Balance
Image of Matteo Salvini
I don't believe that either fascism or communism is the solution or that they may come back on this earth.
- Matteo Salvini
Collection: Believe
Image of Matteo Salvini
First of all we need to move past the euro.
- Matteo Salvini
Collection: Moving
Image of Matteo Salvini
Good relations with Russia are great news. Putting a stop to the [Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership] is great news. Defending American industry against the invasion of Chinese products. Renegotiating the role of NATO. And a similar approach on the issue of immigration. This is all great news.
- Matteo Salvini
Collection: Russia
Image of Matteo Salvini
If tomorrow morning Brussels should decide to let Turkey in, Italians wouldn't be free to oppose it, neither in Parliament nor through a referendum. A
- Matteo Salvini
Collection: Morning
Image of Matteo Salvini
In Italy there are two emergencies. This is what I hear, and this is what all the stats say. Employment and security.
- Matteo Salvini
Collection: Two
Image of Matteo Salvini
I don't understand why Italians should be bound to Brussels's choices without being able to express themselves through a referendum.
- Matteo Salvini
Collection: Choices
Image of Matteo Salvini
Italians cannot vote on international treaties.
- Matteo Salvini
Collection: Vote
Image of Matteo Salvini
If Rome gets to decide everything for the north and for the south, it's not a good and just thing.
- Matteo Salvini
Collection: Rome